Two 'new' musics and an actor
Posted by Shaka on 02/05/2014 at 13:35 (7 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

A small news post today to tell you two things. Let's start with the music. The anglophone member of our forum ProjectCarthageCLFR has discovered two pieces of music from the series. One of them is the Tower background music. We already have a version available in our Media section but the version found by our member has an unheard part in it. The second piece is a remixed version of "A World Without Danger" that we only heard in season 1, when our heroes went to the factory.

After some verification on the staff's part, we've realised that these pieces weren't entirely unheard: Kikou used them in his Code Lyoko PC game! However, they were never put up for download, not even on his site. So here they are:

Finally, some last information, something lighter. is the only fansite that keeps you up-to-date on your actors' work, and so here is a short addition on the topic of Bastien Thelliez, the unmissable Jim from Code Lyoko Evolution. He played a small role in "Mère et Fille" (Mother and Daughter). You can find it in the video below, from around 3:47. Discover Jim as a DJ for parties...but be careful! He'd rather not talk about it!

Thanks to Vivi and Toad9!

Have a nice weekend! Don't forget to read the previous news from this week.