LyokoVN Editor - Create your interactive fanfiction!
Posted by Immu on 02/17/2016 at 11:14 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
LyokoVN banniere

Already February ? We need something to inspire the community !

And guess what? Immu, creator of the IFSCL & the mysterious LyokoWanderer is offering you a new fan project, welcome to the LyokoVN Editor !
And it's already available !

The LyokoVN Editor main goal is to give to any LyokoFan the possibility to easily create its own interactive visual story, playable on pc and mobile alike!
LyokoVN screen LyokoVN screen
LyokoVN screen LyokoVN screen
Short or long stories, linear or with multiple choices, with or without minigames, you decide!

The best ? You don't need skills in code or art! Everything is provided! You only need your best pen or fanfic/episode to adapt it to VN format !
The art assets are all carefully crafted from the original show, scaled up, repainted, to get the best galery of data availablet that will expand trough time!

LyokoVN backgrounds LyokoVN portraits

For the artists, or aspiring artsts, you can add your own characters & background, as well as your own musics or sounds!
Here's an example with a screenshot from the show, turned into a HD version that you are able to use in game :

LyokoVN anais example

You only need to take a few hours to familiarize yourself with all the tools at your disposal. You also get an example project, regularly updated.

You can also access to cool documentations & livestreams, more detailled and shorter tutorials are also planned in the future.
The content will be regularly updated, between 2 weeks & 3 months are estimated to see a new versions with their new functionalities (save system, translations, tutorials, new portraits and arts...)
A central 'Hub' is also planned in order to regroup all the VN that the community might want to create.

>>>> Official page of the fanproject  <<<<

>>> Page Sociale <<<

Questions ?
>>>> Topic on the english Forum <<<<