The changes in Evolution
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The question during the transition from Code Lyoko to Code Lyoko Evolution is a sensitive question for the community which very much divides the fans. As to whether is adheres or not remains a difficult question due to the multitude of issues. Having to reconcile the scriptwriting choice, the autonomy of the new series compared to the old, the constraints of the technique of adaptation, the budgetary constraints and...above all that...the sensitivity of the fans was an agonising problem.

This file is divided into two pages. The first was created in the heat of the moment after the first few episodes of Evolution aired. Its objective was to point out the major changes at the beginning of the new series and comment on them to evaluate if Evolution is a successful adaptation.

[Access the first page in the file]

A second page on which you find yourself now was created at the end of Evolution and its goal is to list all the changes in Evolution compared to Code Lyoko. Some comments decorate it but it remains highly empirical.

[Page summary]
[Disappearance in Code Lyoko Evolution] [Unjustified scenario modifications] [Real-world changes] [Virtual-world changes]


Disappearance in Code Lyoko Evolution
ImageHow else could we start a list of sacrifices in Code Lyoko Evolution but with this. The Forest Sector and the Ice. These two defunct locations should not be in the file, given that their disappearance is justified in the scenario... But the justification is really sketchy and the loss so great...
ImageAnother disappearance... Which can, on the other hand, explain everything. It's the multitude of secondary characters from Code Lyoko. Simple figures in passing as Herb, Nicolas, Milly, Tamiya or even Hiroki... The heroes' families are of no exception... Not even Kiwi! Evolution has really cut down on secondary characters. The budget constraint still remains a reality, and this sacrifice logically falls into the adaptation category, as impoverished as it makes the Universe.
ImageStill because of budgetary constraints but also because of difficulty finding places resembling the right locations in the filming area, certain common Earth locations were also dismissed from the series. The Hermitage, Yumi's house, the science classrooms at the school are all the main well as the secret passage from the boiler room.
The factory is included as it isn't explored and is only limited to the laboratory complex.
ImageThe long list of disappearances lengthens. Evidently, a season of 26 seasons is relatively short to use all the monsters in XANA's menagerie, especially now that the Ninjas and clones take the spotlight. Season 4 consisted of 30 episodes anyway.
So, the Kolossus disappeared, as did the Kalamar, Creepers, and Hornets. The absence of the first two does make sense in terms of plot. On the other hand, for the others, it's an act of crime!
ImageLess identified disappearances are powers. Why less identified? Eh simply because we didn't have confirmation until the final episode. In fact, nothing told us, during the episodes, that one of these abilities weren't going to make their return to centre stage...
However, Yumi's telekinesis, Odd's shield, Ulrich's Triangulate and Aelita's Creativity were indeed removed.
ImageMuch more of an anecdote. Effectively, already in the cartoon, the difference between a XANAfied person and a spectre was tenuous. The presence of one or the other indicated episodes of the same sort of genre.
With the source code quest, XANA seemed to favour spectres and put possession on the back-burner.
ImageFinal disappearance in our list, the Transporter that allowed the heroes to move from the Surface Sectors to Sector 5. A disappearance largely linked to a change in concept in the virtual world which we look at lower down on this page.

Unjustified scenario modifications
Much less evident than the others and subject to debate, we find scenario modifications. It's not nitpicking at the concept of the season (such as the function and appearance of Lyoko), nor even an evolution of the scenario (like the appearance of the Cortex), but rather a modification, without justification, of a written element from the preceding series. These modifications sometimes provoke debates between fans.

ImageSo let's start with what's debated about the most: Aelita's character. It is, keeping all subjectivity, the character which has changed the most psychologically between Code Lyoko and Evolution.
Certain fans see it as a major scenario modification while others defend it as a normal psychological evolution developed to protect herself against Laura. So... Was it too quick or is it logical? It's up to you to choose!
ImageA much more sudden change on the other hand, Yumi's attitude towards William. At the end of the cartoon and even well before that (not to mention episode 59), the Japanese girl largely communicated to the tall, dark and handsome boy that she was hostile towards his presence in the group. In Evolution, she suddenly defends it. The water has certainly flowed under the bridge.
ImageA traumatising scene for us oldies... Jeremy blocked on a maths problem for year 10 students... A writing swindle to shine light on Laura but that doesn't fool anyone!
In episode 20 "Espionage", Jeremy doesn't manage to create a clone in a short time, even though he's had a lot of experience. On the other hand, he recreates the Skidbladnir in a record time in total contradiction with the original series... What is the truth?
ImageOdd's parents, who don't appear, seem to have become more strict and available to come when called seeing as they immediately arrive at Kadic when they receive a catastrophic report card from Odd.
ImageFinally, our dear Ulrich has seemed to put his pencak-silat to the side to concentrate on karate. Maybe the writers felt they could reach more people that way.
ImageTo finish, we'll mention the major modification in the backstory: the time period! To make a more "modern" series, the writers made a huge jump in the setting of the series.
Thus, Franz Hopper didn't disappear to Lyoko in 1994 but in 2003...and the present action takes place in 2013!

Real-world changes
Here we list the changes in the real world. For certain points, we encompass several: as with any adaptation with real-life places, it's obvious that the terrestrial locations will strongly change appearance. We therefore only list the most significant differences.
The locations that have disappeared are cited two sections higher up.

ImageWe'll start with what's probably the most nauseating element in all of Code Lyoko Evolution... The adaptation of secondary characters...
NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING justifies such brutal changes, devoid of any ounce of explanation. A brunette girl or a teen with dark skin shouldn't be more hard to find than an old science teacher and a bearded principal!
Don't forget Anthea's emblematic hair, which went from pink to blonde.
ImageThe spectres have spilled a lot of ink. We find them stripped of some of their skills (such as walking through walls) but gifted with others (hypnosis, sonic cry...). It's true that if XANA 2.0 no longer has an interest in launching massive attacks, its spectres aren't at their best either. A lot of them are more soft and not very aggressive. Others defend this due to XANA's low power level.
ImageOf course, with the live action adaptation, Kadic changes drastically in appearance. No more visible science rooms or secret passage in the boiler room. The cafeterias are in the buildings. The heroes' dormitories no longer have the same appearances. The more addicted fans will lament the poster of Einstein in Jeremy's room or remark that Ulrich and Odd have "exchanged" beds.
It's clear that certain aspects of Kadic Academy were still respected: hallways decorated by arches, a gymnasium, the classrooms on the ground floor, the dormitories on the upper floors... And the beautiful park around the school.
ImageLet's come to an emblem of the series. The famous passage in the park. It seems that seismic activity has intensified in the Parisian region as the manhole has risen more than a metre out of the ground.
All this is linked to a filming constraint. There weren't any manholes in the Soyaux forest where they filmed the park scenes. Plus, the element was designed to be decorative and facilitate for many camera angles, notably those captured from the inside of the sewer passage... And even this isn't really a sewer but a completely concreted passage!
ImageThe factory has undergone several modifications. Minimal, because unlike Kadic Academy, the sets were recreated physically or with CGI. More like a change in how they arrive from the ground floor. The lift now has a keypad on the outside. The heroes no longer press the button to start it up: everything seems automatic.
ImageThe inevitable Holomap and the Supercomputer interface have very much evolved. Discussable evolution given that these elements are entirely created using computer animation.
The Holomap no longer shows a visual representation of Lyoko but a series of data.
ImageAnother notable change in the factory, the Supercomputer, entirely created using CGI. We should probably believe that Jeremy used his free time to change the look of it...
Now, it no longer turns on with a handle but from a terminal with a small key.
ImageFinally, a change that goes hand-in-hand with the time change in the backstory: technology. In 2013, no more are the old Nokia 3310s as phones: our heroes have upgraded. Touch tablets have replaced the old, large laptops. Even the Supercomputer has had a little face-lift: the large headset/microphone through which Jeremy spoke transformed into a ravishing headpiece that fixes right onto the ear.

Virtual-world changes
The 3D universe has undergone a global change due to new 3D CGI. If the action on Earth is more slowed due to it being in live action, we can't say the same of the battles in the virtual world as they've been improved. Overview of the most significant changes, visual or conceptual.

ImageFirst striking change, of course, the heroes' avatars. Their expressions change. We like it or we don't. Their outfits also undergo some alterations. Notably: no more transparent skirt for Aelita, nor cat ears for Odd...
ImageThe most notable element that has changed: Odd's famous gloves. Although nobody has rejected them, - they add class and undeniable power to the character - a small explanation as to why they appeared would have been very welcome. Not even one of Jeremy's updates...
ImageWe've already mentioned the disappearance of certain powers... One per hero. Other powers have evolved, notably Aelita's energy fields which can now become a large shield. Swaggy!
ImageWilliam's outfit is clearly reinvented. Changes were predictable, so they weren't too shocking. Nonetheless, certain fans were hoping for a rendition that was a little closer to his original clothing in episode 65 "Final Round".
Finally, the green on the William clone's clothing in episode 15 "The Codeless" confused more than one person. It's not XANA's usual colour.
ImageArrived much later in the series but well awaited since the trailers: Yumi's staff (or the Yumi stick, as it was called in a PDF). As a novelty in Evolution, this weapon shouldn't have been included in this list... But once again, the staff arrived in the series like a hair in soup. Not a single sentence to introduce it, although we suspect Jeremy programmed it to help fight against the Ninjas.
ImageThe heroes aren't the only ones to be offered a makeover. The vehicles got ones too. For the most part, the change is principally aesthetic. On the other hand, the Overwing is very different. A spoiler on the bottom, a motor sound and handles that work like motorcycle accelerators.
ImageGrand prize winner in the Evolution lottery, the otherwise very vulnerable Skidbladnir now sports two machine guns that can take out a horde of monsters without much difficulty. A new addition appreciated by some fans. Other more pragmatic ones say that with it, the heroes have been stupid not to handle everything with the Skid.
ImageTo conclude with the nice things, it seems that the heroes (and other virtual avatars like the Ninjas) now have colossal physical force on Lyoko. In fact, the Ninjas devirtualise the heroes with simple kicks. William has no difficulty in throwing a Blok, or even Aelita, away from him.
Finally, all the heroes are now capable making impressive jumps.
ImageIn light of that, there's still a list of bad things to go through. Indeed, we don't know if the heroes fare less well in battle or if the monsters have become stronger but there has been a general loss of stamina.
The heroes often find themselves devirtualised in only one hit. They have much more difficulty against a smaller amount of monsters than they'd be used to confronting in the previous series. We note that Aelita is devirtualised far more often than in Code Lyoko and also that Ulrich seems a lot less effective in combat.
ImageWe note several general changes with XANA's monsters. There's no more need to hit them specifically in the eye to destroy them. Their cries have been modified completely, as well as the animation of their destruction sequence.
We don't devote a full point to the Bloks but they haven't used their fire ring or ice beam.
The more observant have also noticed that XANA destroyed them instead of devirtualising them when it no longer had any need for them.
ImageFirst in the line of modifications, the Tarantula. It no longer shoots with its leg guns but with its eye. Actually, it has become a very boring monster and is no longer the leader of the monsters like it was when it arrived.
Final mention, its spider legs allow it to climb vertical surfaces.
ImageYes the Tarantulas have declined, but the Krabes have peaked. They are constantly used by XANA and are much more aggressive than before. No sign of their underside laser in Evolution, on the other hand, their head is now stronger and can deflect some of the heroes' attacks, such as energy fields or fans.
ImageModest change for the Megatanks: they now shoot different lasers,
They seem a tad less resistant seeing as a shock when they roll at too high a speed destroys them.
ImageLast surprise guest in Code Lyoko Evolution, the Scyphozoa. Its modus operandi has profoundly changed. It now implants its tentacles to control its prey. Once again, we like it or we don't.
ImageTo finish up with XANA, we finally remark that it can now use clones of the heroes on Lyoko to defend towers. It does so in episode 15 and especially 21. Beforehand, it had never done that. It had to virtualise a spectre or XANAfy a Lyoko Warrior.
ImageFinal note concerning the change in 3D look, the towers in Lyoko have been redesigned. Their final look is very different. The fans are divided on this subject.
Still: no more cables. And conceptual changes...
ImageIn Evolution, only Aelita is supposed to be able to enter towers! As well as those who possess XANA's source codes. Major change: in Code Lyoko, all Lyoko Warriors could.
There remain the Way Towers which anyone can enter. It seems that the towers no longer have their function of quickly transporting yourself around the Sectors.
ImageNow we'll attack the changes in Lyoko's concept. Why has the Transporter and the tower transport function disappeared? Simply because now, Jeremy can transfer the heroes from one Sector to another anywhere in Lyoko with a simple command...
Too simple, right?
ImageSector 5 has been extensively reviewed. The Celestial Dome loses its primordial use and the heroes no longer access the Surface Sectors through the tunnels.
The Core room is now accessible via a lift and the Core itself has no protection shield.
ImageAnother notable change, the voices of people on Lyoko can be heard EVERYWHERE on Lyoko. That means from one Sector to another, as if the heroes were linked via telepathy. Also practical to develop strategies.
ImageWe'll conclude with a minor detail. During the entering of Code Lyoko, the tower no longer identifies the person who places their hand on the interface.
ImageSecond detail of the same gendre, no more column of light when a body falls into the Digital Sea.