Our community's got talent #27
Posted by Shaka on 10/25/2013 at 16:37 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello again.
Like with each Friday, find your creative sequence of news for the week here. Come and check out what are "Gems Online" artists have made since the last time!

Between working on two fanarts, Nelbsia found the time to be the first player in the world to kick some Scyphozoa butt in the Code Lyoko Social Game, which has been immortalized in a fanart. And two other works of art come to complete the sequence of drawings for the Code Lyoko Overpowered fanfiction. And finally, asked Nelbsia to create a sequence of work. Two of these illustrate the pages of the characters Tyron and Jim for Evolution. And another little fanart... of which we will talk about more below.

Our American artist continues also to make great progress. After having seen Odd in company of Mewtwo, you can now see him with Aelita, fists ready in a oriental background. You will also find the wonderful 10 years of Code Lyoko banner and a funny, little fanart of Odd.



He continues to make progress as well with Projet Lyoko5. See the result:



We will conclude with the Australian webmaster-translator-artist of our site! Between the translation of the site, the translation of the Chronicles, the graphic touch ups to the images from the novels, her life and so forth, she still finds the time to draw a bit. She is formidable! Here is her creation for the 10 years of Code Lyoko!



Of course, we have updated all the galleries on the respective pages. We are only left to reveal Nelbsia's last fanart. It was asked for by She is in link with the project of the Chronicles, the series of novels in which we see Jeremy on Lyoko. If you want to see the unique official description of Jeremy on Lyoko in image form, click here!

See you all next time!