IFSCL Network
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You to, express yourself (careful to the mistakes) in 5-6 lines, about what you think of this project, having in mind that a testimony is done to tempt people to try the IFSCL. Be convincing !
(send your user testimony of the IFSCL at ifscl[AT]codelyoko.fr, with, in the mail title 'ifscl_testimony', and precise which country you are from, so we can add a little flag of your country :D) |  | |
| | The software gives a detailed simulation of the interface of the Supercomputer (and its OS) from the french animated television show "Code lyoko." The simple commands allow for professionally designed images and animations. Though some features are missing, the amount of features has grown over those 2 years. the absense of features is more than made up by the outstanding features already put in. This version brings in a lot and is worth a 4 month wait. The show was clearly studied prior to the creation, and is truely a work of living genius. the only other functional interface allows for only the superscann, virtualisation and vehicles. this, however, brings to life more in-depth aspects. I truely believe that this is the best simulation of an interface out. Needless to say, the next version is already anitcipated by many fans. Every respectable fan MUST own the latest version of this remarkable software. GOOD JOB!!
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