Canal J advertisements
Posted by Shaka on 11/22/2013 at 23:12 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello. As we said a few days ago, Code Lyoko Evolution is coming to Canal J. As you can guess, that means that trailers will come before then. True to our job in having the largest Media base of the series, presents to you, for those who don't have the channel and those who don't live in France at all, the chance to watch these trailers. There are a few versions: one per character, though none for Jeremy or Laura for now. Oh, and they're in French, of course.

And who ripped the 5 advertisements for you?

We did! =)

You can now find each trailer on our YouTube channel. Click on the character below to go to the videos.


Otherwise, we've created a compilation of the 5 trailers for download:

Also, the official Code Lyoko Facebook page has told us that Code Lyoko and Code Lyoko Evolution will be arriving in Turkey. It will be aired on Jojo Channel during December at around 4pm. Yet another market conquered in the name of the Code Lyoko licence.

And yet, no announcement about CLE in the USA, or any English-speaking country for that matter... It's difficult to see the future of the series clearly in the middle of everything that's happening!

Thanks to Dauphy for the rip and Dudu for the montage.