The return of GI-Jim...
Posted by Shaka on 02/01/2015 at 10:57 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone.

Two news posts in two days... A nice breath of fresh air for the nostalgic ones. Shut in his secret base, Dude Dudu continues to look for the Ultimate Finding that will plunge the world into chaos. Yesterday, he found a prototype of this finding, hidden in the darkest depths of the net.

And so we reveal to you today, the 101st lost finding...and it's worth your time.

It's a short film. It's created by Norimage and was created while Code Lyoko Evolution was being filmed.
Was it just a joke between the artists that a member of the crew decided to finalise once Moonscoop was dead?
Was it a bonus reel that Norimage kept hidden away for eventual broadcasting...or to be a DVD bonus feature?
Was it something else?
It's hard to say...

This short film is centred on the largest mystery within the Lyokosphere. No, not "Where is Anthea Hopper", not "Why did XANA go to the dark side". Not even "Why did nobody in the world ever die before a return to the past?"

The real question is what all Lyokofans have asked one time or another: 

"What is underneath Jim's band-aid?"

Before leaving you to watch, I can already hear the purists thinking: "Bah! Norimage is CLE... And CLE is crap... So this teaser isn't canon!"!
Don't worry about that! This short film is truly excellent: on one hand, thanks to the excellent Bastien Thelliez, unanimously known as CLE's biggest success... But also and especially thanks to the few winks to the Code Lyoko cartoon that we find in this bonus clip... References that we would loved to have seen in CLE.

Well, enough talking, here's the video and thanks Dudu!