[French vs English] S3 & Prequel
 Section summary

[Season 1]
(Part 1) (Part 2)
[Season 2]
(Part 1) (Part 2)
[Season 3]
(Prequel + Episodes)
[Season 4]
(Part 1) (Part 2)

 Season 3
Prequel & episodes 53 to 65

It's widely known that dialogue can differ between two different language versions of a TV show. It's often a concern when someone is watching a show in something other than its native language that the translators may have made changes, small or large, that diverge from the intent of the original dialogue. French is the original language of Code Lyoko and here we've finally answered that question by making a list of the differences between the original French and the English dubbed episodes.

Differences range from small wording changes that make a significant difference, to entire lines that were added or removed. From season 2 onwards, the English dub was based on the original French scripts. The French episodes often changed certain parts of the dialogue for the final episode but the English usually stuck to the scripts, sometimes resulting in small inconsistencies with the animation. Discover all the major differences for yourself below! Have a nice read!

[Episode 53 - Straight to Heart] [Episode 54 - Lyoko Minus One] [Episode 55 - Tidal Wave] [Episode 56 - False Lead] [Episode 57 - Aelita] [Episode 58 - The Pretender] [Episode 59 - The Secret] [Episode 60 - Temporary Insanity] [Episode 61 - Sabotage] [Episode 62 - Nobody in Particular] [Episode 63 - Triple Trouble] [Episode 64 - Double Trouble] [Episode 65 - Final Round] [Prequel - XANA Awakens Part 1] [Prequel - XANA Awakens Part 2]

Episode 53 - Straight to Heart
ImageDroit au coeur
(Straight to the heart)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Straight to Heart
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

2:28 There's a difference to Ulrich's joke about Odd's role at his wedding.

FrenchUlrich: Sûrement. D'ailleurs, j'voulais te demander d'être mon témoin...
French translationUlrich: Yeah, right! By the way, I wanted to ask you to be my witness...
EnglishUlrich: Yeah, right! I was going to ask you to be my maid of honour, Odd.

2:52 A few minor changes here, especially what Sissi chooses to call Odd and his friends in the French.

FrenchSissi: Tu sais quoi, Odd de mon cœur, rigole autant que tu peux. Parce que dans quelques secondes, crois-moi, tu vas pleurer ! (bise) Allez, à plus, les p'tits malins !
French translationSissi: You know what, Odd sweetheart, laugh as much as you want. Because in a few seconds, believe me, you're gonna be crying! (kiss) See you soon, wise guys!
EnglishSissi: Have yourself a good laugh, Odd. Enjoy it, get it out of your system. Because in a few seconds, you're gonna be crying! (kiss) See you real soon, Odd!

3:10 Aelita's English question makes it sound like Odd won't be able to join them at all if XANA attacks, but Yumi's always been in a different class, so that's no reason why Odd would need to be excluded from Lyoko missions.

FrenchAelita: Oh, on fait comment si XANA lance une attaque ?
French translationAelita: Oh, what'll we do if XANA launches an attack?
EnglishAelita: If XANA attacks, what'll we do without him?

3:30 Jeremy's English line follows on from Odd saying he's going to go for broke.

FrenchJeremy: Boh allez, c'est l'heure du déjeuner.
French translationJeremy: Ok come on, it's lunch time.
EnglishJeremy: Ok. While he's going for broke, we'll go for lunch!

3:49 In the French, Odd calls the secretary by her first name.

FrenchOdd: Oh Nicole, j'vous en prie !
French translationOdd: Oh Nicole, I'm begging you!
EnglishOdd: I really have to see him, Ma'am!

5:03 Hiroki responds differently to Johnny saying Yumi is gorgeous.

FrenchHiroki: Ah ouais, tu trouves ?
French translationHiroki: Oh yeah, you think so?
EnglishHiroki: You're outta your mind!

7:03 Jeremy's French line is longer and gives more context.

FrenchJeremy: XANA, le retour. Et il revient en force.
French translationJeremy: XANA's returned. And he's making a strong comeback.
EnglishJeremy: We've got company.

9:52 In the French, Jeremy says he'll tell the others to wait for Odd. In the English, he says they've been waiting for him.

11:55 This last sentence about the new room in Sector 5 is different.

FrenchJeremy: J'ai aucune infos sur elle.
French translationJeremy: I don't have any information on it.
EnglishJeremy: We haven't been there yet.

13:41 In the French, Ulrich asks if Odd is ok as he starts walking towards the edge. At this point in the English, Ulrich says "Your hand." He doesn't say that in the French until they've both seen the block coming up underneath Odd.

12:54 The English dub runs with the term "A-game" and a couple of alternatives throughout the rest of the Lyoko action. This is the first instance of it.

FrenchOdd: Bah c'est euh... c'est pas la grande forme aujourd'hui !
French translationOdd: Well uh...I'm not in great form today!
EnglishOdd: I thought I had my A-game going!

13:50 The second A-game reference in the English, and Ulrich brings up Odd's blackmail plan in the French.

FrenchUlrich: T'as raison Monsieur le maître chanteur, c'est pas la forme aujourd'hui.
French translationUlrich: You're right, Mister Master Blackmailer, you're not in great form today.
EnglishUlrich: Looks like you got your Z-game going today.

14:04 In the French, Jeremy expresses some frustration at still not knowing what's going on in the new room.

FrenchJeremy: Y'a plus en plus de monstres dans la salle des mystères et tout ça ne me dit rien qui vaille !
French translationJeremy: There are more and more monsters in that mysterious room and none of this tells me anything worthwhile!
EnglishJeremy: There are more and more monsters in that mysterious room... I've got a bad feeling about this.

14:13 Odd has an additional line in the French after they jump onto the Elevator.

FrenchOdd: J'adore cet engin ! C'est mieux que le grand huit !
French translationOdd: I love this thing! It's better than a roller-coaster!

14:27 A few changes to the dialogue here.

FrenchUlrich: Bon on t'écoute, on va où maintenant ?
Jeremy: Foncez au pole Sud de la voute. C'est là que vous trouverez l'accès à la salle.
Yumi: Et on y va à pied ?
Jeremy: Je vous envoie les bécanes !
French translationUlrich: Ok we're listening, where do we go now?
Jeremy: Head for the south pole of the dome. That's where you can get into the chamber.
Yumi: And do we get there on foot?
Jeremy: I'm sending you your vehicles!
EnglishUlrich: Where do we go now to crack some monsters' heads?
Jeremy: Head for the south pole of the dome. That's where you can get into the chamber.
Yumi: Vehicles, Jeremie!
Jeremy: Coming up.

14:44 Ulrich's French line is longer when the Mantas arrive. It relates to Odd's idea of XANA holding an annual monsters' ball.

FrenchUlrich: Et ça c'est quoi ? Les membres du service d'ordre ?
French translationUlrich: And what's that? The ushers?
EnglishUlrich: But look over there!

15:01 Another A-game reference, and Ulrich makes a cowboy reference in the French.

FrenchOdd: Chui un as !
Ulrich: Rengaine ta frime, cow-boy.
French translationOdd: I'm an ace!
Ulrich: Put your bragging back in its holster, cowboy.
EnglishOdd: There's the A-game! Ha!
Ulrich: Get real, man.

15:19 In the French, Yumi says "Let's go" as she gets on the Overwing. She then says "Climb on!" as she lets Aelita on.

16:22 Ulrich takes a jab at Odd's aim in the French and makes another A-game reference in the English.

FrenchUlrich: T'en as d'bonnes, toi. Si Odd visait mieux, on les aurait déjà ratrappé depuis longtemps.
Odd: Ouais bah si cette bestiole voulait bien rester en place le temps qu'j'ai eu !...
French translationUlrich: Yeah, right. If Odd could aim better, we'd have caught up to them ages ago.
Odd: Yeah well if this monster would just stay still long enough for me to get it...!
EnglishUlrich: Yeah, we know that! If Odd didn't have his XYZ-game going, we'd be there by now!
Odd: If this monster would just stop...flying for a few seconds!

18:22 After nobody responds for a while because they're too distracted seeing the Core Chamber for the first time, in the French, Jeremy asks again, "Hello? Answer me! What are they doing?!"

19:34 The final A-game reference.

FrenchOdd: Woauh ! Ça y est ! J'ai retrouvé ma pêche légendaire !
French translationOdd: Wow! There it is! I've found my legendary form again!
EnglishOdd: Hey! This is not just an A-game, it's more like an A+!

20:43 In the French, Jeremy encourages Aelita and she replies with uncertainty before destroying the Creeper. Neither of them speak at this point in the dub.

FrenchJeremy: Faux.
(Le Rampant approche d'Aelita.)
Jeremy: Allez, Aelita. Tu vas y arriver.
Aelita: Non, je...
French translationJeremy: False.
(The Creeper approaches Aelita.)
Jeremy: Go on, Aelita. You can do it.
Aelita: No, I...
EnglishJeremy: Watch.

21:55 In the English, Aelita says it'll be useful that she can be devirtualised as normal now that XANA's trying to destroy Lyoko. In the French, she notes that having an extra fighter will help them finish XANA for good.

FrenchAelita: Eh bien une combattante de plus, ça ne sera pas du luxe pour traquer XANA et en finir pour de bon avec lui !
French translationAelita: An extra fighter is just what we need to track down XANA and finish him for good!
EnglishAelita: That'll really help now that XANA is determined to destroy Lyoko to keep us from finding him on the Net.

22:17 A small change here.

FrenchOdd: D'accord ? Génial ? Alors là, n'importe quoi !
French translationOdd: Ok? Fantastic? Oh, whatever!
EnglishOdd: "Ok, fantastic?!" What's the matter with you guys?!

22:29 Ulrich's French line includes a pun on faire chanter (to blackmail).

FrenchUlrich: Tu pourrais vite euh... déchanter !
French translationUlrich: You could be pretty quickly...disenchanted (lit. disblackmailed)!
EnglishUlrich: A bad deed can backfire on you.

22:40 A self-burn by Jim in the French version.

FrenchJim: T'es pas le premier qui voulait joue au plus idiot avec moi, et crois-moi, tous les autres... ont perdu !
French translationJim: You're not the first one who's tried to play who's stupider with me, and believe me, all the other guys...lost!
EnglishJim: Anyone who thinks he can pull the wool over my eyes, is gonna be in for a surprise, you hear?!

23:12 In the French, Jim describes himself as being blond and thin when he was younger. In the English, he says he had blond, curly hair.

Episode 54 - Lyoko Minus One
ImageLyokô moins un
(Lyoko minus one)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Lyoko Minus One
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:13 Ulrich's line is different when he goes into Jeremy's room. His French line contains a reference to the French national anthem la Marseillaise: the second line of the anthem is "Le jour de gloire est arrivé !" ("The day of glory has arrived!"). It makes sense that he'd quote such a thing on the day of an election!

FrenchUlrich: Toc toc ! Remue-toi les neurones, Einstein ! Ton jour de gloire est arriv...
French translationUlrich: Knock knock! Shake a neuron, Einstein! Your day of glory has arriv...
EnglishUlrich: Rise and shine, Einstein! The birds are chirping away!

1:30 After Jeremy asks for the time, Ulrich's French reply references how Odd wasn't in bed either.

FrenchUlrich: L'heure de se l'ver mais apparemment, personne ne s'est couché !
French translationUlrich: Time to get up, but apparently nobody went to bed!
EnglishUlrich: What's the story? You given up sleeping in a bed or what?

2:00 Ulrich phrases his insult for Herb differently.

FrenchUlrich: ...c'est d'avoir un crétin cosmique 10ème dan comme adversaire.
French translationUlrich: ...is having a 10th dan cosmic creep as an opponent.
EnglishUlrich: ...you're up against the lamest candidate in the galaxy.

2:08 A small change here.

FrenchSissi: J'ai dit un sourire !
Herb: Eh ben c'est un sourire !
French translationSissi: I said a smile!
Herb: This is a smile!
EnglishSissi Hey, what's that?
Herb: A...smile of victory!

2:18 In the French, Sissi says she's told Herb a hundred times why she can't run for class representative.

2:42 Odd brims with confidence in the English version.

FrenchOdd: De ma candidature à l'élection des délégués classe !
French translationOdd: For my candidacy for the election of class representative!
EnglishOdd: My platform! You are looking at the next student rep.

2:54 The rhyme on Odd's campaign flyer is different. Also, there aren't as many French words that rhyme with "Odd" as there are in English, so Odd's line reflects this difference.

FrenchAelita: « Pour une scolarité plus juste, changez d'méthode, votez Odd ! »
Odd: Bien trouvé ! Surtout que c'est pas facile les rimes en « Odd » !
French translationAelita: "For a more just schooling, change your method, vote for Odd!"
Odd: Great! Especially since it's not easy to find words that rhyme with "Odd!"
EnglishAelita: "If you all want to have your say, why not give the nod, to good old Odd!"
Odd: Hey! That's great. I love lines that rhyme with "Odd!"

3:35 In the English, as well as the end of our forests, Ms Hertz says pollution might someday mean the end of all animal and plant life as well. In the French, she only talks about the forests.

4:24 In the French, Aelita's voice is heard above the classroom chatter. In the English, it looks to be Theo who's talking loudest.

FrenchAelita: Oui, bravo ! Bravo ! Bien parlé ! Tu l'as dit !
French translationAelita: Yeah, bravo! Bravo! Well spoken! You said it!
EnglishTheo: Odd sure gets my vote! He's gonna be a great student rep! 'Cause he knows what we need!

6:31 In the French, Odd says the "master of the world" must be phoning Jeremy for his advice. In the English, he says it must be a think tank.

6:55 A difference to Mr Fumey's line.

FrenchFumey: Jérémy, nous t'écoutons mon garçon.
French translationFumey: Jeremy, we're listening, my boy.
EnglishFumey: Jeremy, if you're still a candidate, speak up.

7:06 In the French, Jeremy tells the teacher he'll be back. In the English, he says he's going to go get his notes.

9:17 Odd calls Aelita Princess in the French.

9:29 A few changes here, particularly to Jeremy's line.

FrenchOdd: Arrête, c'est gentil d'sa part. Bon, faut être poli, on va leur faire un p'tit coucou !
Jeremy: Fait gaffe à toi, Odd ! J'voudrais surtout pas qu'il arrive malheur au plus valeureux d'mes adversaires ! Ce s'rait moins glorieux si j'gagnais par forfait.
French translationOdd: No, it was nice of him. Ok, let's be polite. We'll say hello to them first!
Jeremy: Take care of yourself, Odd! I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to my most worthy opponent! Victory won't taste as sweet if I win by forfeit.
EnglishOdd: He hates it when we're bored! Ok, let's be polite. We'll say hello to them first.
Jeremy: Hey Odd, take care of yourself. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't have any competition except for Herb!

10:18 After Aelita jumps off and Odd points the Overboard straight upwards parallel to the tree trunk, Odd says "Hang on!" in the French...but again, Aelita had already jumped off.

18:49 A change to William's line to XANA-Hertz.

FrenchWilliam: C'est pas à vous que j'vais apprendre que le bois n'est pas conducteur !
French translationWilliam: I shouldn't need to tell you that wood doesn't conduct electricity!
EnglishWilliam: You taught us that wood doesn't conduct electricity!

21:16 In the French, Ulrich states that William is out cold.

FrenchUlrich: William est salement sonné en tout cas...
French translationUlrich: William's out cold, anyway...
EnglishUlrich: William's not in great shape...

21:22 In the English, Jeremy says "I didn't [deactivate the tower]" - of course not, how could he do it himself? Then Yumi and Ulrich both respond in the English while only Yumi does in the French.

FrenchJeremy: Bah oui et non, malheureusement ! Elle s'est désactivée toute seule ! Et c'est tout le Territoire de la Forêt qui est en train de disparaître !
Yumi: Quoi !?
French translationJeremy: Well yes and no, unfortunately! It deactivated itself! The Forest Sector is in the process of disappearing!
Yumi: What?!
EnglishJeremy: I didn't! It deactivated itself! Because the Forest Sector is in the process of disappearing!
Yumi and Ulrich: What?!

21:47 In the French, Aelita asks Odd if he's ok before she says she doesn't know what happened.

Episode 55 - Tidal Wave
ImageRaz de marée
(Tidal wave)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Tidal Wave
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:06 Odd's priorities are different. The English version fits in better with Odd's hunger during PE class.

FrenchOdd: Bon c'est pas que je m'ennuie ici mais euh... mon lit m'attend et j'ai hâte de le retrouver !
Ulrich: Vu l'heure qu'il est, c'est plutôt l'cours de gym qu'on va r'trouver.
French translationOdd: Well, not that I'm getting bored here but...my bed is waiting for me and I can't wait to get back to it again!
Ulrich: Considering what time it is, it's more like we'll be getting back to the gym for class.
EnglishOdd: Well, I don't know 'bout you guys, but something to eat would really hit the spot!
Ulrich: Better forget about it, Odd. We can't be late for gym.

1:27 A difference to the dialogue concerning Odd's stomach growling.

FrenchUlrich: Eh Odd, dis à ton estomac d'la mettre en sourdine.
Aelita: C'est vrai ça. Tu peux pas mourir de faim en silence, s'il te plaît ?
French translationUlrich: Hey Odd, tell your stomach to try to keep it down.
Aelita: He's right. Could you die of hunger in silence, please?
EnglishUlrich: Hey Odd, could you cool it for a second?
Aelita: He's right. Your stomach is almost as talkative as you are!

1:37 After reminding Odd that he ate a chocolate bar five minutes ago, Jeremy calls him a "walking stomach" in the French.

1:44 This episode contains a lot of mentions of food, and many of them are changed in the dub. Here, in the French Ulrich suggests that Odd would eat "lamb and beans." In the English, he says "beans or potatoes."

2:00 Jim talks about some traditional French foods in the French version and junk food in the English. There's also a difference to what he says could be your worst enemy... Later on after they're first attacked by the food monster, Ulrich agrees that "food can be your worst enemy," which lines up perfectly with Jim's original French line below, but not the English one.

FrenchJim: ...notre chère et charmante infirmière Yolande Perraudin, ici présente, est venue vous parler de ce qu'il faut ne faut pas manger pour être en forme ! ...Eh oui, vous tous là qui regardez avec tendresse sauce béchamel et crème caramel, vous avez tort ! Méfiez vous ! La nourriture peut être votre pire ennemi !
French translationJim: ...our lovely, charming nurse Yolanda Perraudin here is gonna speak to you about what you must not eat in order to stay in shape! ...Uh yes, those of you who would gaze tenderly at béchamel sauce or crème caramel, you are mistaken! Beware! Food may be your worst enemy!
EnglishJim: ...our school nurse, Yolanda Perraudin, is gonna speak to you and tell you what you should eat in order to have a great shape! Uh, I mean to keep in shape! ...So those of you who can't wait until you wolf down your next junk food meal had better think twice before you do! Because junk food is your worst enemy!

2:21 Odd makes a number of rhymes in the French version of this episode. This is the first instance.

FrenchOdd: Tout juste, Auguste !
French translationOdd: Correctamundo, Augusto!
EnglishOdd: Better believe it!

2:24 More food changes.

FrenchYolanda: Et en conclusion, si vous avez mangé une blanquette de veau à midi, mieux vaut éviter une raclette le soir !
Odd: Bah qu'est-ce qu'elle raconte ? N'importe quoi ! Déjà, la blanquette, je la mange avec des frites et après ça, je peux très bien m'avaler une raclette comme dessert !
French translationYolanda: In conclusion, if you ate a blanquette of veal for lunch, you should avoid having a raclette in the evening!
Odd: What is she talking about? Whatever! I'd eat the blanquette with fries and after that, I could absolutely have a raclette for dessert!
EnglishYolanda: And so, for example, if for lunch you have mashed potatoes and lamb, there's no need for steak and fries at night.
Odd: What is she talking about anyway? If I eat mashed potatoes and lamb, there's no reason to wait for dinner. I can have steak and fries for dessert!

2:42 Another food change: in the French, Jim says a green salad could save your life. In the English, he says a head of lettuce could.

2:56 In the French, Jim says "I'm stuck." In the English, he says he just pulled something.

3:11 The lists of foods are the same in both languages, except that there are a few additional items in the French. Odd's first list of foods also includes cassoulet (sausage and bean stew). The second list also includes beetroot.

3:32 A difference to Odd's threat.

FrenchOdd: Répète jamais ça d'vant moi, t'entends !?
French translationOdd: Never say that again in my presence, you hear?!
EnglishOdd: Say that again and you're dead fish!

4:39 The second half of William's line is different.

FrenchWilliam: Alors ? Tu voulais être seule avec moi, c'est ça hein ? Oh je peux comprendre, tu sais.
French translationWilliam: So? You wanted to be alone with me, is that it, huh? Oh I can understand, you know.
EnglishWilliam: I guess uh...you wanted us to be alone? That's why you said I was sick, huh?

5:24 In the French, Odd's voice really sounds like he was just hit in the face with a door. His line sounds like a sarcastic jab at Jim for not showing any concern after hurting him. In the English, his voice sounds normal and he simply comments on Jim being there with a tray full of food.

FrenchOdd: Alors, ça va ? C'est bon ?
French translationOdd: Hey, are you ok? All good?
EnglishOdd: Well what do you know...

7:14 There's a food joke in the French but not the English.

FrenchJeremy: Vous avez des Krabes au menu !
French translationJeremy: You've got Krabs on the menu!
EnglishJeremy: XANA's sent some Krabs after you.

7:58 Jim seems a lot more confident in the English version.

FrenchJim: Ne vous en faites pas, j... j'ai la situation... bien en main ! J'vais régler ça... en moins d'deux s'condes ! Mettez-vous à couvert !
French translationJim: Don't worry, I...I've got the situation...under control! I'll deal with this...in less than two seconds! Get to cover!
EnglishJim: Ok, no more mister nice guy! It's time to teach this pile of junk a lesson! Stay here, this won't take more than two seconds! Ready? GOOO!

8:24 Ulrich's line is different after Odd complains about being attacked by the food monster on an empty stomach.

FrenchUlrich: J'avoue qu'c'est l'monde à l'envers...
French translationUlrich: The world has turned upside-down...
EnglishUlrich: Some guys were born to lose...

10:24 In the English, Odd asks Jeremy how things are going on his end.

FrenchOdd: Bah en gros, ici on frise l'indigestion en crevant d'faim ! C'est limite frustrant !
French translationOdd: To sum it up, we've got indigestion while we're starving at the same time! It's almost frustrating!
EnglishOdd: Let's just say we've got indigestion big time without having eaten anything! How 'bout you?!

11:44 Another rhyme from Odd in the French, and Jeremy initially doesn't realise that Ulrich isn't there too.

FrenchOdd: SOS jeunes filles en détresse, vous avez appellé ?
Jeremy: Ouais, foncez aux scanners. Euh, où est Ulrich ?
Odd: Il joue avec un pote dans les égouts.
French translationOdd: SOS teenage girls in distress, you rang?
Jeremy: Yeah, both of you get to the scanners. Uh, where's Ulrich?
Odd: He's in the sewers, playing with a friend.
EnglishOdd: SOS Service here! What's the trouble, Sir?
Jeremy: Odd! Get into the scanner room, hurry! Where's Ulrich?
Odd: Oh, he's got some game going on in the sewer.

12:48 In the English, Yumi screams throughout her fall. She's silent in the French, but Jeremy also says "Come on...!" while he's typing.

13:19 Another rhyme from Odd in the French.

FrenchOdd: Pas d'lézard, Gaspard !
French translationOdd: No prob, Bob!
EnglishOdd: No problem!

13:24 In the French, Jeremy says Ulrich is in the sewers playing with one of XANA's monsters, similar to what Odd told him earlier. In the English, he says Ulrich is fighting the monster.

14:00 Jeremy chastises Odd for flirting in the French. His wording in the English makes it seem less blatantly romantic.

FrenchJeremy: Ouais bon, ça va Odd. Arrête de jouer les jolis cœurs !
French translationJeremy: Alright already, Odd. Quit playing Romeo!
EnglishJeremy: Ok Odd, play the hero later.

14:38 In the French, Jeremy says Lyoko has been submerged by the "digital tsunami." He just calls it the Digital Sea in the English.

15:52 In the French, Odd tells Jeremy they're on the Elevator. In the English, Aelita says they're "in the Elevator," but Odd's avatar is shown talking on the screen.

16:09 In the French, Aelita says they're coming to the Celestial Dome. Odd says it in the English.

17:19 Jeremy's warning about the sphere being destroyed references Odd's hunger in the French.

FrenchJeremy: Sinon, pas la peine de penser à ton prochain repas !
French translationJeremy: Otherwise, there won't be any point in thinking about your next meal!
EnglishJeremy: If the sphere goes, Lyoko goes, too...forever!

17:41 Odd has an additional line in the French when he finds the staircase has come to an abrupt end.

FrenchOdd: Ah ouais d'accord, e-et... là je passe par où moi ?
French translationOdd: Uh yeah ok, a-and...where do I go now?

18:44 A difference to Odd's line as he thinks about jumping on a Manta to take him up.

FrenchOdd: Je crois que j'ai trouvé le bon chemin !
French translationOdd: I think I found the right path!
EnglishOdd: I think I found the high diving board!

20:00 After the apple falls from above, in the French, Yumi suggests the food monster flew/took off because it seems to now be above them.

FrenchYumi: Moi j'dirais plutôt qu'il s'est envolé...
French translationYumi: I think maybe it took off...
EnglishYumi: I-I think maybe you spoke too soon.

20:12 In the French, Ulrich tells Yumi to get back to the lab. In the English he says to get back to the factory, but that's where they are!

20:26 A phrasing change.

FrenchUlrich: Ouais... pas réussie la diversion...
French translationUlrich: Yeah...the distraction failed...
EnglishUlrich: It's not distracted too easily, is it?

20:40 Odd says "Laser arrow!" in the French just before the Manta dives down. As it flies back up he says "Missed it!"

21:05 In the English, Odd agrees with Jeremy after he says "Nice going, Odd!"

FrenchOdd: Héhé ! YES !
French translationOdd: He-hey! YES!
EnglishOdd: Yeah, I know.

21:44 Jeremy's French line is more specific about the bug being fixed.

FrenchJeremy: Super, Aelita ! T'as fait fort. Fini le bug, on est à marée basse !
French translationJeremy: Great, Aelita! You did a good job. The bug is gone, the tide is low!
EnglishJeremy: Great, Aelita! The data that you found was exactly what we needed!

22:00 Odd's line is different when he sees the two Tarantulas guarding the tower.

FrenchOdd: Pourquoi ils ne sont pas noyés ceux-là ?
French translationOdd: Why didn't those guys drown?
EnglishOdd: Lyoko's not the only thing to resurface...

Episode 56 - False Lead
ImageFausse piste
(Wrong track/wild-goose chase)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
False Lead
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:18 In the French, Odd asserts that "Jean-Pierre" is a good name. I'm honestly not sure who Odd means by "he" in the English dub: Ulrich or the Tamagotchi...

FrenchOdd: Jean-Pierre c'est super !
French translationOdd: Jean-Pierre is a great name!
EnglishOdd: He's pretty cool, huh?

1:46 In the English dub, Ulrich takes another jab at the Tamagotchi's name.

FrenchOdd: Alors ça... Ça j'y crois pas ! Oh non, j'y crois pas !
Ulrich: À quoi est-ce que tu crois pas ?
Odd: Jean-Pierre a disparu !
Ulrich: Peut-être qu'il s'est lassé d'toi et qu'il a été s'réfugier dans les bras d'un autre...
French translationOdd: Hey... I don't believe it! Oh no, I don't believe it!
Ulrich: What don't you believe?
Odd: Jean-Pierre's disappeared!
Ulrich: Maybe he got tired of you and fled to safety in the arms of another...
EnglishOdd: He's disappeared! He's disappeared!
Ulrich: Mind telling me who's disappeared, Odd?
Odd: Jean-Pierre's disappeared!
Ulrich: Maybe he went out looking for someone who'll give him a better name.

3:05 One of the foods is changed, plus Odd's English line sounds rather more violent than the French.

FrenchOdd: Les céréales et croissants à moitié décongelés, ça t'vas en mélange ?
Sissi: Pourquoi tu m'dis ça ?
Odd: Parce que je vais t'en faire un shampoing !
French translationOdd: Do you like cereal and half-frozen croissants mixed together?
Sissi: Why do you say that?
Odd: 'Cause I'm gonna wash your hair with it!
EnglishOdd: Do you like soggy frozen waffles and cereal that's genetically modified?
Sissi: Why do you wanna know that?
Odd: 'Cause I might stuff a few down your throat!

3:50 In the French, the man in black says "Silence!" to Mr Delmas. In the English he says "Keep still!"

4:54 There's a twist to Jim's usual "I'd rather not talk about it" in the French. Also, the man in black notes that nobody would be suspicious of Jim moving around the dormitory because he's a teacher there. In the English, he says they might take Jim off the suspect list if he helps them.

FrenchJim: J'ai volontairement choisi de n'pas vous en parler mais...
Man in black 1: C'est bon !
Man in black 2: Si vous voulez vous rendre utile, aidez-nous à placer nos mouchards. Vous, au moins, personne ne vous soupçonnera.
French translationJim: I've chosen of my own free will not to talk about it but...
Man in black 1: Enough!
Man in black 2: If you want to make yourself useful, help us set up our bugs. Nobody will be suspicious of you, at least.
EnglishJim: Yes, that's absolutely right, but I'd rather not talk about it.
Man in black 1: Enough.
Man in black 2: Now listen, if you really wanna help...then set up the equipment with us. That way, we might take you off the suspect list.

5:37 Jim calls himself "Agent Morales" in the French but not the English.

FrenchJim: Agent Moralès au rapport. Micro, caméra, et micro-caméra, parés à fonctionner.
French translationJim: Agent Morales reporting. Microphones, cameras and micro-cameras ready for operation.
EnglishJim: Jim Morales reporting. Audio, video, all mics and cameras discreetly hidden.

5:58, 6:31 In the French dialogue, the cameras are numbered exactly how they appear on the monitors: 1, 2 and 3. In the English they have letters as well, such as "3A" and "2C," but these additional letters aren't seen on the monitors.

6:57 In the French, the man in black says what they heard was suspicious. In the English, he answers yes to Mr Delmas's question.

FrenchMan in black 1: Oui, bah c'est louche.
French translationMan in black 1: Yes, it's suspicious.
EnglishMan in black 1: Oh yes, we heard him.

8:36 Jeremy only says "Virtualisation" in the English, not any of the "Transfer, scanner" stuff before it. In the French he says "Transfer Odd. Virtualisation" before Yumi, Ulrich and Aelita are virtualised. It comes off looking a little strange.

8:57 Odd bets food on the outcome of the race to the tower in the French version.

FrenchOdd: Le premier arrivé gagne la crème caramel des autres !
French translationOdd: First one there gets the others' crème caramels!
EnglishOdd: Last one there's a rotten egg!

10:24 A few changes to the dialogue here. It's worth noting that Yumi, Ulrich and Aelita are animated as laughing after Odd bangs his head, but there's no laughter at that point in the French version.

French(Odd tombe sur le sol. Rire des autres. L'Overboard se rematérialise au dessus d'Odd.)
Aelita: Attention, Odd !
(Odd cogne sa tête sur l'Overboard.)
Ulrich: Ouh ça doit faire bobo ça !
French translation(Odd falls to the ground. The others laugh. The Overboard rematerialises above Odd.)
Aelita: Careful, Odd!
(Odd bangs his head on the Overboard.)
Ulrich: Ooh, that's gotta hurt!
English(Odd falls to the ground.)
Ulrich: What's wrong with you, Odd?
(The Overboard rematerialises above Odd. He bangs his head on it. The others laugh.)

11:26 Jeremy's French line is a little more informative about the situation.

FrenchJeremy: Ulrich, c'est un coup monté, XANA nous a piégé !
French translationJeremy: Ulrich, this is a set-up, XANA trapped us!
EnglishJeremy: Ulrich! This is all XANA's doing, you hear me?!

12:36 In the French, Jim refers to Ulrich as a "bird," as though he's still going along with the bird-related code he used earlier to say Jeremy and his friends had "flown the coop."

12:55 After sitting on the Overboard, Odd says "All good!" in the French.

14:48 In the English, Odd tells Ulrich to be careful.

18:51 Aelita's warning is longer in French.

FrenchAelita: Attention tu ne dois plus être touchée sinon !...
French translationAelita: Watch out, you mustn't get hit or else...!
EnglishAelita: Watch out!

22:55 In the English, Yumi says "kidnapping" Jean-Pierre was her idea, but in the French she just admits that she was in on the plan. Odd's question is also different.

FrenchYumi: Euh... Ben j'étais au courant...
Odd: Hein ? J'y crois pas ! Mais qu'est-c'qu'vous avez fait d'Jean-Pierre !?
French translationYumi: Um... Actually, I was in on it...
Odd: Huh?! I don't believe it! What have you done with Jean-Pierre?!
EnglishYumi: Um... Odd, it was my idea.
Odd: No...! You too?! But...w-what do you all have against my Jean-Pierre?!

Episode 57 - Aelita
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:07 Franz Hopper's French line includes the phrase "un monde sans danger" ("a world without danger"), which is the title of the show's opening theme!

FrenchHopper: Dans un monde sans danger. Où nous serons on securité toi et moi... pour toujours.
French translationHopper: To a world without danger. Where you and I will be safe...forever.
EnglishHopper: To a world where you and I will be safe. Forever.

2:35 Mr Fumey phrases his request differently.

FrenchFumey: Allez donc exercer vos talents dans la cour !
French translationFumey: Now go and exercise your talents in the quad!
EnglishFumey: And now, would you kindly leave this room?

2:46 After Yumi asks how history class was, both versions use different colloquial expressions involving the word "history" in reply.

FrenchUlrich: Ben justement, sans histoires comme d'hab.
French translationUlrich: Well yeah, uneventful (lit. without history) as usual.
EnglishUlrich: Who cares? It's history, now.

3:15 Jeremy uses a different idea to describe the smell of Odd's feet.

FrenchJeremy: C'est comme passer à côté d'un camion d'boules puantes renversé sur la chaussée !
French translationJeremy: It's like passing by a truck full of stink bombs that overturned and spilled all over the road!
EnglishJeremy: Like a pile of very fresh manure that we just can't seem to get away from!

3:29 In the French, Heidi tells Odd('s shoes) to stay 10 metres away from her. In the English, she says 50 feet.

3:51 After Odd tells Ulrich he could've given him a hint about his smelly feet, Ulrich's reply is slightly different.

FrenchUlrich: Comme me boucher l'nez en hurlant quand tu retires tes baskets ?
French translationUlrich: Like holding my nose and screaming when you take your shoes off?
EnglishUlrich: It's hard to talk when you're holding your nose, good buddy!

5:36 Odd says he has a solution to his problem in the French. In the English, he tells his friends to call him "Odourless Odd."

FrenchOdd: Les amis, ça y est ! Fini les mauvaises odeurs ! J'ai LA solution !
French translationOdd: Hey guys, all good! No more bad smells! I've got the perfect solution!
EnglishOdd: Hey, guys! No more feet nightmare. Call me Odourless Odd!

5:46 Yumi makes a foot-related joke in the English dub.

FrenchYumi: Bon, j'vous laisse à vos problèmes de pied, j'ai un contrôle de maths. À plus !
French translationYumi: Well I'll leave you to your foot problems, I've got a maths test. See ya!
EnglishYumi: Well I'll let you kick your foot problem around a little. I've got a maths test.

6:31 Jeremy phrases this a lot better in the French.

FrenchJeremy: Il faut que tu sois là ! Avec moi ! Il faut regarder vers le futur !
French translationJeremy: You need to be there! With me! We need to look to the future!
EnglishJeremy: ...and you should think the way I think. I-I mean...think about the future...

7:47 When Odd finds Aelita, in the English he sounds a little subdued in sympathy for Aelita. In the French though he sounds pretty excited, which feels out of place given Aelita's mood. Read the room, kiddo.

FrenchOdd: Hé, gagné ! J'étais sûr d'te trouver ici. Hé, chui doué non ?
French translationOdd: Hey, I win! I knew I'd find you here. I'm pretty gifted, huh?
EnglishOdd: I knew I'd find you here.

8:46 A lot of different talk-related phrases used in both versions. Also, the students start murmuring in the English dub after Jim has finished his speech, so he tells them to be quiet.

FrenchJim: Le premier que j'reprend à parler trouvera à qui parler. Et croyez moi, on en entendra... parler ! Alors maintenant, je n'veux plus entendre parler de bavardages. Sinon les p'tits malins à la langue bien pendue devront aller tout raconter au proviseur !
French translationJim: The first person I catch talking will meet their match (lit. find who to speak to). And believe me, we'll hear...about it (lit. hear speak)! Right, now I don't want to hear any more talk about chatter. And if I do, the wise-guy chatterboxes will have to go tell the principal everything!
EnglishJim: Anybody I find talking from now on, is gonna have a little conversation with me! And if you hadn't had enough, after our little chat, you can just walk down the hall, and have a talk with the principal!
(Students murmur.)
Jim: No talking!

9:22 In the French, William says he studied the geography of the USA. In the English, he studied American history.

10:28 The French recipe includes camembert; the English includes wheat germ instead. Also, in the English the other students in the library gasp in surprise and whisper "Quiet!" when Ulrich and Jeremy start yelling. They're silent in the French.

10:47 Ulrich and Jeremy have a brief exchange in the English as they leave the library.

French translation-
EnglishUlrich: That was easy!
Jeremy: Mhm!

11:24 When Jeremy says he can't reach Aelita, in the French he says he's sure she's mad at him. In the English, he asks Ulrich if he thinks Aelita is still mad.

11:39 In the French, Aelita says she hopes they haven't missed the train. In the English, Odd says he hopes they haven't missed their bus.

12:15 Ulrich chastises Jeremy for his observation in the French.

FrenchUlrich: Arrête, t'es pas sympa, il est pas v'nu depuis hier.
French translationUlrich: Cut it out, that's not nice. He hasn't been here since yesterday.
EnglishUlrich: Forget it, Jeremy. Odd hasn't been here since yesterday!

12:56 In the French, they talk about Odd being angry at Jeremy in particular because he made so many jokes about the smell of his feet. In the English, they suggest that Odd is angry at the rest of the group, not just Jeremy.

FrenchJeremy: Toujours pas de réponse d'Aelita. Et Odd ?
Ulrich: Rien à faire. Lui aussi doit t'en vouloir à mort.
Jeremy: À cause des vannes sur ses pieds ?
French translationJeremy: Still nothing from Aelita. What about Odd?
Ulrich: No good. He must be mad at you as well.
Jeremy: Because of the jokes about his feet?
EnglishJeremy: Still nothing from Aelita...or Odd!
Ulrich: Forget it. Looks as if Odd is angry at us as well.
Jeremy: 'Cause of his smelly feet? That's dumb!

16:45 Jeremy's French line "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce binz ?" is a reference to the film Les Visiteurs (The Visitors). This line is spoken by the character Jacques-Henri Jacquart when he's incredulous about something. It's hard to translate it accurately into English, but the dubbed line "What is going on around here?" gets the general gist of it. After this, in the English Jeremy sounds confused as he says "Holosphere system online?"

17:02 In the French, Jeremy chastises Aelita and Odd for "playing tourist." In the English he says "having a ball."

17:39 A difference in Odd's observation about the Mantas.

FrenchOdd: Elles nous attaquent pas ! C'est pas du jeu !
French translationOdd: They're not attacking us! That's not fair!
EnglishOdd: They're not attacking. It must be a game!

17:48 In the French, Jeremy uses a phrase that can be translated as something relating to a bad smell. Odd cuts in to say it has nothing to do with him.

FrenchJeremy: Là, ça sent pas bon du tout.
Odd: Eh c'est pas moi !
Jeremy: Attendez, je vérifie.
French translationJeremy: Now that doesn't smell right.
Odd: Hey, it's not me!
Jeremy: Hold on, I'll check it out.
EnglishJeremy: Now that is not a good sign. Hold on, I'll check it out.

17:56 In the English, Jeremy says "You were right" about XANA attacking the Core, but neither Aelita nor Odd ever suggested that in the first place.

18:40 Ulrich compliments Yumi's telekinesis differently.

FrenchUlrich: J'adore tes p'tits numéros d'télékinésie !
French translationUlrich: I love your little telekinesis displays!
EnglishUlrich: Your telekinesis thing is really cool!

19:05 In the French, Jeremy calls Aelita and Odd "sneaks." In the English, he alliterates with "scanner stowaways."

19:36 Odd is cut off while saying "Laser arrow" in the French. He finishes saying it in the English but he doesn't actually get to aim his wrist, so it looks a bit strange.

20:17 After Jeremy asks Aelita where she is, she responds with "In hell!" in the French and "In trouble!" in the English.

22:42 In the French, Ulrich says the stench of the cream is mega-corrosive.

Episode 58 - The Pretender
ImageLe prétandant
(The pretender/the suitor)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
The Pretender
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:53 The name of the fake video game Odd makes up is "Petit ours à la ferme" ("Little Bear on the Farm") in the French and "Teddy Bear Heaven" in the English.

2:33 In the French, Ulrich says he missed the end of the episode of Hospital of Horrors, and there's pain aux raisins (a spiral-shaped pastry with raisins on it) for breakfast. In the English he says he doesn't remember what happened at the end, and there are pancakes for breakfast.

3:13 In the French, Ulrich says he got hazed when "I arrived here." In the English, he says he got hazed when he was "in 7th grade" (but Johnny's in year 6).

4:03 A change to Johnny's sentence here.

FrenchJohnny: Sinon ce qu'j'aime aussi moi c'est le p...
French translationJohnny: Other than that, I also love the p...
EnglishJohnny: I'm gonna have the...

4:16 In the English, Ulrich says that Odd stinks at maths.

4:33 Ulrich's line is more detailed in French.

FrenchUlrich: Après la cantine, elle va au gymnase. Va t'entraîner avec elle, et demande-lui des conseils ! Elle adore ça !
French translationUlrich: After the lunchroom, she'll go to the gym. Go and train with her, and ask her for advice! She loves that!
EnglishUlrich: Now when you guys get to the gym, ask her for all kinds of advice.

4:54 When discussing the test questions, in the English version, Jeremy says he thinks he got question 2 right.

6:53 In the French, Ulrich says "Come on, quick" as he holds the manhole cover so the others can get inside.

7:03 Odd yells something in the French when he slides towards the manhole. "Chaud devant" (lit. "hot in front") is a phrase used in kitchens to warn people that someone is carrying a hot plate around and it could burn someone if they accidentally bump into it. Here, Odd uses it to say that he's coming and there's something dangerous right behind him.

French translationOdd: COMING IN HOT!

7:44 In the French, Yumi reacts with surprise to seeing the flock approaching the gym.

FrenchYumi: Les corbeaux ? Non, j'vois pas. (elle les voit) Oh ! OK, là j'ai vu. J'arrive !
French translationYumi: Crows? No, I don't see any. (sees the flock) Oh! Ok, I see them. On my way!
EnglishYumi: A big flock of birds? (sees the flock) Ok. I'll be right there.

8:26 Odd has an extra line in the English. Aelita's line is also different.

FrenchAelita: On a vu pire que ça... Aller, qui m'aime me suive ! On va s'offrir un bain d'foule...
French translationAelita: We've been through worse... Come on, who's with me? Let's mingle...
EnglishOdd: I don't believe it!
Aelita: We've been through worse. And besides, it's not every day we have such a big audience.

9:02 Odd's last sentence is different.

FrenchOdd: Allez ! Venez ! Par ici la volaille !
French translationOdd: Come on! Over here, poultry!
EnglishOdd: Over here! We're waiting!

9:17 In the French, Jeremy tells the boys "You're almost there!" In the English, he calls their names.

9:35 Aelita's line is different as she tries to phone Yumi.

FrenchAelita: J'vais essayer de joindre Yumi, j'espère qu'elle s'en sort.
French translationAelita: I'll try and reach Yumi, I hope she made it out.
EnglishAelita: Yumi's all on her own, I hope she's ok...

10:16 Yumi shouts at the birds in the French version as they swarm her.

FrenchYumi: Laissez-moi ! Fichez le camp !
French translationYumi: Leave me alone! Get away!

11:08 A few changes to the dialogue after Odd says he doesn't cry when he gets a bad grade.

FrenchUlrich: Nan, et heureusement, sinon, toute l'école serait déjà noyée sous les flots !
Jeremy: Réjouissez-vous : Le duel des stats va pouvoir commencer ! Vous avez rendez-vous avec une bande de Krabe !
Odd: Allez ! Dépêche-toi Ulrich, ou il te restera que les carapaces !
French translationUlrich: No, and it's just as well, or the whole school would've already drowned in the floods!
Jeremy: Rejoice, the battle of the stats may now begin! You have a rendezvous with a group of Krabs!
Odd: Come on! Hurry up Ulrich, or there'll be nothing but shells left for you!
EnglishUlrich: If you did, you'd have drowned in your tears ages ago!
Jeremy: You can start earning your points now... XANA's sent you a big welcome party of Krabs.
Odd: Let's go, Ulrich! I'll leave you the claws!

11:31 Ulrich mutters something different as Odd speeds away from him: in French he says "Show-off..." and in English he says "Cheater..."

11:47 Some small changes to this exchange.

FrenchUlrich: Oh, respect, génial le... style, Odd !
Odd: Bah vas-y, vas t'occuper des Krabes si t'es si malin !
French translationUlrich: Oh, well done, fantastic "style," Odd!
Odd: Go on then, you take care of the Krabs if you're so clever!
EnglishUlrich: Is that what you mean by, "style," huh?
Odd: Go on, then! See if you can do any better!

12:50 In the French, Jeremy asks if Yumi is with Mr Delmas. In the English, he asks if Mr Delmas knows where Yumi is.

16:01 Instead of Jim's classic "I'd rather not talk about it," in the French version he says "I can't talk to you about it" because it's confidential.

16:59 Odd's French line references the fake video game he made up at the start of the episode.

FrenchOdd: J'veux bien mais... c'est plus compliqué que « Petit ours à la ferme » !
French translationOdd: I'd love to, but...it's more complicated than Teddy Bear Heaven!
EnglishOdd: I'd love to, but...the Supercomputer programs aren't exactly...my thing.

17:48 When Yumi says Ulrich is jealous, in the English she also says he's dumb.

18:19 In the English dub, Ulrich says "Olé!" each time he dodges one of XANA-Aelita's energy fields.

18:45 Ulrich speaks quietly in the French version as though talking to himself. He talks to Odd in the English.

FrenchUlrich: Ouais, génial... (le sabre disparaît) Ohh non, c'est raté !
French translationUlrich: Yeah, great... (the sabre disappears) Ohh no, it didn't work!
EnglishUlrich: Great, Odd! (the sabre disappears) Huh?! Ok, I take that back!

19:09 Odd's line is different.

FrenchOdd: Ouais d'accord ! Alors là c'est la méga-galère.
French translationOdd: Yeah, ok! This is definitely a mega-disaster.
EnglishOdd: Let me see. How are we going to get out of this one?

20:44 Ulrich has an additional English line as he watches the shard of rock destroy the two Hornets.

French translation-
EnglishUlrich: One...and two! But...

22:57 After Johnny says that Ulrich rocks, Yumi seems to agree with him in the French. In the English, she laughs.

FrenchYumi: Ouais... t'as raison.
French translationYumi: Yeah...you're right.
EnglishYumi: (laughs) I guess!

23:08 In the French version, Jeremy calls the final verdict the "Lyoko Warrior of the month."

Episode 59 - The Secret
ImageLe secret
(The secret)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
The Secret
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:14 A change to Yumi's line.

FrenchYumi: Quand tu dis « d'bout », c'est une blague, faut qu'je rigole ?
French translationYumi: When you say "up," is that a joke? Should I be laughing?
EnglishYumi: I wouldn't exactly call this being "up," would you?

1:52 William forms sentences in the French version; he keeps repeating Yumi's name in the English.

FrenchWilliam: Alors, j'attends... euh... Yumi ? (voyant qu'elle est partie) J'me suis fait avoir comme un bleu...
French translationWilliam: Well, I'm waiting...uh...Yumi? (seeing she's gone) I fell for it hook, line and sinker...
EnglishWilliam: Yumi? ...Yumi? (seeing she's gone) Yumi!

2:18 Odd says he's a heavy sleeper in the French, and that he oversleeps several times a week in the English. There's also a difference in how he describes Ulrich's snoring.

FrenchOdd: Boh c'est pas grave, Yumi. Tu sais, moi aussi j'ai l'sommeil un peu lourd. Mais bon, avec Ulrich qui ronfle comme un troupeau d'tronçonneuses, c'est un réflexe de survie !
French translationOdd: Oh it's no big deal, Yumi. You know, I'm kind of a heavy sleeper too. Of course, with Ulrich, who snores like a flock of chainsaws, it's a survival instinct!
EnglishOdd: Nothing to worry about. I oversleep at least three times a week! Of course, with Ulrich, who snores like a grizzly, it's a question of survival!

2:35 In the French, Jim calls the students' names in the wrong order. Matthias puts his hand up, Jim calls Matthias's name, Emmanuel puts his hand up, Jim calls Emmanuel's name, etc. The students all respond to their own names in the English, but Emmanuel sounds like a girl when he responds.

2:56 Yumi does a little more to explain her annoyance in the French version.

FrenchYumi: À force de m'tourner autour, tu m'files l'vertige alors arrête !
French translationYumi: You hover in circles around me so much you're making me dizzy, so stop!
EnglishYumi: So why don't you buzz off, William, and leave me alone!

3:15 In the French, noticing that William hasn't left like he told him to, Jim starts yelling at him again to get him to leave.

3:31 The name of one of the students is changed from Ronaud Limousin (French) to Ronald Limousin (English). Also, Ulrich repeats their names perfectly in the English, not so much in the French.

FrenchUlrich: Sans blague ? Et c'est qui ça Judith et Machin... ?
French translationUlrich: No kidding? And who are Judith and Someone...?
EnglishUlrich: Who are Judith Nevers and Ronald Limousin?

4:36 Mr Fumey continues expressing his surprise in the French. In the English, he says he'll excuse Odd and Ulrich for being absent.

FrenchFumey: Aah ! Ah, les petits cachottiers ! Ils auraient dû m'en parler !
French translationFumey: Ohh! Oh, the little sneaks! They should've spoken to me!
EnglishFumey: Oh! Wh...I would never have guessed! I'll excuse their absence this time.

6:22 A couple of changes to Jim's speech about synchronised swimming and Yumi's reaction to his demonstration.

FrenchJim: Autrement dit, quelques instants de grâce et d'harmonie dans un monde de brutes ! Mais plutôt qu'un long discours, je préfère vous faire une petite démonstration. Admirez l'artiste !
Yumi: Eh ben si c'est ça la grâce, j'crois qu'j'préfère encore les brutes !
French translationJim: In other words, a few moments of grace and harmony in a world of brutes! But rather than giving you a long speech, I'd prefer to give you a little demonstration. Admire the artist!
Yumi: Well if that's grace, I think I'd still prefer the brutes!
EnglishJim: And that means...no speed competitions, no stopwatches, just pure grace! But since, as someone once said, a picture's worth a thousand words, here's a demonstration! Admire the finesse!
Yumi: You know what I think? That's about as graceful as tractor pulling!

7:12 In the French, William says the lab looks like something run by NASA.

FrenchWilliam: On s'croirait à la NASA, c'est dingue !
French translationWilliam: It's like we're at NASA, this is crazy!
EnglishWilliam: A-and what do you guys do in here?

7:24 A change to the start of William's sentence.

FrenchWilliam: Surtout si vous me jouez un sale tour, je suis du genre rancunier.
French translationWilliam: Especially if you pull a dirty one on me, I'm the type to hold a grudge.
EnglishWilliam: I remember everything, and I'm great at holding a grudge.

7:29 Another reference by William in the French, this time to the thieves' cave from the story Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

FrenchWilliam: Alors c'était ça son petit secret : Une planque high-tech, la caverne d'Ali Baba version S-F !
French translationWilliam: So that was her little secret: a high-tech hideout, a sci-fi version of Ali Baba's cave!
EnglishWilliam: So that's your secret. A supercomputer hideout. That's incredible.

9:00 In the French, Yumi's classmates chatter about how impressive her swimming is. They're silent in the English.

9:12 In the French, Jim is angry at William's insubordination. In the English, he asks what William is talking about.

FrenchJim: Non mais où vous croyez Dunbar !? Les ordres c'est moi qui les donne !
French translationJim: Just where do you think you are, Dunbar?! I'm the one who gives the orders!
EnglishJim: Listen, Dunbar. What is this gibberish?

9:27 Some small changes here.

FrenchYumi: Permettez que je l'accompagne monsieur, j'veux m'assurer qu'il aura le punition qu'il merite !
Jim: Bonne idée ! Allez-y, mademoiselle Ishiyama. Et félicitations, il nous faudrait plus d'élèves comme vous !
French translationYumi: You have to let me take him Jim, I want to make sure he gets the punishment he deserves!
Jim: Good idea! Go on, Miss Ishiyama. And good on you, we need more students like you!
EnglishYumi: Let me take him to the principal's office, just to make sure he doesn't run away!
Jim: Good idea! Go on and take him, Miss Ishiyama! That's very responsible attitude on your part.

10:04 In the French, Ulrich says "Let's fly!" as he puts the Overbike in flight mode. He says "Here we go!" in the English.

10:30 Ulrich talks about motorbike safety in the French.

FrenchUlrich: Désolé les gars, trois sur une moto, c'est dang'reux. Et puis j'suis pas assuré pour !
French translationUlrich: Sorry guys, but it's dangerous to have three riders on one motorcycle. And I'm not insured for it, either!
EnglishUlrich: Sorry, guys...but I don't play favourite. Same treatment for everyone!

13:38 In the English, Yumi starts to say "I'm on the bridge" before correcting herself and saying "we're on the bridge." She doesn't do this in the French, going straight to using "we."

13:38 William makes an indirect reference to the video game character Mario when he talks about a super-plumber in the French.

FrenchWilliam: On est tombé sur un super-plombier !...
French translationWilliam: We've run into a super-plumber...!
EnglishWilliam: He's a super enemy electrical worker.

14:24 Ulrich uses the phrase "hit and run" in the English when talking about how the Bloks devirtualised him.

14:59 In the French, Odd says "Go on, hop off!" when he drops Aelita off at the tower.

16:08 Yumi calls William "you-know-who" in the English when talking about how he won't interfere with them again. She just uses his name in the French.

16:19 William doesn't seem to mince his words in the English.

FrenchWilliam: Et j'imagine que là-dans, il y avait de quoi faire un beau feu d'artifice...
French translationWilliam: And I bet that bag contained all the right stuff to create a nice fireworks display...
EnglishWilliam: I'll bet he came here fully equipped to blow your factory sky high! Ba-boom!

16:30 In the French, Jeremy finishes talking about the Return to the Past by ending with "No problem!" - something he quickly takes back.

FrenchJeremy: Pas d'problème ! (la Méduse arrive) Ohh si ! Problème ! La Méduse !
French translationJeremy: No problem! (the Scyphozoa arrives) Ohh yes problem! The Scyphozoa!
EnglishJeremy: (the Scyphozoa arrives) Oh, no. The Scyphozoa!

18:07 A couple of changes here.

FrenchOdd: D'accord, d'accord ! On se racontr'a nos histoires de famille une autre fois là on n'a pas le temps !
Ulrich: Tout à fait. Alors le spécialiste, il est où le détonateur ?
French translationOdd: Ok, ok! We'll share our family stories later, we don't have time right now!
Ulrich: Right. So Mister Specialist, where's the detonator?
EnglishOdd: Ok! Family stories are all very moving, but...we're kinda pressed here...!
Ulrich: Thanks, Odd. So, where do you think we'll find the detonator?

19:33 Yumi has an additional line in the French as she gets up after falling from the Overwing.

FrenchYumi: Ça va, ça va, rien cassé. Je vais chercher Aelita !
French translationYumi: Fine, I'm ok, nothing broken. I'm going to find Aelita!

22:24 In the English, Odd says William deserves to be part of their group. (What do you mean, he "deserves" it?)

FrenchOdd: C'est vrai qu'un combattant de plus, ça nous f'rait de main.
French translationOdd: It's true that we could use another fighter.
EnglishOdd: He really does deserve to be one of us. Besides, we could use another solider.

22:31 In the English, Jeremy refers to the group as "our club," which seems pretty light-hearted for a group of heroes who save the world every other day.

22:41 Though these mean the same sort of thing, the English line could also be heard as William insulting the gang by calling them "losers."

FrenchWilliam: Dommage pour vous...
French translationWilliam: Too bad for you guys...
EnglishWilliam: You're the big losers!

23:09 In the English, Ulrich mentions how William saved the factory as well as their lives. There's also a change to this part here.

FrenchUlrich: Il est courageux et il f'rait un super Lyoko-guerrier ! Je l'pense vraiment !
French translationUlrich: He's brave, and he'd make a great Lyoko Warrior! I truly believe that!
EnglishUlrich: He's brave, and he'd make a great Lyoko Warrior. I didn't blackball him.

Episode 60 - Temporary Insanity
ImageTarentule au plafond
(Screw loose/Tarantula on the ceiling (lit.)*)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Temporary Insanity
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

* The French phrase "avoir une araignée au plafond" (lit. "have a spider on the ceiling") means to "have a screw loose." The episode title substitutes "spider" with "Tarantula," like the monster.

1:10 In the French, Odd says "Gotcha!" as he catches Yumi on the Overboard.

1:13 Odd names the Manta Lucienne in the French and Lucy-Anne in the English. His line is also longer in the French.

FrenchOdd: J'donne des p'tits noms aux monstres que j'atomise, c'est plus humain ! Bah justement là, voilà Lucienne. Flèche laser ! Oh elle à l'air en colère !
French translationOdd: I give nicknames to the monsters I blow to smithereens, it's more humane! And right on cue, there's Lucienne. Laser arrow! Oh, she seems angry!
EnglishOdd: I love giving nicknames to the monsters I blow to smithereens. Laser arrow!

1:36 In the French, Odd asks Yumi to pass him Ulrich's sabre after she catches it.

FrenchOdd: Tiens, passe-moi le canif d'Ulrich !
Yumi: Le perds pas !
French translationOdd: Here, pass me Ulrich's pocket knife!
Yumi: Don't lose it!

2:28 Odd's French line includes a common phrase: "en voiture Simone" which literally means "all aboard, Simone" but is used to mean "let's go" and other similar phrases. "Buckle up" is a common English phrase but the "Shirley" part doesn't usually go with it.

FrenchOdd: Taxi m'sieur ? Et en voiture Simone !
French translationOdd: Taxi, Sir? Let's go!
EnglishOdd: Buckle up, Shirley!

2:38 Odd names one of the Mantas Raymonde in the French and Ethel in the English.

3:16 Odd uses different words to describe himself.

FrenchOdd: Deux jambes magnifiques, deux bras minces et musclés, un torse d'Apollon et la tête qui va avec.
French translationOdd: Two great legs, two slim, muscular arms, one torso of Apollo and a head to match.
EnglishOdd: Two great legs...a svelte torso, two beautiful arms...and a good-looking head.

3:53 Jim's line to Nicolas is different.

FrenchJim: Poliakoff ! Espèce de chou fleur de Bretagne trop cuit !
French translationJim: Poliakoff, you overdone cauliflower!
EnglishJim: Poliakoff, d'you mind using your head for once?!

4:38 In the French, Mr Delmas also suggests Cyrano de Bergerac's modernity as a reason for choosing it.

5:59 The line "In truth, I seem to speak from distant heights" is spoken by Odd (Cyrano) in the English, but it's meant to be Yumi (Roxane) saying it. Yumi says the line in the French.

6:14 Mister Chardin says the performance is somewhere between The Bald Soprano (an opera) and something action-themed: in the French, he says "Mortal Stombat 3," like the video game series Mortal Kombat. In the English he says "a deadly karate man."

6:20 Odd asks Ulrich to help him in the English. Mister Chardin also says "Bravo" - in the French he just makes a noise.

FrenchOdd: Ulrich ! À toi j'suis touché !...
French translationOdd: Ulrich! It's up to you, I'm hit...!
EnglishOdd: Ulrich, help me. I'm hit!
Chardin: Bravo!

6:55 Different colloquial terms with the word "block" in them.

FrenchJim: Tu débloques Stern ! Hein ?
French translationJim: You're talking nonsense (lit. deblocking), Stern! Huh?
EnglishJim: You're the blockhead, Stern!

7:08 There's a line swap here. As a consequence, Aelita later says that Odd was right in the French and Ulrich was right in the English (about it being a XANA trap).

FrenchOdd: Jérémy ! Remue-toi y'a deux Tarentules qui nous emportent ! C'est XANA ! Il nous a piégé ! Sortez nous d'là !
Ulrich: Faites quelque chose !
French translationOdd: Jeremy! Get a move on! Two Tarantulas are taking us away! It's XANA! He's trapped us! Get us out of here!
Ulrich: Do something!
EnglishOdd: Jeremy! Reload me! Two Tarantulas are getting the better of us!
Ulrich: We're stuck in another of XANA's traps!
Odd: Yumi! Do something!

7:57 After Doctor Phan repeats what Odd said, she says "Interesting!" in the English.

8:55 In the French, Yumi sarcastically compliments the receptionist's rude welcome.

FrenchYumi: Bon ben merci, et puis l'accueil super cool, changez rien !
French translationYumi: Well thanks a lot. Super warm welcome by the way, never change!
EnglishYumi: Thanks a lot. Sorry we interrupted you.

9:07 In the French, the list of monster names includes Krabs and the doctor's name is Doctor Frelion (the French name for XANA's Hornets). In the English, the list includes Bloks instead and the doctor's name is Doctor Hornet.

9:31 To help convince the man she's blind, Yumi says "Excuse me, Ma'am" when she bumps into him. In the French, she says "Sorry Sir" after hearing his voice and "realising" he's not a woman.

9:54 Odd's line is different here. Crabs aren't really known for biting but ok.

FrenchOdd: P'têt qu'ils en pincent un peu pour moi !
French translationOdd: Maybe they kinda had the hots (lit. pinches) for me!
EnglishOdd: I think it was love at first bite.

10:00 In the French, the old woman invites Yumi to a game of Jokari, a ball-and-paddle game. In the English she invites her to play tiddlywinks, where the aim is to flick counters into a cup.

10:08 In the French, the old woman says "just one game." In the English, after Yumi refuses she says "Another time."

10:36 Yumi's line is different.

FrenchYumi: Oh oui, bien sûr, la tour. La tour activée !
French translationYumi: Oh yes, of course, the tower. The activated tower!
EnglishYumi: Oh, right! Yeah, sure. Well let's...get going then!

10:52 Doctor Phan and the unnamed doctor are having a conversation in the French when the kids walk past. They're silent in the English until Doctor Phan notices the kids leaving.

FrenchPhan: Enfin deux ados en crise au même moment, c'est curieux non ?
Doctor: Euh euhh ceux... euh ceux-là ?...
Phan: Mais qu'est-ce que ?... (elle laisse tomber sa boisson) Vous là, attendez !
French translationPhan: But two teenagers having an episode at the same time, that strange, isn't it?
Doctor: Uh uhh those...uh those teenagers...?
Phan: What the...? (she drops her drink) You there, wait!
EnglishPhan: Huh?! (she drops her drink) Where do you think you're going?

11:35 In the French, we hear Jeremy on the other end of the phone telling Yumi to hurry to the factory because the Core is in danger. We don't hear him in the English.

12:15 This part of Jeremy's line is different.

FrenchJeremy: Faut s'activer.
French translationJeremy: We need to get going.
EnglishJeremy: It's about time.

14:47 Odd's response is different when Aelita says they'll head to the lunchroom.

FrenchOdd: Ça c'est cool !
French translationOdd: Yeah, cool!
EnglishOdd: I'm starving!

15:17 There's a change to Odd's insult for "Sissi" when he asks why she looks mad.

FrenchOdd: T'as compris q'ton 10 de Q.I c'était pas la moyenne ?
French translationOdd: You realise your IQ of 10 isn't the average?
EnglishOdd: You break the scale this morning?!

16:01 Jeremy talks about a different kind of car that will come and pick Yumi up.

FrenchJeremy: C'est parti m'dame ! Une Berline blanche dans une minute !
French translationJeremy: Here we go, Madam! A white sedan in just a minute!
EnglishJeremy: You bet! A big, white stretch limo is on the way!

17:43 In the English, Jeremy says "Zero!" as Yumi hits the key.

18:26 When she arrives outside the south pole entrance, Yumi's line makes more sense in the French.

FrenchYumi: Ça y est, j'y suis Jérémy.
French translationYumi: That's it, I'm there, Jeremy.
EnglishYumi: Jeremy! I'm in the dome.

19:30 Jeremy and Aelita have a little exchange in the French. In the English, after Aelita says the changes worked, Jeremy comments that the Core is still in danger.

FrenchJeremy: Aelita ?
Aelita: Jérémy ? Ça a marché !
Jeremy: Super !
French translationJeremy: Aelita?
Aelita: Jeremy? It worked!
Jeremy: Great!
EnglishAelita: Jeremy, it worked!
Jeremy: Yeah...but the Core is still in danger.

22:08 A change to Jeremy's line.

FrenchJeremy: T'inquiètes pas. Les garçons ont retrouvé leurs ésprits, si j'peux dire, et ils arrivent !
French translationJeremy: Don't worry. The boys have come to their senses, if I may say so, and they're on their way!
EnglishJeremy: It's on the way. By now, Ulrich and Odd should be close to Sector 5, Yumi.

22:50 In the French, Jim suggests the performance needs some icy-poles (or popsicles for you Americans out there). In the English, he suggests popcorn.

Episode 61 - Sabotage
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:25 In the French, Odd says he'll finish with Norbert and then go to help Ulrich. In the English he just says he's just about through with Norbert.

3:49 In the French, Odd finishes Jim's sentence to make it say "local cinemas." In the English, it ends up being "cinematography."

5:30 In the French, Jeremy talks about the internal circuits being damaged and the qubits (quantum bits) dropping. In the English he talks about a single internal circuit, and quantum bytes being dropped. When Ulrich requests the short version of what Jeremy's saying, in the English he calls it the "Reader's Digest version." The Reader's Digest magazine used to publish a series of anthologies containing condensed versions of novels that were popular at the time, hence the phrase.

6:06 After asking "You mean...since last week?" in the English Jeremy also says "No way."

6:42 The French revue de [X] means an [X] magazine, where [X] is the subject the magazine is about. For example, Jim starts to say "revues de..." in the French and Jeremy finishes the sentence with "d'informatique": computer magazines. Given the context of magazines hidden under a mattress it's probably safe to assume Jim was about to say revues de c*l: adult magazines... This sentence isn't in the English dub.

FrenchJim: Et ça là, c'est quoi ? On cache des revues de...
Jeremy: D'informatique, m'sieur.
French translationJim: And those, what are they? Are you stashing po...
Jeremy: Computer magazines, Sir.
EnglishJim: And those things, what are they?!
Jeremy: Uh...computer magazines!

7:25 Aelita has some additional short lines in the English, including a cute "Thanks!" after Odd wishes her luck.

FrenchOdd: Bonne chance, princesse !
French translationOdd: Good luck, Princess!
EnglishAelita: I'm off.
Odd: Good luck, Princess!
Aelita: Thanks!

7:35 In the French, William asks if the bus has forgotten them. In the English, he says it's late and asks when it will arrive.

9:21 William's question to Yumi concerning the gift shop is different.

FrenchWilliam: Qu'est-ce que tu en dis Yumi ?
French translationWilliam: What do you say, Yumi?
EnglishWilliam: W-what would you like, Yumi?

10:07 Odd's line is different after he and Ulrich are trapped by the roots.

FrenchOdd: Eh ben nous v'la ben !
French translationOdd: Well this isn't good!
EnglishOdd: Got any sunblock?

10:15 In the English, Jeremy says "See ya!" to Jim before leaving.

10:50 In the French, Aelita says she'll wait for Jeremy. In the English, she tells him to hurry up.

11:00 In the English, Jeremy says "There they are" when he finds Odd and Ulrich.

12:18 Ulrich's English line plays on how Odd and Jeremy are currently entangled in roots.

FrenchUlrich: Bah Jérémy et Odd sont hors course.
French translationUlrich: Jeremy and Odd are out of the race.
EnglishUlrich: Jeremy and Odd are kind of tied up.

12:45 When asked if she had fixed the Supercomputer, Aelita's reply is different.

FrenchAelita: Non. Enfin j'ai fait de mon mieux !
French translationAelita: No. But I did the best I could!
EnglishAelita: Well, just...temporarily.

13:51 A few changes to this exchange.

FrenchOdd: Si c'est ça ton idée, oublie, j'l'ai eue avant toi et ça a pas marché !
Jeremy: Odd, fais moi confiance !
Odd: Ben voyons, si tu savais comme j'en ai marre d'entendre ça !
French translationOdd: If that's your idea, forget it. I thought of that before you did and it didn't work!
Jeremy: You gotta trust me, Odd!
Odd: Look, if you only knew how tired I am of hearing that...!
EnglishOdd: I should try to get free, huh? I could've thought of that without your help!
Jeremy: You gotta trust me, Odd.
Odd: Can't you think of something more convincing to say for once?

14:10 Aelita uses a different word for an alternative game plan. Though they mean the same sort of thing, the wording in the English results in a more self-deprecating response from Ulrich.

FrenchAelita: Ben la ruse !
Ulrich: Connais pas.
French translationAelita: Cunning!
Ulrich: Don't know it.
EnglishAelita: Our brains.
Ulrich: Don't have any.

14:48 Ulrich's French line is a quote from Cyrano de Bergerac, spoken several times during a fencing match in the play. The translation depends on the person who translated the original French play, and as well as the translation below it can also be "At the poem's end, I hit." An envoi is a particular kind of stanza in a poem. In the English, Ulrich quotes some well-known phrases used in fencing.

FrenchUlrich: Et à la fin de l'envoi, je touche !
French translationUlrich: And at the envoi's end, I touch!
EnglishUlrich: En garde! Touché!

17:40 As well as calling for "Help!" in the English, Yumi calls "Anyone out there?!"

23:20 In the English, Odd says sorry for creating the mess.

Episode 62 - Nobody in Particular
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Nobody in Particular
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:03 The French version uses a mark out of 20 as usual, and this time the English dub uses letters (A-F) instead of a mark out of 100. Ms Hertz says across the board students got 6-11/Cs and Ds; Jeremy got 18/A-; Ulrich got 5/D-.

1:31 In the English, Nicolas laughs loudly after hearing Ulrich's results. He's laughing when we see him in the French, but that's not until after Ms Hertz calls his name.

2:50 In the French, the famous can of drink is a "Chouetz Orange" ("Orange Coolz;" "chouetz" sounds a bit like Schweppes, a soft drink brand). In the English, it's a cherry soda.

2:59 Odd's English line includes the term "passing Go," referring to the board game Monopoly. In the French, he calls it "square one."

4:14 A different transport-related reference from Odd.

FrenchOdd: Ben alors ? Il à loupé sa correspondance ou quoi ?
French translationOdd: Well? Did he miss his connection or what?
EnglishOdd: Where is he? Did he take the local instead of the express?

5:20 Yumi seems pretty certain that Ulrich is dead in the French.

FrenchYumi: Mais la vérité c'est qu't'as fait n'importe quoi et qu'on n'reverra plus jamais Ulrich !!
French translationYumi: But the truth is you messed up big time and we'll never see Ulrich ever again!!
EnglishYumi: But the truth is you messed up big time and Ulrich might be lost forever!

6:12 Ulrich has a different response after his hand phases through the button.

FrenchUlrich: Oh il y a un truc qui cloche là...
French translationUlrich: Oh, something's wrong here...
EnglishUlrich: My hand! What's going on?

6:30 Ulrich's line is different after Jeremy says "Come in."

FrenchUlrich: Je suis déjà là !
French translationUlrich: I'm already in here!
EnglishUlrich: Yo, Jeremy!

6:42 Another change to one of Ulrich's lines.

FrenchUlrich: Eh, c'est ce que je me tue à vous dire !
French translationUlrich: Hey, that's what I've been trying to tell you!
EnglishUlrich: What do I have to do to make you see me?!

9:18 After Ms Hertz asks "Jim" to call her Suzanne, in the English Ulrich-Jim almost calls her "Mrs Hertz" again before using her first name.

FrenchUlrich-Jim: Ouais, d'a-d'a-d'a-d'a-d'accord j-j'arrive !
French translationUlrich-Jim: Yeah, o-o-o-o-ok o-on my way!
EnglishUlrich-Jim: Uh...ok! I'll be there, Mrs...uh, Suzanne!

9:38 In the French, Ms Hertz says Jim used to be a professional ballroom dance teacher. In the English, she says he was a professional ballroom dancer.

10:00 A few changes to this conversation.

FrenchUlrich-Jim: Non, justement non ! Il faut qu'on en parle et tout d'suite, c'est important !
Hertz: Non non, ce qui est important c'est que je dois voir Pedro dimanche après-midi au « Thé dansant » et je dois absolument savoir danser le tango argentin, sinon c'est à peine s'il daignera me regarder...
Ulrich-Jim: Bon, c'est d'accord, mais avant ça, parlons un peu de Stern ! Tu n'crois pas qu'il mériterait qu'on lui offre une seconde chance ?
French translationUlrich-Jim: No, that's just it! We need to talk right away, it's important!
Hertz: No no, what's important is that I have to see Pedro Sunday afternoon at the "Tea Dance" and I've got to learn how to dance the Argentinian tango. If I don't, he won't pay any attention to me...
Ulrich-Jim: Ok, fine, but first let's talk about Stern! Don't you think he deserves a second chance?
EnglishUlrich-Jim: But that's what I mean. It'll be too late then, we need to discuss this now!
Hertz: Oh, don't be like that, Jim! I've got a date with Pedro for the Sunday afternoon dance and brunch and I've got to learn how to dance the tango by then. If I don't, he won't pay any attention to me!
Ulrich-Jim: Ok! But first, let's talk about Stern! If he had a second chance, he could get better! I think.

10:27 Ulrich-Jim confuses "Argentinian" with two different other countries. Ms Hertz never actually specifies that she wants to learn the Argentinian tango in the English, so "Australian" is a pretty good guess all things considered.

FrenchUlrich-Jim: Pas de seconde chance pour Stern, eh bien pas de tango philippin, nan ! Et maintenant je vais manger !
French translationUlrich-Jim: No second chance for Stern, no Filipino tango! And now I'm going to lunch!
EnglishUlrich-Jim: No second chance for Ulrich Stern, no Australian tango lessons. I am outta here!

10:41 Ulrich-Jim calls the noisy students "little monsters" in the French and zoo animals in the English.

FrenchUlrich-Jim: Holà euh... Un peu d'calme euh les p'tits monstres !
French translationUlrich-Jim: Hey uh... Calm down, you uh little monsters!
EnglishUlrich-Jim: Quiet down! Sounds like a zoo around here!

10:47 In the French, Odd calls for "BREAD SLICES!" to be thrown at Jim. In the English he says "FIRE AWAY!" As the heroes leave the cafeteria the other students shout "SOGGY CROISSANTS!" in the French and "SOGGY ROLLS!" in the English.

10:58 In the French, it sounds like Ulrich asks what he himself is doing inside Jim, but his voice is a little off. It's definitely not Yumi or Odd's voice though... Yumi asks the question in the English.

11:30 After Odd says "Oh no!" in the French, Mister Delmas says "Oh yes!" In the English, he tells Odd to hurry up.

11:37 When Jeremy phones Yumi again, in the French he starts by telling her he has news. In the English, he says something is wrong.

12:45 In the French, Jeremy says "Code Scipio" as he types it in.

13:44 Mister Delmas has an extra sentence to his line in the French. In the English, Mister Fumey says something instead.

FrenchDelmas: Bien, à présent étudions le cas de Belpois Jérémy. Ça ne devrait pas être long.
French translationDelmas: Right, now let's look at the file of Jeremy Belpois. It shouldn't take long.
EnglishDelmas: Right! And now, let's look at the file of Jeremy Belpois.
Fumey: All's well. Nothing to add.

14:24 After pulling Aelita up, Yumi runs towards the key and says "It's ok!" in the French.

15:11 A small change here.

FrenchUlrich-Jim: Les autres élèves ne courent plus s'cacher quand il lance le javelot...
French translationUlrich-Jim: The other students don't run and hide anymore when he throws the javelin...
EnglishUlrich-Jim: The other students aren't afraid anymore when it's his turn at the javelin...

15:57 In the French, they have turnip-and-leek soup, and Mister Delmas says they could've provided tomato-and-pumpkin as well. In the English, they have turnip soup and Mister Delmas says they could've provided tomato or vegetable flavours as well.

19:44-21:09 In the French, Jim snores lightly while he's unconscious on the floor. He's silent in the English.

19:46 Odd makes a fruit-related joke in the French. In the English, he references Jim's "I'd rather not talk about it" phrase.

FrenchOdd: Nan, il a la banane quand il est dans les pommes !
French translationOdd: Nah, he's happy (lit. he has the banana) when he's out cold (lit. in the apples)!
EnglishOdd: I bet this'll be something he'd rather not talk about!

19:56 At the end of his explanation, in the French Jeremy asks if Ulrich is ok with the plan (not that Ulrich's response would be audible since he's a ghost). In the English, he asks Ulrich to be patient.

22:17 In the French, XANA-Ulrich screams as he falls and devirtualises. He's silent in the English.

23:04 In the French, Jim says he's going to start with a milk coffee and six croissants. In the English, he says he'll start with a coffee and six doughnuts. They really don't like saying "croissant" in the English dub of season 3...

23:14 Jim names a specific kind of tea in the French.

FrenchJim: On a encore trop forcé sur la verveine menthe hier soir ! Ça ne te réussit pas, tu le sais !
French translationJim: I think you overdid it with the mint verbena tea last night! It doesn't agree with you, you know that!
EnglishJim: I think you had one too many herbal teas last night! They do weird things to your head.

Episode 63 - Triple Trouble
ImageTriple sot
(Triple fool)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Triple Trouble
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

2:37 Ulrich calls Aelita Princess in the English. Odd's line is then different.

FrenchOdd: Eh si j'sers plus à rien faut l'dire !
French translationOdd: Hey, if I'm no use anymore, just say so!
EnglishOdd: Hey! What am I, here?! A groupie?!

2:53 Odd says "you can all make stuff appear" in the English, but only Aelita has that power. He calls it "power of creation" in the French. This is also the only time someone gives a name to Odd's (former) power in the English.

FrenchOdd: Bah tu le sais bien ! Eh oh regardez vous, vous avez tous des superpouvoirs : Télékinésie, Triplicata, Supersprint, pouvoir de Création et moi j'ai rien ! Le seul super bidule que j'avais, les flash de prémonitions, Jérémy m'la effacé en faisant une mise à jour du Supercalculateur...
French translationOdd: You know darn well! Just look at yourselves, you've all got superpowers: telekinesis, Triplicate, Supersprint, power of creation, and I've got zilch! The only super thingamajig I had was my premonition flashes and Jeremy wiped it out when he updated the Supercomputer...
EnglishOdd: You know darn well! You all got superpowers: telekinesis, Supersprint, Triplicate...you can all make stuff appear! Me, I've got zilch. The only power I ever had was Future Flash and it got wiped out when Jeremy was updating the Supercomputer.

3:31 In the French, Yumi sounds surprised to see Odd sulking.

FrenchYumi: Je rêve ou il fait la tronche ?
French translationYumi: Am I dreaming or is he sulking?
EnglishYumi: He's still sulking, I guess.

3:43 There's not really much of a difference here, but I like the way it's written in the French. It also explains where Odd got the idea of food from.

FrenchJeremy: Et pour te r'monter l'moral, j't'ai mijoté un p'tit quelque chose...
Odd: Mijoté ? C'est façon d'parler j'espère parce qu'en cuisine t'es nul.
French translationJeremy: I cooked up a little something that's bound to cheer you up...
Odd: Cooked up? I hope that's a figure of speech, 'cause you're an awful cook.
EnglishJeremy: I put a little something together that's bound to cheer you up, Odd!
Odd: I hope it's nothing to eat, 'cause you're an awful cook.

4:53 After Odd says he'll try teleporting again, in the French Jeremy says "No, wait!" and Aelita protests continuously as she waves her arms. In the English, only Aelita says "No, wait!" and just the once.

5:37 Ulrich insults Odd after pulling his stupid prank coming out of the scanner. In the French version, Ulrich starts to say that there could only be one person who's that stupid...but then another Odd comes out of the scanner and does the exact same thing! This joke is lost in the English version.

FrenchUlrich: Débile à c'point y'en a vraiment que... hein !?
French translationUlrich: When it comes to stupidity, you're the only person who...huh?!
EnglishUlrich: What a total meathead!

6:02 Some small changes here, particularly to what two of the Odds say at once.

FrenchOdd 1: Ben quoi faut voir le bon côté des choses : vous avez trois super potes pour le prix d'un !
Odds 2 and 3: C'est mortel non ?
Ulrich: C'est l'mot oui, trois fois plus de vannes foireuses !
French translationOdd 1: Look on the bright side: you've got three great buddies for the price of one!
Odds 2 and 3: Killer, right?
Ulrich: That's the word for it, yeah. Three times as many bad jokes!
EnglishOdd 1: Look on the bright side: now you've got two more great buddies!
Odd 2 and 3: That's right!
Ulrich: Get real. That's three times as many bad jokes!

6:24 Odd 1 says there's couscous and meatballs for lunch in the French, and meatballs and gravy in the English.

6:33 In the English, Odd 1 says he should go first because he thought of the idea. He doesn't give a reason in the French.

6:41 Both versions use a local version of "eeny meeny." In English the second line "catch a [something] by the toe" has many variants (e.g. tiger, fishy, piggy...) and in this case Ulrich uses Odd's name there in the dub.

FrenchUlrich: Pique-nique douille, c'est toi l'andouille.
French translationUlrich: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a fishy by the toe.
EnglishUlrich: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch Odd Della Robbia by the toe... You go.

7:21 In the French, Odd 1 greets Rosa with a "Hello!" before she serves him.

7:30 In the English, Odd 1 tries to keep sweet-talking Rosa but she cuts him off. In the French, he finishes what he wanted to say.

8:10 In the French, Rosa says she'll give Odd 2 seconds of couscous. In the English, she says she'll give him some more potatoes. (But after this, Odd 2 is then seen eating a meatball.)

9:34 There's a difference to Jim's line when he tells Odd 3 to get to the gym.

FrenchJim: Vous allez tout d'suite faire demi-tour pour aller d'l'avant, sinon faudra pas compter sur moi pour assurer vos arrières !
French translationJim: Right now you're gonna turn around and go ahead. If not, you'd better not count on me to watch your back!
EnglishJim: Get to the gym now and work up a sweat or you're gonna have something else to sweat about!

10:26 The movie guide Odd 2 looks at has a name in the French and it's also a dollar/Euro more expensive.

FrenchShopkeeper: Pas cher ? Ben vous avez « Programme à Deux Balles » ... qui fait deux cinquante.
French translationShopkeeper: Cheap? Well you've got "Two-Bit Programme"...which is two fifty.
EnglishShopkeeper: Well the...cheapest one is a...buck and a half. I've got one left.

10:38 The name of the movie Odd 2 is interested in is "Paraplegik Zombie 4" in the French and "Wheelchair Zombie 4" in the English. There are also some changes to the shopkeeper's lines.

FrenchShopkeeper: Eh p'tit gars ! Faut payer pour lire !
French translationShopkeeper: Hey kid! You gotta pay to read!
EnglishShopkeeper: What do you think you're doing? This isn't a public library!
(Odd 2 runs away.)
Shopkeeper: Hey! Come back!

11:02 A small change to Odd 1's line.

FrenchOdd 1: Pour une fois c'est simple, pas besoin de dico pour comprendre !
French translationOdd 1: For once, it's simple. I don't need a dictionary to understand it!
EnglishOdd 1: Ok. I get it. For once, it sounds really easy!

11:15 Jeremy calls the other Odds his "copies" in the French. In the English he calls them "the terrible twins."

12:20 Jim gets turned to stone in the famous Discobolus pose. Herb references this in the French but not the English.

FrenchJim: Pichon ! Vous croyez qu'on enfume un vieux renard comme moi aussi facilement ?
(Jim est petrifié.)
Herb: (rire) C'est pas le discobole, c'est le disco-gogole !
French translationJim: Pichon! You think you can trick (lit. smoke out) an old fox like me that easily?
(Jim is turned to stone.)
Herb: (laughs) That's not the Discobolus, it's the Disco-dolt!
EnglishJim: Listen up, Herb. I was not born yesterday. What are you trying to pull?
(Jim is turned to stone.)
Herb: (laughs) Now that is what I call having a hard day.

13:23 A difference to Jeremy's line.

FrenchJeremy: Oh non, c'est la catastrophe !
French translationJeremy: Oh no, this is a disaster!
EnglishJeremy: That means a change of plans!

14:37 The movie title is translated as "Surfer Zombie 4" this time in the dub.

14:40 The shopkeeper insults Odd 1 by saying he has acne in the French.

FrenchShopkeeper: Reviens ici ! Crétin d'ados acnéique !!!
French translationShopkeeper: Get back here! You pimply-skinned moron!!!
EnglishShopkeeper: Where're you going?! Get back here!

15:15 After Odd 2 asks if he can't have two minutes alone, Odd 1's response is different.

FrenchOdd 1: Allez chui désolé mais c'est notre peau qui est en jeu.
French translationOdd 1: Sorry but it's our skin that's on the line.
EnglishOdd 1: No! Because we need each other's company.

16:32 The English version references Tarzan, a fictional character who in many iterations famously swings on vines to get across the jungle.

FrenchOdd 1: Je suggère de jouer les pompiers volants !
French translationOdd 1: I suggest a game of flying firefighters!
EnglishOdd 1: Well if Tarzan can do it, so can we, right?

18:10 In the English, as Odd 1 leaps into the trees he does a cry similar to the famous Tarzan yell. Odd 2 does the same, but a shorter version of the cry.

18:25 Some minor changes, plus another Tarzan reference in the English.

FrenchOdd 1: Ouais, ça a marché !!
Odd 2: Bah ouais ! Normal, on est les meilleurs !
Odd 1: Ouais, ça, tu l'as dit !
French translationOdd 1: Yeah, it worked!!
Odd 2: Well yeah, obviously! We're the best!
Odd 1: Yeah, you said it!
EnglishOdd 1: Hey! It works!
Odd 2: Sure it did. What'd you expect?
Odd 1: Better than Tarzan!

19:56 Odd 1 speaks as though he's showing up to a hotel in the French.

FrenchOdd 1: Oh enfin, des porteurs ! Encore un peu et j'aillais me plaindre à la direction !
French translationOdd 1: Oh finally, some porters! Any longer and I would've made a complaint to management!
EnglishOdd 1: About time! Any longer and I'd have gone to the Missing Persons Bureau.

20:43 Jeremy's response is a little different after Odd says he's the best.

FrenchJeremy: Bah ça j'le sais.
French translationJeremy: Yeah, I know.
EnglishJeremy: Of course I am! Did you have any doubts?

21:03 A change to Odd's line.

FrenchOdd: Go !
French translation-
EnglishOdd: Get ready, Aelita!

21:36 Odd laughs and speaks when he looks into the Blok's eye in the French version. He's silent in the English.

FrenchOdd: Hihi ! Un p'tit sourire ! Hihihi !
French translationOdd: Haha! A little smile! Hahaha!

22:55 In the English, Yumi also says that Odd is handsome.

Episode 64 - Double Trouble
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Double Trouble
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:12 As usual, there's a difference in the test scores. Herb gets 19/20 in French and an A- in English. Ulrich gets 1/20 in French and an F+ in English.

1:18 After Herb thanks the teacher, in the French Sissi chastises him for gloating.

FrenchSissi: Oh ça va, pas la peine de te la jouer comme ça ! Remarque, d'un autre côté, t'as explosé Jérémy, et ça j'avoue que c'est plutôt un bon point !
French translationSissi: Oh alright, no need to gloat! But then again, you did crush Jeremy, and that's definitely a good thing!
EnglishSissi: I don't get it! How can such a good student be such a nerd? But then again, you did crush Jeremy, who's even nerdier than you are!

1:40 As well as thinking Ulrich's assignment may have been written in a foreign language, in the French Mr Fumey also wonders if Ulrich used some sort of cipher code.

4:28 After Ulrich says he needs a good grade to bring up his average, Odd says he needs the same thing in the French. He also points out that as well as having bad grades, if they're noticed as being absent from their classes, it would make their problems even worse.

FrenchOdd: Bah t'es pas le seul ! Et vu l'ambiance, c'est pas le moment de briller par notre absence !
Yumi: Ça tu l'as dit, surtout moi.
French translationOdd: You're not the only one! And given the way things are right now, this isn't the time to be drawing attention to ourselves by being absent!
Yumi: You said it, especially for me.
EnglishOdd: Ulrich's right! What's more, if we're all absent, they're bound to suspect something.
Yumi: And I'm sure to get expelled.

6:11 A phrasing change here.

FrenchOdd: Hum ? Ça franchement, ça m'étonnerait !
French translationOdd: Hm? Honestly, I'd be surprised!
EnglishOdd: Hm? Today isn't April Fools' Day!

6:40 In the French, Jeremy-clone growls like an animal. Odd asks Jeremy over and over what he should do until the clone zaps him. In the English, the clone doesn't growl, and Odd only asks Jeremy once what he should do before going silent until the clone zaps him.

7:01 Jim says he was a "top reporter" in the French, and after hearing him describe taking photos while bombs were falling, Christopher makes the connection and asks if he was a war photographer. Jim goes straight to saying he was a war photographer in the English.

FrenchJim: Ce qui est le but de cet atelier. Je m'souviens encore que lorsque j'étais grand reporter...
French translationJim: Which is the point of this studio. I still remember when I was a top reporter...
EnglishJim: It's nobody's personal darkroom! I remember when I was a war photographer...

8:37 In the English, Jeremy says this as though his clone activated the tower, but that's certainly not the case.

FrenchJeremy: Vous n'serez pas trop pour désactiver la tour qui a créé mon double.
French translationJeremy: We'll need as many of you as we can get to deactivate the tower that created my double.
EnglishJeremy: I'm going to need all of you to deactivate the tower that my evil twin set up.

9:19 In the French, Jeremy-clone states "You are weak."

11:16 A small change here.

FrenchYumi: Intuition féminine, tu peux nous faire confiance !
French translationYumi: Female intuition, you can trust us!
EnglishYumi: Female intuition. You can trust our flair.

12:13 After Odd finishes talking, in the English, Jeremy-clone starts laughing as it types.

15:19 A difference to Yumi's line as she watches things unfold.

FrenchYumi: Cette fois c'est fichu, y'a plus rien à faire...
French translationYumi: This time it's all over, there's nothing we can do...
EnglishYumi: It's horrible not being able to do anything!

16:14 Part of the clone's line is different.

FrenchJeremy-clone: Eh ben je retire c'que j'ai dis ! Il n'y à vraiment pas de quoi être fier de ressembler à quelqu'un d'aussi stupide que toi !
French translationJeremy-clone: I take back what I said! There's really nothing to be proud of in resembling someone as stupid as you!
EnglishJeremy-clone: I take back what I said. You're not even half as smart as me. As a matter of fact, you're a stupid dope!

16:27 In the French, Ulrich calls the clone "Frankeinstein."

16:49 Yumi has an additional line in the English when a Kankrelat walks through her legs.

French translation-
EnglishYumi: And a little ridiculous, too!

17:32 Odd has an extra French line after the bug is fixed and he starts kicking a Kankrelat around.

FrenchOdd: Ça marche ! Et hop, hop, hop, hop et buuut !!! Eh c'est r'parti !
French translationOdd: It worked! Hup, hup, hup, and goooal!!! Here we go again!

18:02 In the French, Odd says it's great to have "my amazing body" back. In the English he calls it "my svelte body."

18:11 A change to Yumi's line.

FrenchYumi: On fait d'notre mieux.
French translationYumi: We're doing our best.
EnglishYumi: We're on it!

20:22 The girls have an additional exchange in the French after Aelita falls out of the disappearing tower.

FrenchYumi: Aelita, ça va !?
Aelita: Oui ça va. Mais le Territoire va disparaître...
French translationYumi: Aelita, are you ok?!
Aelita: Yes, I'm fine. But the Sector's going to disappear...

21:21 In the French, Aelita notes that they'll be stuck on Earth should XANA launch an attack.

FrenchAelita: Et nous on est coincé ici, on n'peut rien faire pour l'en empêcher !
French translationAelita: And we'll be stuck here, there'll be nothing we can do against him!
EnglishAelita: And there'll be nothing we can do against him!

21:47 Jeremy's line is different after Ulrich asks if the struggle against XANA will continue.

FrenchJeremy: Bah à priori... oui.
French translationJeremy: Looks that way...yes.
EnglishJeremy: He's not rid of us yet.

22:10 Jim says he was in a different sort of criminal profession in either version.

FrenchJim: À l'époque où j'étais cambriol... euh enfin j'veux dire serrurier !
French translationJim: Back when I was a burgul...uh I mean a locksmith!
EnglishJim: I used to be a safecracker! I mean a...locksmith...!

Episode 65 - Final Round
ImageDernier round
(Final round)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
Final Round
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:28 Before he launches the scanner process, Jeremy says "And there we go" in the French.

3:00 Jim's list of skateboarding tricks is largely the same in both languages, except that in the French it also includes "goofy," (which is actually a stance, not a trick).

3:08 In the French, Jim says he was a roller derby champion in the 60s. In the English, he says it was the 70s.

3:55 Ulrich cheers for longer in the French.

FrenchUlrich: Ouais, bravo Odd ! Super, mec !
French translationUlrich: Yeah, bravo, Odd! Fantastic, man!
EnglishUlrich: Alright!

4:54 Milly describes Jeremy as a "valedictorian" in the English. In some countries, a valedictorian is a student - often the one with the best grades in the graduating class - who delivers a closing or farewell speech at a graduation ceremony. Jeremy may have the best grades in his class, but he won't be graduating for a while yet.

FrenchMilly: On veut filmer le meilleur élève du collège Kadic dans toutes ses activités.
French translationMilly: We wanted to film the best student at Kadic doing all his daily activities.
EnglishMilly: We wanted to film the Kadic Academy valedictorian during his busy day!

5:14 It's said Samantha moved to the other side of the country in the French, and to the coast in the English.

5:29 Odd uses different words to describe Samantha.

FrenchOdd: Sam, elle est hyper cool, hyper sympa et hyper drôle !
French translationOdd: Sam is really cool, really nice and really funny!
EnglishOdd: I'd almost forgotten how cool and how pretty she is.

5:35 After Odd asks "Can't you like somebody without being in love?" Ulrich's reply is a little different. In the French he gives a general answer of "Oh sure!" but in English he talks about himself specifically, saying "Sure, I can."

5:51 Milly's questions all contain different options, but Jeremy's answers are all the same.

FrenchMilly: Bon alors, le matin, toi c'est plutôt thé ou café ?
Jeremy: Euh... chocolat !
Milly: Croissant ou tartine ?
Jeremy: Euh... céréales !
Milly: Confiture ou miel ?
French translationMilly: So, in the morning, do you like tea or coffee?
Jeremy: Uh...hot chocolate!
Milly: Croissants or toast?
Jeremy: Uh...cereal!
Milly: Jam or honey?
EnglishMilly: Uh, for breakfast, do you like juice or milk?
Jeremy: Hot chocolate.
Milly: Eggs or toast?
Jeremy: Cereal...
Milly: Butter, or jam?

6:04 In the French, Milly says she knows what "my readers" want. In the English she says "our readers."

6:41 A few changes to this exchange.

FrenchUlrich: Il est hyper désordonné, tu verrais son armoire, un vrai désastre !
Sam: Oh ça, j'suis comme lui ! Incapable de ranger ma chambre !
Ulrich (à lui-même): Eh ben s'ils finissent pas ensemble, ces deux là...
French translationUlrich: He's super messy, you should see his closet, it's a real disaster zone!
Sam: Oh, he's like me! I just can't tidy my room!
Ulrich (to himself): If these two don't end up together...
EnglishUlrich: So messy! You wouldn't believe what his room looks like.
Sam: He's like me. My room's a permanent disaster zone!
Ulrich: Seems you two were made for each other...

7:29 A difference to Ulrich's father's line.

FrenchMr Stern: Je vois, si tu veux je reviens dans dix ans !
French translationMr Stern: I see. If you'd like, I could come back in ten years!
EnglishMr Stern: And I think the time is long overdue.

8:43 The series Yumi offers to find for Hiroki is called "Paraplegik Zombie" in the French and "Surfer Zombie" in the English.

9:08 A small change here.

FrenchWilliam: Eh je vois, c'est pas cool du tout.
French translationWilliam: I read you, it's not good at all.
EnglishWilliam: I read you, loud and clear.

9:26 Jeremy mainly speaks about mushrooms in the French, but in the English he talks about the study of fungi in general. He says mycology is a branch of botany and lists some fungi other than mushrooms.

FrenchJeremy: Il en existe plusieurs milliers d'espèce et les distinguer peut s'avérer très difficile. Plusieurs critères peuvent rentrer en jeu tel que la structure générale qui va nous permettre de déterminer un genre de champignon, par exemple : russule, amanite, ou encore tricholome.
French translationJeremy: There are several thousand species, and distinguishing them can be rather difficult. A number of criteria come into it, such as the general structure, which will allow us to determine a genus of mushroom. For example: Russula, Amanita, or Tricholoma.
EnglishJeremy: There are several thousand species, and they range in form from a single cell, to a mass body of branch filamentous hyphae that often produce specialised fruiting bodies. The kingdom includes yeasts, moulds, smuts and mushrooms!

9:53 In the English, Milly and Tamiya continue arguing while Jeremy talks on the phone. They can even be heard in the background on the other end of the phone, where Aelita and William are listening. In the French, they stop arguing and don't start again until Jeremy hangs up the phone.

10:23 In the French, Tamiya says it's interesting to know that the really good students use the bathroom too. In the English, she's interested in how long the really good students use the bathroom.

11:51 A slight change to William's line.

FrenchWilliam: Wouah !! D'enfer le décor !!!
French translationWilliam: Wow!! This set is fantastic!!!
EnglishWilliam: It's a movie set! Wow!

12:45 As well as the difference in grading system, Ulrich's father talks about getting his baccalauréat in the French: this is a qualification obtained at the end of high school in France, similar to a high school diploma in the USA. Students must decide which of the various types and streams of baccalauréat to pursue, each of which focuses on a different subject and will qualify the student for different universities and job opportunities after high school.
In the English, Mister Stern says he was preparing his college application. In the United States, this is a lengthy process typically done in a student's last few years of high school, which involves submitting college applications and writing (a) college application essay(s), with the aim of gaining entrance to a college after high school.

FrenchMr Stern: Moi, quand j'avais ton âge, j'avais 18 de moyenne générale ! Et je me préparais à passer mon bac !!
French translationMr Stern: At your age, I had a grade point average of 18! And I was preparing to pass my baccalauréat!
EnglishMr Stern: Yes! At your age, I had straight As! And I was preparing my college application!

14:00 In the French, William describes the Scyphozoa as a "flying jellyfish." In the English, he calls it a "giant jellyfish."

17:53 Yumi announces their arrival in the lift in the English dub.

French translation-
EnglishYumi: Jeremy, we're here.

20:54 XANA-William laughs in the French as Ulrich is devirtualised.

21:20 Line swap: in the French, Aelita says nothing can stop the monsters anymore. Jeremy says it in the English.

21:42 Again, XANA-William laughs in the French before stabbing the Core.

22:08 Jeremy says sorry in the French for losing Franz.

22:51 Jeremy says sorry in the English for losing Franz.

Prequel - XANA Awakens Part 1
ImageLe réveil de XANA
partie 1

(XANA's awakening part 1)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
XANA Awakens Part 1
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:24 There are extra details to Jeremy's French line.

FrenchJeremy: J'ai cru halluciner en voyant qu'j'avais découvert une sorte de complexe informatique avec un labo, des scanners et surtout un superordinateur tout droit sortit d'un roman de S-F !
French translationJeremy: I thought I was hallucinating when I saw I'd discovered a sort of computer complex with a lab, scanners, and especially this supercomputer straight out of a sci-fi novel!
EnglishJeremy: I stumbled into some sort of complex, with an entire computer lab with scanners! And especially this totally intense mainframe.

3:06 A few changes here, but all along the same lines.

FrenchOdd: Fais pas cette tête ! Tu verra j'suis un garçon sympa, hyper cool et plus discret qu'une p'tite souris !
Ulrich: Bah y'a intérêt. Et attention, respecte mon espace vitale. Alors on maintient distance de sécurité.
French translationOdd: Don't make that face! You'll see, I'm a nice guy, I'm totally cool and I'm quieter than a little mouse!
Ulrich: I sure hope so. I'm warning you, you'd better respect my personal space. We keep at a safe distance.
EnglishOdd: Relax! I'm totally cool. Trust me, you'll see, you won't even know I'm there.
Ulrich: I sure hope so. Look, we don't exactly go way back, so just for now, let's take things nice and slow, ok?

3:38 In the English, Odd takes note of how Sissi called Ulrich "sweetheart."

FrenchOdd: Génial ! C'est the canon ! Et c'est qui cette bombe là ?
French translationOdd: Awesome! She's a real stunner! Who's the bombshell?
EnglishOdd: Ulrich..."sweetheart?!" Who's the good-looking babe?

4:16 When he calls for "Artificial Intelligence" in the French, Jeremy also says "I'm back."

5:53 Jeremy's English line is longer, theorising about Lyoko's "animals" and ecosystem.

FrenchJeremy: Waw ! C'est vrai !? C'est génial ça !
French translationJeremy: Wow! Really?! That's fantastic!
EnglishJeremy: That's fantastic! This virtual world has an entire ecosystem with virtual living creatures! Can you get closer?

6:47 After Ulrich tells Odd he's not Sissi's type, Odd's response is different.

FrenchOdd: Oh, tu connais pas l'effet magique Odd !
French translationOdd: Oh, you don't know the magic Odd effect!
EnglishOdd: Oh yeah, I hear that a lot-

7:29 In the English, Jim names a specific Chinese restaurant: the Golden Dragon. In the French, he just says "a Chinese restaurant."

7:48 In the French, Jim says he was eating a caribou steak. In the English, he was eating a waffle with maple syrup.

8:07 In the English, this scene shows us what originally got Jim to start saying "I'd rather not talk about it!" Unfortunately, this isn't the case in the French.

FrenchUlrich: C'est qu'j'imaginais l'castor repartant la queue entre les jambes !
French translationUlrich: I just imagined the beaver running away with its tail between its legs!
EnglishUlrich: Honestly, I think you would've been better off not talking about it!

8:50 Yumi's line is different after Ulrich leaves without bowing or saying goodbye.

FrenchYumi: Sympa le mec...
French translationYumi: Nice guy...
EnglishYumi: Well nice to meet you, too...

10:05 A few changes to the dialogue here.

FrenchJeremy: J'y comprends rien. Ils se sont mis en marche tout seuls et ils m'ont attaqué !
Ulrich: Ouais, c'est ça ! Bon, tu m'expliques ?
Jeremy: Y'a rien à expliquer.
French translationJeremy: I don't understand. They started moving all on their own and they attacked me!
Ulrich: Yeah, right! Well, do you mind explaining?
Jeremy: There's nothing to explain.
EnglishJeremy: I had nothing to do with it! They just attacked me all of a sudden!
Ulrich: You lost me. Do you mind explaining?
Jeremy: No...forget it.

11:25 There's a difference to what Jeremy sarcastically asks Aelita could be.

FrenchJeremy: L'interface du programme de gestion des stocks ?
French translationJeremy: The interface for the inventory management program?
EnglishJeremy: A program for spray-painting doors?

11:53 In the French, Jeremy says Ulrich has to believe him, even if it all seems completely crazy. In the English, he says it's an incredible discovery.

13:50 In the French, Ulrich asks Kiwi some questions, as people often do when talking to animals.

FrenchUlrich: Alors, on est un gentil toutou, hein ? On va se faire virtualiser ?
French translationUlrich: Well, who's a good doggy, huh? You gonna be virtualised?
EnglishUlrich: Well, I've got a surprise for you, doggy. You're gonna be virtualised!

13:54 While she's waiting for Ulrich, in the French Sissi asks "What is he doing?" before getting out her phone.

14:05 In the French, as he wakes up, Odd exclaims "WHAT?! What?! What's going..."

14:14 There's some additional dialogue in the French while the kids are in the hallway. Ulrich actually apologises for barging past Sissi! After that, Odd has an additional line in the English as he starts running down the stairs.

FrenchUlrich: Oh ! Désolé Sissi !
(Odd percute Sissi.)
Odd: Oh ! Salut, vous !
(Ils commencent à descendre l'escalier.)
Sissi: Hé ! Oh ! Attends !
French translationUlrich: Oh! Sorry, Sissi!
(Odd tackles Sissi.)
Odd: Oh! Hey, you!
(They start running down the stairs.)
Sissi: Hey! Hey! Wait!
English(They start running down the stairs.)
Odd: Hey! Ulrich, come back!
Sissi: Wait up!

14:28 In the French, Odd asks where Ulrich is going. In the English, it's Sissi who asks.

15:19 In the French, Odd says the scanners look like sarcophagi and Sissi suggests this could be the tomb of one of Cleopatra's descendants. In the English, Odd says they look like coffins and Sissi says it could be the tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh.

15:37 After saying Odd will be mummified, in the French Sissi tells him "Get out, quick!!!"

15:55 In the English, Ulrich says "Man..." in complaint as he climbs down the ladder.

16:01 In the French, Odd's "Ow" noise sounds like a "Meow."

17:12 In the French, Sissi confuses the words "virtual" and "visual."

FrenchSissi: Oui mais euh... moi, les monde visuels, c'est pas trop mon truc ! Et puis euh... demain il faut q'je sois en forme, je répète avec les majorettes !
French translationSissi: Yeah but uh...visual worlds aren't really my thing! Plus...I need to be in shape for tomorrow, I've got cheerleading practice!
EnglishSissi: No thanks, uh... I prefer real worlds, I'm not into the other kind. Plus, I couldn't possibly miss cheerleading practice tomorrow morning!

17:47 In the French, Odd says that he managed to lose the monsters for now. He doesn't mention the monsters in the English.

FrenchOdd: Super ! Je les ai semés ! Mais ils doivent pas être loin !
French translationOdd: Great! I lost them! But they shouldn't be far away!
EnglishOdd: Great! I was starting to get bored here all alone.

18:15 There's a difference in the way Jeremy describes the process the Supercomputer uses to generate a virtual avatar. (The idea of basing them on "subconscious desires" probably says a lot about Odd...)

FrenchJeremy: Peut-être euh... peut-être que l'ordinateur analyse votre imaginaire et qu'il se sert de vos rêves pour vous modéliser vos avatars.
Odd: Eh oh, j'ai jamais rêvé d'être un chat violet, moi !
French translationJeremy: Maybe uh...maybe the computer analyses your imagination and uses your dreams to model your avatars on.
Odd: Hey, I've never dreamed about being a purple cat!
EnglishJeremy: Maybe the computer just reads into your own subconscious desires, and projects them onto your digital incarnation!
Odd: I don't dream about giant purple cats!

18:55 Yeah that's not what "mainframe" means. Also Jeremy tries to continue answering Sissi's questions in the French but he's cut off when XANA attacks.

FrenchJeremy: Euh bah ça, euh c'est le pupitre du Supercalculateur et euh...
French translationJeremy: Well that's uh, that's the control terminal of the Supercomputer and um...
EnglishJeremy: It's...it's the mainframe of a supercomputer!

19:45 In the French, Odd says there's no door. In the English, he asks if there's a door.

19:56 Odd's line is a bit longer in the French.

FrenchOdd: Ah, bravo ! Eh, j'peux pas tenir longtemps. T'es trop lourd ! Je sais pas, moi ! Lâche au moins ton sabre !
French translationOdd: Nice going! I can't hold on for much longer! You're too heavy! I don't know! Drop your sabre, at least!
EnglishOdd: I can't hold on for much longer! You're too heavy! Drop your sabre!

20:21 In the French, Odd sounds more excited to have changed Sectors.

FrenchOdd: Oh! Ça c'est fort ! On est où là ?
French translationOdd: Oh! Great! Where are we?
EnglishOdd: Ok, right. Where are we?

22:25 Odd's French line is more about the idea of he and Ulrich working together.

FrenchOdd: T'as commencé ! J'termine !
French translationOdd: You started it! I'm finishing it!
EnglishOdd: It works the second time!

Prequel - XANA Awakens Part 2
ImageLe réveil de XANA
partie 2

(XANA's awakening part 2)
[French episode file]
[French episode script]
XANA Awakens Part 2
[English episode file]
[English episode transcript]

1:31 Ulrich's French line provides more detail, then Odd says Jeremy is the reincarnation of Einstein.

FrenchUlrich: Bah une fois le labo est réparé, il a passé la nuit sur sa bécane à rechercher des données sur Lyoko.
Odd: Eh, c'est la réincarnation d'Einstein ce mec !
French translationUlrich: Once the lab was repaired, he spent the night on his computer looking for information on Lyoko.
Odd: Man, that guy's the reincarnation of Einstein!
EnglishUlrich: He was up all night in his room working on Lyoko after he put the computer back together.
Odd: Man, that guy's a real Einstein!

2:56 When Jeremy promises he'll shut down the Supercomputer for good, in the French he also says they'll never speak of this again.

4:29 Sissi's cheer is different.

FrenchSissi: C'est nous les majorettes ! C'est nous les reines de la fête ! Avec nos bottes et nos paillettes, de la tête aux pieds, on est parfaites, sympa, mignonnes, dynamiques, à Kadic on est magique !
French translationSissi: We're the cheerleaders! We're the queens of the party! With our boots and our glitter, from head to toe, we're perfect, nice, cute, dynamic, at Kadic we're magic!
EnglishSissi: A cheerleader cheers so her team won't lose! We've got short skirts and sparkly shoes! We're just so gorgeous, how can you choose? There's no doubt, we've got clout! Winning at Kadic is what it's all about!

5:26 In the French, Yumi asks if Ulrich finds it weird that she does martial arts. In the English, she says her parents think it's weird.

FrenchYumi: Assez, ouais. Quoi, tu trouves ça bizarre pour une fille ?
French translationYumi: Yeah. What, do you think it's weird for a girl?
EnglishYumi: Yeah. My parents think it's weird.

7:06 In the English, Odd says "That's great" to the Return to the Past stuff before asking for help on his report. In the French, he doesn't acknowledge what Jeremy said and goes straight to asking for help.

7:40 In the French, Christopher laughs after Matthias says that Sissi was electrocuted. They both sound more serious in the English dub.

9:21 In the French, Ulrich tells Yumi not to bother trying to understand what the electricity ball is - it's obviously dangerous and they need to get out of there. In the English he says "No time to explain," which clearly indicates that he actually knows something about its origins.

9:27 Mr Delmas says "It can't be!" in the French as he enters the infirmary.

9:37 The French word le cintre means coat-hanger. The word cintré(e) means curved. Mr Delmas's French line plays on this similarity. In the English, he instead references the electric shock his daughter received.

FrenchDelmas: Un cintre ? Vous me fichez de moi, Poliakoff ? C'est vous qui êtes cintré !
French translationDelmas: A coat-hanger? Would you try to be serious, Poliakoff? You're the one who's bent!
EnglishDelmas: Would you try to be serious, Poliakoff?! You're the one who's going to get a shock in a moment!

12:11 After Yumi says she didn't bring a bathing suit, Odd's reply is different.

FrenchOdd: Oh, t'inquiète, on va t'en fournir un !
French translationOdd: Oh don't worry, we'll lend you one!
EnglishOdd: Relax! You won't be needing one.

14:11 Some small differences here.

FrenchJeremy: Eh, finir le blabla ! Maya vous attend. Elle est en danger !
Odd: OK ! La cavalrie arrive !
French translationJeremy: Hey, cut the chitchat! Maya's waiting for you. She's in danger!
Odd: Ok! The cavalry is coming!
EnglishJeremy: Move it! Maya needs you, she's in danger!
Odd: Ok, here we go!

14:42 In the English, Sissi says they need to find Ulrich, Mr Delmas's line is much more curt, and Jim sarcastically describes a "giant chemical teddy bear" - no idea where the "chemical" comes from.

FrenchSissi: Il y a un monstre éléctrique en liberté dans l'collège !
Delmas: Bien sûr. Allons, détends-toi chérie.
Jim: C'est ça, oui. Et aussi un ours en peluche géant !
French translationSissi: There's an electrical monster loose in the school!
Delmas: Of course. Come now, calm down, dear.
Jim: Sure there is. And a giant teddy bear, too!
EnglishSissi: There's an electrical monster on the loose, we've gotta find him!
Delmas: Calm down.
Jim: Sure there is. And a giant chemical teddy bear, too.

15:56 After Ulrich chastises him for flirting and reminds him they have a job to do, Odd says "You're right!" in the English.

16:04 Yumi's line is different when she first discovers her fan.

FrenchYumi: C'est un gag ou quoi ?
French translationYumi: Is this some kind of joke?
EnglishYumi: A fan? That's all?

16:15 Another change to Yumi's line.

FrenchYumi: Moi, tout compte fait, ça me va !
French translationYumi: All things considered, it suits me just fine!
EnglishYumi: Wow! I think I'll keep it!

17:12 In the French, Odd says "Laser arrow!" for the first time. He never says it in the dub.

17:35 A difference to Odd's line.

FrenchOdd: Whaou ! Il est blindé de la carapace l'animal !
French translationOdd: Wow! This thing's shell is armour-plated!
EnglishOdd: Oh! These guys are not only ugly, they're tough!

18:23 In the English, Ulrich tells Aelita to "get back to the red tower," as though she's already been there before. In the French he says "get to the red tower."

19:55 A slight change here after Ulrich calls Sissi a traitor.

FrenchSissi: Ben tu peux parler ! Tu m'as trahi toi aussi !
French translationSissi: You're one to talk! You betrayed me, too!
EnglishSissi: No more than you are, Ulrich darling!

20:06 A small change here to the end of Jeremy's line.

FrenchJeremy: Je lance juste un programme... en espérant ne pas me tromper !
French translationJeremy: I'm just launching a program...I hope I'm not wrong!
EnglishJeremy: I'm launching a new program! With a little luck, it'll work...!

20:40 In the English, Odd asks if Jeremy hasn't forgotten about the Supercomputer and everything related to it.

FrenchOdd: Bah du Supercalculateur, des scanners, de Lyoko ! De mon look ridicule de chat violet !
French translationOdd: The Supercomputer, the scanners, Lyoko! My ridiculous purple cat costume!
EnglishOdd: You haven't forgotten about the Supercomputer and Lyoko and my big purple cat costume, huh?

23:00 Aelita's line is different.

FrenchAelita: Alors t'as intérêt à trouver rapidement.
French translationAelita: Then you'll need to find it fast.
EnglishAelita: Do you really think you can do it?

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