Today, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the most well known simulation of the code lyoko supercomputer interface : the IFSCL! In the last news, you've been informed that some things were still to be validated before giving you this news, and now, here we are, all of the things I wanted to be sure about are okay, so I can give you that video, made with love, for you:
After watching this video, here's a small recap :
As you might have understood, the IFSCL is currently being entirely remade, directly under the Unity3D engine. If the version 2.6.2 was already a huge gap in terms of technology (it was an emulation of the flash game under the unity engine, kinda like nintendo 64 emulation on pc if you like), but this time, everything is re-coded. Lots of animations & graphism have also been remade and updated to fit in with the new engine.
Obviously, changing so many things can't be without consequences, one weak point, IFSCL missions (campaign mode) won't come back before a while, because they're slowing down IFSCL development too much. (It's like redoing tutorials again and again, not productive at all, and I'm not talking about the translations & the debugging...)
Big features review :
- Better overall quality - obviously, with a new shiny engine comes new possibilities, in terms of FX, cameras and more...
- Better performances for average hardware - Of course you still need a good computer and a good graphic card, (the game only grows up in content, hey!) but the use of this hardware by the game is more efficient than ever
- 3D Tactical Map! Never been closer than before from the show!
- 3D Lyokowarriors transfer process! Same as above, if some of the original models are ripped from the original WII game, they've been updated alot to fit in with the new engine, while the older costumes will also need to be completely modelized.
- 3D LyokoMap! - already visible as a false 3D in the IFSCL menu, this time, it will be real 3D!
- A new Xana AI, battle and traveling system updated, due to the new 3d tactical map, things will be greatly upgraded!
- Better resize system also. The interface will fit better to different screens ratios.
- 32/64 bits versions, 64 bits users will benefit from the full use of their processor!
- Progressive translations : with the pause of the campaign mode and the new system, new (while incomplete) translations of the game will be easier to add. Whathever is the langage.
- Windows & MacOS Compatibility (maybe linux..), anyway, macOS returns! But still, the performances won't certainly be as good as a windows.
That's all for now, thanks for watching and reading, and please react on the forum, the facebook page and so on to show your support, thanks :)
As a bonus : the long awaited Immu's room's code for 2.6.2 (now pretty much unrepresentative of the future of the game, but anyway...) : amigoodman