The Neuro-Virtual Transcriber (Lyoko-TNV)
 The Lyoko-TNV

A community event held by France4, the Lyoko-TNV (Transcripteur Neuro-Virtuel/Neuro-Virtual Transcriber) is supposedly one of Jeremy's inventions. Directly linked to the Supercomputer, this invention allows us to discover the secret thoughts of the Lyoko Warriors... In other words, what the heroes are saying on the inside. So, thoughts appear for each episode, each associated with a hero. This allows fans to follow the episode a little more within their own home, during or after it's aired.

The Lyoko-TNV takes the appearance of a Twitter account in reality. Each secret thought was broadcast there in the form of a tweet. Here's the address of the Twitter:

In this file, you can find all the tweets posted by the Lyoko-TNV, translated into English.
We have no information on the origin of these tweets, not even the identity of the person posting them... Consequently, they may not be considered canon.

Because of CLE broadcasting issues, episodes 19 to 26 will probably never have their own TNV feed. For more information, read that file!


[Introduction] [Episode 1 - XANA 2.0] [Episode 2 - The Cortex] [Episode 3 - Spectromania] [Episode 4 - Lady Einstein] [Episode 5 - Rivalry] [Episode 6 - Suspicion] [Episode 7 - Countdown] [Episode 8 - Virus] [Episode 9 - The Bait] [Episode 10 - A Time to Fight] [Episode 11 - Rendezvous] [Episode 12 - Chaos at Kadic] [Episode 13 - Betting on Odd] [Episode 14 - Stowaway] [Episode 15 - Spartan] [Episode 16 - Confusion] [Episode 17 - A Bright Career Ahead] [Episode 18 - Resolve] [Twitter feed]

The following tweets were posted by Jeremy in the days leading up to the first episode premiere.

Jeremy: "All those years fighting XANA... I still can't believe we'll never return to Lyoko.."
Jeremy: "Now that we've defeated XANA, we can finally return to a normal life.."
Jeremy: "I wonder if there will be any new students in our class this year."
Jeremy: "I created a new gizmo that decodes people's thoughts. I call it the Lyoko-Neuro-Virtual-Transcriber. Lyoko TNV for short."
Jeremy: "Just one problem: the Lyoko TNV only works on people while they're virtualised. Plus I haven't been able to test it.."

Episode 1 - XANA 2.0
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

For this episode, Jeremy posts directly to the account. The TNV hasn't been activated at this point and isn't reading anyone's thoughts.

Jeremy: "It's not possible. XANA can't be back!"
Jeremy: "Xana is attacking us. Tell me I'm dreaming..."
Jeremy: "The Lyoko Warriors are back!"

Episode 2 - The Cortex
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Jeremy: "We need to check out this signal in the digital sea. I'm activating the Lyoko-TNV, just in case..."
Lyoko TNV: "Lyoko-TNV ACTIVATED! Now searching for virtualised people."
Aelita: "It's great to be back at the controls of the SKID again..."
Ulrich: "You don't know what you're missing, Odd... Come on, hurry up and join us!"
Yumi: "What is this place..."
Ulrich: "Oh no, Yumi...! And when we were already without Odd..."
Aelita: "This is no time for mistakes. I'm staying on my guard. I don't know what surprises this place has in store for me..."
Aelita: "I think I have the core zone in my sights."

William: "The Cortex is amazing! But where's Aelita?"
Aelita: "He saved my life and I'm on the brink of attacking him with a ball of energy... That was close!"
Odd: "Here I come!!! William, you'd better hide!"
Aelita: "I wonder if my father had something to do with this Cortex..."
William: "Odd is really spiteful... All this because he's a little claustrophobic..."
Aelita: "All this data...these images...could it be...?"
Lyoko TNV: "Lyoko-TNV deactivated until the next virtualisation..."

The Lyoko TNV status messages appear at the start and end of each episode. We won't bother repeating them on this page.

Episode 3 - Spectromania
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Aelita: "I'm worried about Odd. It may be in the form of a little year six kid, but this polymorphic spectre is truly dangerous."
Ulrich: "3 against 3. We should be fine."
Yumi: "Oh no, Ulrich... Not already..."
Aelita: "It's difficult to take cover here! And these darn blocks..."
Yumi: "If I don't protect Aelita, we're dead!"
Yumi: "I really hope Aelita's hunch was right..."
Yumi: "I wish to enter. I wish to enter. I wish to enter."
Yumi: "Yes!!!!"
Yumi: "I hope the second tower isn't protected by too many monsters..."
Odd: "An iced tea...I'm hallucinating... I'm coming, Yumi!!!"
Odd: "I wish to enter... I wish to enter... I wish to enter..."

Episode 4 - Lady Einstein
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Aelita: "Couldn't be happier. All four of us on Lyoko without that nosy Laura!"
Yumi: "Yumi steering, no sign of veering!"
Ulrich: "This ring in the cortex is amazing!"
Aelita: "Daddy, could you be the cause of all this?"
Odd: "Anyone care for a nice tartar Krab?"
Ulrich: "Yumi, hang on..."
Odd: "Aelitaaa!!!"
Odd: "Ouch, maybe I went too far?!"
Yumi: "Hurry, Jeremy! I don't want to take a dip in the Digital Sea!"

Episode 5 - Rivalry
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Aelita: "Phew, Yumi is doing better. It's not cool to be sick on Lyoko!!"
Yumi: "I can't tell the difference, the real William has never held me in his arms!!"
Odd: "Please let this work, please let this work!!!"
Yumi: "Go, go Odd!! I hope it's not too late for Ulrich..."
Ulrich: "Here we go, I'm going to prove that we don't need William in the group!"
William: "Now that we're done joking around, we're going to be a team!"
William: "PHEW!!! All good..."

Episode 6 - Suspicion
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Aelita: "I'm not rushing, I want to know how my father is involved!!!"
Ulrich: "I hope the preparation for her fundraising party is going well! Who's going to help Yumi...?!"
Aelita: "A pink Megapod... Yes please!!!"
Ulrich: "Don't be sick, don't be sick... DON'T BE SICK!!!"
Odd: "It's even better than the worst roller coasters!!! Yeeeehaaaa!"
Aelita: "Open, open, open!"
Aelita: "YES!!!"
William: "You're such a child, Odd!!!"
Aelita: "Lucky Will was there!!"
Aelita: "And this isn't going to be easy all on my own! Thanks a lot, guys!!"
Aelita: "Ok, no monsters, that's something."

Episode 7 - Countdown
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

William: "Yeah! I'm a Lyoko Warrior 100% now, and I'm counting on proving it every time!"
Aelita: "Joke aside, I don't like knowing Odd is all on his own. Let's deactivate this tower quickly."
Yumi: "But...what is this...WALL???!"
Ulrich: "Xana has really gained too much power. If this keeps up, soon we'll be useless against him..."
Aelita: "We NEED to get there. If we fail only Odd will be left to deactivate the tower..."
Odd: "It arranges crepes = it changes face. It's not that hard to understand!"
Odd: "Well I think I'm going to stay on Lyoko today! ;)"
Odd: "I'll finish this up in no time, and then I'll take care of that catastrophe with Samantha... She'll never want to speak to me again..."
Odd: "Who's the most funky Lyoko Warrior??? It's meeeee!"

Episode 8 - Virus
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Aelita: "If only Daddy was still here, he could explain what's not working..."
Aelita: "We're really raking a risk using Laura right now..."
Ulrich: "The problem is that we're not controlling all our actions at the moment."
Aelita: "And there you have it, the serious problems begin."
Yumi: "I'm afraid Laura is dividing us. Things were already a little difficult with William's return."
Yumi: "Odd annoys me by taking so many risks when driving. We have a virus to plant, THAT'S our top priority."
Ulrich: "I think we still have a long way to go before we fully understand what's behind the Cortex."

Episode 9 - The Bait
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Yumi: "It's funny how Ulrich is embarrassed when he talks about me... ;)"
Yumi: "Phewww... I really thought Ulrich had been xanafied."
Aelita: "If XANA spies on absolutely everything we do, we'll never be left alone..."
William: "Alone against all of I don't see the problem."
William: "Ok, I admit it, we can't always go it alone. Thanks, Odd."
Odd: "It's always Xana who's foiling my plans with Samantha! This won't continue for long!!!"
Odd: "Oh yeah, he thinks that much of Yumi? And then Ulrich..."
Odd: "Tony Hawk can go back to bed!!!"

Episode 10 - A Time to Fight
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

William: "Heheh! I admit Yumi's wisecrack wasn't bad. I dig that about her too."
Yumi: "We can't really blame Ulrich for not coming. I understand..."
Odd: "You know Sébastien Loeb?* I taught him everything he knows ;)"
Yumi: "Quit bragging, Odd..."
Odd: "This is your captain speaking... In case of sickness, vomit bags are"
Odd: "No but they're cool, these...these...what are they, anyway?"
William: "Yumi's on fire!!!"
Yumi: "Image !" ("You're going to suffer!")
Yumi: "Thanks to Ulrich, I managed to do the best I can... He knows how to talk to me..."

*Sébastien Loeb is a French racecar driver.

Episode 11 - Rendezvous
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Yumi: "It's rare to see Ulrich so annoyed at Odd... What's gotten into him?"
William: "My motto of the day: DON'T MESS WITH ME!"
Odd: "In life, there are those who talk and those who act...and those who have melon!!!"
William: "Laura at the controls... Our progress isn't going to stop now..."
Odd: "What does everyone have against me today!!! It's ODDious ;)"
Yumi: "Aelita is in danger, I hope Laura will do everything she can to get her out of it. Can we trust her?"
Odd: "Right, OK, it's not my day, it's not my day at all! But who's never run into a wall, huh?"
Ulrich: "Laura, it's time to prove yourself!!!"
Odd: "The Oscar for most promising actress goes to... Mrs Einstein!"
William: "No, actually my motto of the day is: ABSOLUTELY DON'T GET ON MY NERVES!"

Episode 12 - Chaos at Kadic
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Ulrich: "We're laughing but we don't know where the danger's coming from. I don't like that..."
Aelita: "Each time I think about how Xana has gained more power, I think of Daddy... It really hurts..."
Odd: "Aelita and Laura, it's true love!"
William: "Laura really is magnet for trouble, this can't be!!!"
Odd: "I'm unbeaten at Gran Turismo, Dirt, Forza Motorsports, WipeOut, the wheel of the Megapod, of course!!!"
Odd: "Like, being a pro at video games, that can save lives sometimes!"
Ulrich: "But what are we going to do about Laura and her father? Sometimes I wonder if Xana's not our only enemy..."

Episode 13 - Betting on Odd
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Ulrich: "Of course I dream. But not about that..."
Yumi: "The sound of Mantas... Brrr... It sends a chill up my spine!"
William: "Being on the backs of these creatures brings up bad memories..."
Odd: "Sometimes I think my friends don't understand my problems... I think they're lacking a bit of romance, actually ;)"
Odd: "Go! I'm no stranger to joysticks..."
Odd: "Frankly I prefer driving the Megapod. Much more fun than this old, sick Skid!"
Odd: "Aelita and Jeremy need Laura? It's official: I can start freaking out now!"
Odd: "What's cool about Laura is how she doesn't brag at all. :-/"
Odd: "Shame, I really do wonder what Laura would look like virtualised!"

Episode 14 - Stowaway
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Yumi: "I can't believe it...that confirms what I thought: we can't count on Ulrich!"
Aelita: "Two Lyoko Warriors on bad terms, and the whole group is suffering... We need to be careful."
Yumi: "Now that I think about it, maybe I was a little strong in my essay."
Aelita: "We need to fix up this situation quickly, if not Tyron will take advantage of our moment of weakness."
William: "Ulrich has gone too far... I would never mess with Yumi like that..."
Yumi: "They don't understand... I don't think they realise how much we rely on one another."
William: "That went too far! Ulrich's selfishness is really putting us in danger!"
Odd: "Let's try to forget this whole mess. The king of the wheel will get everyone back home!"
Odd: "What, aren't I allowed to want to go home and watch my favourite TV series?"
Aelita: "Odd and William need to be more understanding..."
William: "I am going to PULVERISE this ninja..."
Ulrich: "It's thanks to Yumi I was able to find the strength to beat that Ninja... I'm lucky to have her."

Episode 15 - Spartan
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Ulrich: "It's time for krab stew, Lyoko style!"
William: "Sometimes I really think nobody understands me..."
Yumi: "Uh... Is it me or is William going to brag himself to death?"
Yumi: "What's for certain is that with us losing codes, we need ALL the Lyoko Warriors."
Yumi: "When we want to, William and I make a good team. The only problem is that he's uncontrollable..."
Yumi: "What's he doing? Why isn't William defending me???"
Yumi: "If William is xanafied, we're done for."
William: "I can't stand being abandoned..."
William: "It's time to finish this!"
Yumi: "Deep down I knew I could trust William."

Episode 16 - Confusion
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Odd: "It shouldn't stop at towers and krabs. It's XANA itself that should be shut down for good, then we'd get a holiday!"
Yumi: "We've been trying to infect the virus with a virus, him doing it is all we need!"
Odd: "Samantha would be a very honourable retirement, no?"
Odd: "When I hear the screeching of the Megapod's tires, it makes me shiver... I love you, butterball!!!"
Ulrich: "XANA attacking Tyron, that makes us question everything, it's incomprehensible!"
Odd: "OK. Now that's something I've never seen. It's the apocalypse in the Cortex!!!"
Aelita: "And to think that Tyron betrayed my father... Daddy... I'm thinking of you..."

Episode 17 - A Bright Career Ahead
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Odd: "Pfff... It's like looking for a pixel in the digital sea!"
Odd: "This bother is starting to bother me..."
William: "That rotten ninja devirtualised me before Ulrich managed to beat it... Bad memory..."
Yumi: "All for one and one for all..."
Ulrich: "It feels like I'm holding a thermonuclear bomb in my hands... I need to stay calm."
Yumi: "Odd I beg you, this is not the time to play daredevil."
Odd: "It's time for Konger stew!"
Odd: "Now that's what I call perfect timing!"

Episode 18 - Resolve
Click here to access the episode file in the Episode Guide.

Yumi: "Aelita's really raring to go. I hope we're not taking inconsiderate risks..."
William: "Is it me or is Aelita really not herself today?"
Aelita: "What's certain is that Laura wouldn't have piloted the Skid all the way here without mishap."
Yumi: "I did tell him to stop showing off!!!"
Aelita: "Daddy... I'm going to put an end to that traitorous Tyron's works...I promise you."
Aelita: "Now it's between you and me, Tyron..."
Aelita: "Mummy... Don't tell me that you betrayed Daddy too? ...I can't believe it..."
Aelita: "It's time to put an end to this nightmare..."

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