[VideoGame] The Fandom Strategy
Posted by Immu on 11/14/2014 at 23:25 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello and thanks for reading this news, let me introduce to you my new game!


The Fandom Strategy is a Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy Game. Its design is meant to be changed according to several licences from animated or live actions series to videogames (Doctor Who, Stargate, Mario, Ben 10, Code Lyoko and so on), so that multiple players with different tastes can play the same game online, having a different character designs based on what they prefer, and can battle for their preferred fandom design, which gives points to that same fandom.

Right now, it’s the of Code Lyoko community that is chosen and which will be the main base of development, since my last game has a great Code Lyoko community I can count on.


The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9

So this game is meant to be multiplayer only. An attempt that I had already tried with one of my cancelled projects, Simple Space Battles.
But like any project you cancel, there's always something you've learned in between, for me, it was the understanding and the application of the most important network principles in video games. So I do have the baggage for this game this time!

Platforms & numbers of players

Nevertheless, the first part of the development is focused on a non-online version, playable in LOCAL, on a same PC or a same MAC (2 to 8 players), or, important point, on a same ANDROID TABLET (2 to 4 players). The future online version is meant to be able to accept 2 to 8 players. (up to 12 players has been considered, but since it’s a turn-based game, and that every units takes place on the screen, it doesn’t seem like a great idea).

The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9 The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9

For game balance reasons, a game with 8 players will certainly be only available with TEAM modes (4vs4), so that players won’t die too quickly. (others ideas are studied, like reducing the number of available actions in a turn depending on total player number).

Turn Gameplay

Each turn, we get the choice between materializing a creature (in case of the Code Lyoko design, a XANA monster), move one, make one attack, or use its special power. Every player has a limited number of creatures that they can materialize, and a limited number they can materialize at the same time.
Victory conditions are the elimination of all enemy creatures (and the loss of all their materialization points).

The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9 The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9

Plans & further goals

After a few prototype versions released and tested, the game will be completely recoded and remade under the unity engine (which would give no more lag + online mode). Actual alpha versions are made under flash technology for faster iterations and modifications.

Some other features are studied, a grid pattern movement only, a ‘commander’ you have to defend, in order to give a focused interest for the players, a power up system to give more diversity and randomness in the battles (like SuperSmashBros types of powerUps) (or giving negative feedback loops, like Mario Kart powerups) and so on.


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