Code Lyoko is 21 !
Posted by Immu on 09/03/2024 at 12:45 (3 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

And yes, it's already the 21th anniversary of Code Lyoko!
Let's take a look at what's going on around the franchise!


For the time being, we have no news on a potential sequel to the Code Lyoko series. Evoked by Sophie Decroisette and Jérôme Mouscadet during 2023 and 2024, the desire to relaunch the franchise is apparently still on the drawing board, but it requires financing, interested channels or streaming services, and many other administrative and technical formalities to hope that the project will one day see the light of day and potentially go into production. Let's hope that certain sequels or successes will serve them well with financiers.

banner code lyoko 21 anniversaire

Indeed, we can take a brief tour of the industry and its aftermath to make a case for the ability of old franchises to be continued and/or revived:
  • The return of The Mysterious Cities of Gold in 2013, 30 years later.
  • On the other side of the Atlantic in 2024, the success of the return of X-Men 97
  • The continuation of the Totally Spies series in seasons 7 and 8 since 2022. The series was cancelled/ended in 2013.
  • The continuing success of Miraculous LadyBug (literally the *Code Lyoko* of the 2020s, whether in terms of its origin (France), its reach (International) or its teams (Code Lyoko talents can be found in its production)).
  • All the new Avatar Studios projects for the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise
  • Batman: Caped Crusader in 2024, which is exactly the same aesthetic as the 90s animated series...
And many more.

We've been promised new information by the end of the summer, so we'll know where discussions stand.


The IFSCL, which we'll continue to present since new fans stumble upon it over the last 14 years, is being endowed by yours truly with a new cycle, 47X, soon to be available. With the addition of a new chapter in its story mode and numerous features in the free mode, the code lyoko supercomputer interface simulator and life-simulator Jeremy is still growing in the hope of becoming the ultimate Code Lyoko fangame (at least, when it comes to not going on Lyoko!).

Worse still, we're told in the earpiece that a new LyokoWarrior was on the menu. Has the creator succumbed to a fan fantasy a little too easy, to the detriment of his story? Or is this just a diversion to cover up far more original surprises?

And finally, a more discreet member of the community, DarkGuillaume, has finished his Visual Novel project, started several years ago, a work of quality!

[Play it here]

On the other hand, if you're looking to immerse yourself in Lyoko, SEJ Studio is there! Priority seems to be given to content variety, and we're betting that patches and improvements to game design and user experience will enable the fangame to assert itself as an action fangame in the same vein as the official games!