Season 3
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Whether you're a beginner or experienced Lyokofan, here you'll find an overview of Code Lyoko, along with the series' origins and plot summary, season by season.

Ready? Virtualization!



[Season 1]

[Season 2]

[Season 3]

[Season 4]



Season 3
Vacation went by without a hitch: XANA entered the global network and even though he could still activate the towers, he hadn't done a thing! Returning from their vacation, Ulrich and Odd met up again with their friends in the factory. From now on, they are all in year 9, except Yumi who is in year 10.

During the time off from school, Jeremy programmed a new Superscan capable of detecting XANA in the global network! With this out of the way, he undertook some research with the goal of being able to virtualise the Lyoko Warriors into the network. As for Yumi, she seems distant until she announces to Ulrich that she has something to tell him... As soon as she gets the chance, she explains to him that she can no longer stand their mutual jealousy and butting heads. To clear up any ambiguity, she concludes by saying, “We can be friends, but that's all.” Ulrich took this hard and was left speechless. He didn't even have the time to pull himself together before Jeremy contacted him to say that XANA was back! XANA had sent his monsters en masse to a room in Sector 5 that the heroes had never discovered before, hidden at the very south of Carthage!


When the heroes arrive there, they discover Mantas and Creepers attacking a sphere! Jeremy quickly identifies it as the Core of Lyoko, which solely manages the entire virtual world. If destroyed, it would spell the end of Lyoko!


The heroes fight bravely, and finally, Aelita finishes of the last of the monsters with an energy field. She has well developed this new power. What's more, the missing fragment she received from her father allows her now to be devirtualized and return back in the scanners like the others! There is no more need for Code Earth... She is now an extra warrior to assure that the heroes are prepared to face XANA, who has clearly decided to destroy his old home: Lyoko (Episode 53 “Straight to Heart”!)


The heroes over time discover with fear that XANA's growing strength still hasn't stopped! Yumi is the first to experience the consequences when XANA possesses everyone in her class!


This time however, XANA seems less in a rush to rid himself of his worst enemies. All the efforts of this multi-agent program turn to destroying Lyoko, which is the only access the Lyoko Warriors have to come and cause him problems on the network! To reach his goals, anything goes... And the Core of Lyoko isn't the only possible target XANA has, far from it. Our heroes are quick to learn that bad things are afoot on Lyoko!


XANA sometimes tries to directly attack the supercomputer through the people that he possesses. He tries electrocute the machine, explode the factory with dynamite, sabotage internal circuits; the end justifies the means! Fortunately, the returns to the past always allow Jeremy to fix the damage suffered by the supercomputer... Thus, XANA begins using a third method: the destruction of the surface sectors through Code XANA! However, in order to accomplish this, XANA needs Aelita... So, the Scyphozoa reappears at every chance to inject Aelita with a virus that has similar effects to being possessed. It's a method sure to ensure the entire “cooperation” of the young, pink-haired girl.


The group, taken by surprise, quickly discover the consequences of this Code: when Aelita is possessed, if she enters the way tower of a surface sector and enters this code, the sector is irreparably disintegrated! The forest sector is the first to go (episode 54 “Lyoko Minus One”.) The effect is catastrophic, because on one hand, Lyoko is diminishing little by little, and on the other, if XANA manages to destroy the four sectors, the heroes will lose access to Carthage via the Transporter, losing any possibility of protecting the Core. Therefore, Jeremy begins his research to find the codes needed to directly access Carthage!


The poor schoolboy must be in over his head, because soon after, he has yet another problem on his hands. Bombarded by memories of her childhood, Aelita wants to recover the traces of her father. After a fight between her and Jeremy, Aelita and Odd to Lyoko without his company, and end up uncovering data on her father... Jeremy, who believed Franz Hopper to be dead, gives in and promises to find how to bring the genius back to Earth (episode 57 “Aelita”!)
Though the heroes always manage to counter XANA's attacks on the Core and on Earth, XANA always finds a way to trick them and possess Aelita and have her enter the dreadful code... In no time at all, the desert and ice sectors suffer the same fate as the forest (episodes 58 “The Pretender” and 61 “Sabotage”.) The heroes are clearly being outmatched. On Earth, they aren't managing to keep up with their studies any more than their secret battle. The question of adding another Lyoko Warrior to the team arises. William appears to all as the prime candidate. He is courageous, hungry for action, has often helped them in the past, and has so proved himself! However, Yumi opposes his entry into the group...


Assisted by a polymorphic clone, XANA manages to destroy the mountain sector... But Jeremy manages to find a way to access Carthage without the Transporter at the same time... luckily! With their backs against the wall, William finally ends up being recruited (episode 64 “Double Trouble”.)
Then, the attack against the Core of Lyoko finally arrives! Aelita, alone with William, must rush to the scene. He appears to be an excellent combatant, carrying an immense sword. He slaughters XANA's Creepers. However, his lack of maturity and experience come back to bite him...


William was quickly captured by the Scyphozoa who placed him under the control of XANA. He then devirtualized Aelita and invaded the room of the Core at the head of an army of Creepers... The three other warriors arrive last minute, but are humiliated by the seemingly invincible, Xanafied William, who sweeps the floor with them... With no one left to defend the Core, William lands the coup de grâce, causing Lyoko to explode, taking Franz Hopper with it!
The heroes are once again shattered... They reunite in the Hermitage and hold a meeting, which quick establishes that with the death of Lyoko, they have lost their only way to fight against XANA. Aelita realizes that she will never see her father again, since he must have died along with the virtual world and William. But when all hope seems lost, a beep comes from Jeremy's computer: it's an encrypted message sent from the network by... Franz Hopper!

Far from above the grand digital sea, upon an apocalyptic background, we see William floating in a fetal position! He seems to have awaken, his pupils are normal, but suddenly, an immense eye of XANA appears on his chest...
