The findinds of Dude Dudu #42
Posted by Etienne on 08/25/2013 at 18:35 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello all!



Today, the findings are focues on the game Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity. With a "making of" side, first, a video (in low quality without sound) on the animations of the Ice Replika boss, 3D characters (Yumi here), the different movements available in the game (walk, run, dodge, climb, wait, etc...) as well as a passage showing the conception of the cinematic during the appearance of the Volcano Replika boss.



And following that, still in the same genre, screenshots of the first prototype of the game and its conception, rather different to the final version for some things like the conception of the holomap (the "menu" where you choose your destination) which originally, seen below, was shaped like the eye of XANA.



Have a good afternoon on CodeLyoko.Fr