Episode transcripts for the whole series!
Posted by Queen on 04/26/2018 at 10:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello, everyone!

Well, it looks like someone has a little too much time on her hands. Through several months of work, Queen has transcribed all 97 English-dubbed episodes of the series - plus the bonus The Training and The Race videos!

Maybe you didn't quite catch what a character said in a particular scene and you'd like to find out what it was. Maybe you're into making compilation videos or GIFsets and you'd like an easy reference to look through. Maybe you're vision-impaired and you'd like an extra tool to help describe the on-screen action to you. Maybe you'd just like to double-check something from an episode!

Whatever your reason, these transcripts are now at your disposal on the Conceptual Documents page. You can download the transcripts for individual episodes, or compiled versions containing all the episodes in each individual season.
(Please note: these files use Australian English spellings, so be wary of this when you Ctrl+F and search for a word that may have a different spelling outside your region.)

That's about all there is to say, so enjoy!

But the work doesn't stop there, oh no...
Stay tuned for more sometime in the future on!