  Here you will find the latest news about CodeLyoko.Fr.
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The findings of Dude Dudu #37
Posted by Etienne on 07/21/2013 at 12:31 (6 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hie everybody !

Today, my finding will be a music extracted from the episodes of Code Lyoko Evolution. As usual, some noises from the episodes may remain. I have called the music "Hunted by the Spectre". Indeed, we can hear it when our heroes try to escape XANA's spectres, as in episode 03 of Evolution.

Moreover, here are 10 new backgrounds of Code Lyoko (the original series). They have been used in season 4. You can find them also in the "Renders & HD pictures" page of the website.


Bonne soirée sur :p

Some updates...
Posted by Shaka on 07/17/2013 at 15:01 (23 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hey ! Here are some updates !

  • The "Cosplay" section has been updated and translated to English ! So you can check it out again !


  • We also updated & translated the "Team" page.


  • At last, for those of you who are good at French, here are two scans of an article about CLE in a French magazine.

Page 1 - Page 2

Last thing ! 07.27.2013 is's ninth birthday. There's gonna be plenty of news and games to celebrate it. Follow us !
See you soon !

The findings of Dude Dudu #36
Posted by Etienne on 07/14/2013 at 00:00 (9 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

This week, we've got several findings! As indicated in the teaser from the previous week (and the week before (A)), today, these are 360° models of Odd and Ulrich from season 1 (in a "t" position) and of Aelita and Yumi from season 4 (as "renders").

The 4 model videos are downloadable at these links: 
-Model of Odd (season 1)

Next, a little update: the addition of the Code Lyoko Hungarian opening to complement the large collection of openings in different languages.

And speaking of renders, I've added 20 new ones now available in the "Renders and HD Images" section of the site:

Dark William with his season 3 sword, interesting? Answer soon ;)

Have a good evening on!

Grand Opening of the English Version
Posted by Shaka & Kelsey on 07/10/2013 at 23:17 (3 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Hellow world!

07/11/2013! This could very well be a big date for all of you! It certainly is for us, in any case. We are very happy and proud to announce today the grand opening of the English version of our site! We have plenty of things to tell you too, so this post will be pretty long... But you'll see soon enough, it's a tradition here. Welcome to En.CodeLyoko.Fr!

Who are we?

Some of you may already know who we are! Others, not so much. So, let's present ourselves. is a fansite! It's not the official site of Code Lyoko, however. It was conceived by a group of young French fans in total benevolence, but also seriousness. It was created for all the fans of the series, Code Lyoko, and its sibling series, Code Lyoko Evolution.

The site was created by its four main administrators: CyberjujuM, Johann, Shaka & Arnold. Today, only Shaka is still active daily on the site and continues to develop it. Johann also continues to take care of the site's technical upkeep and maintenance. The two other webmasters are more withdrawn. However, two new admins have taken the reigns: Kerian & Etienne. Through support from the fans, the site's webmasters have all participated in developing the site, each in their own little way!

But today, the French are no longer the only ones supporting the site. Fans from around the world (Australia, Hungary, the United Kingdom, the United States, etc...) form the team behind now in order to take the site further than ever before and offer this English version to the community. Namely, there is Kelsey & A-queenoffairys who have already carried out an enormous amount of translation work for the site so it may open its doors today! is, however, no longer a simple fansite. Thanks to our steadfast dedication, Moonscoop has recognized us as the official fansite of the community. We work in cooperation with them in order to promote the series and the life of its community, etc! This comes with several advantages: Official production documents, contact with the production team and the actors, and exclusive news! We have a ton of content here!

Why an English version?

Code Lyoko is a series. And an atypical one at that. It is distinguished by its unique community: united over the net, creative and talented without compare, spread worldwide, and sharing a fierce attachment and loyalty to the series. Code Lyoko is more than a cartoon. Code Lyoko is a family. is the home to this family. The site where each fan can find a little space of their own, whatever he or she needs, and other fans with whom to share his or her passion. And you know what they say, home sweet home!

To open an English version guarantees the opening of the site to even more fans... English-speakers like the Americans, English, Australians... but also those from other countries (Japan, Israel, Spain, etc...).

What's more, as the affiliate for the community, it is's duty to offer information about the integration of the worldwide community. We strongly wish to create a bridge between the French community and the community of other countries... all while bringing to the whole world the services that we already bring to French-speaking fans.

In terms of the forum, we are in a partnership with an English-speaking forum: CodeLyokoEvolved!

The English version: What state is it in?

The English version is far from being complete, of course. To translate CodeLyoko.Fr is a phenomenal undertaking. Nevertheless, we are achieving this little by little!

Currently, the technical work is finished. It is ready and no longer needs to be translated!

And the news system is 100% operational! You can follow the news on live. The news will be translated. We are also able to publish news articles in one language and not the other, if need be.

Concerning the translation, the majority of the site remains to be translated yet. We will soon organize a system, so that both French and English-speaking fans may cooperate towards reaching this goal!

A lot of help is needed. So, follow the site news, we will get back to this soon enough!

Thanks to Kelsey & A-queenoffairys, plenty of sections are already available in English! For example, the Actors section and even the colossal "Episode Guide." A lot of small pages have also been translated including some presentation pages of the site! However, the main objective will be to translate pages dedicated to the series! Other more complex sections, such as the media, fanfiction, and fanart sections will be translated later!

The vast section on the wonderful PC game, the IFSCL, is also already available in English.

When a page has not yet been translated, you will end up on the French version of the page instead.

To come in the following days: Some news on the recruitment of translators. We need you!

That's all for now! There is still a lot to talk about, but it's better to talk about different topics at different times. The English version is only in its beginnings, but thanks to you, we will be creating a welcoming place for fans all across the world upon a base full of data already enjoyed by the French community!

See you soon! =^w^=

[Celebration for 5 million] : International relationship!
Posted by Shaka on 01/26/2013 at 13:22 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
And it continues!

Many of our more fervent admirers raised the question of the international scope of and about which we collaborate with the international community, predominantly the English-speaking community! We have, in fact, realized that we haven't discussed this subject much! For once, we'll save your ears! ^o^

There is a lot of international talk!  Since the Lyokofan community IS international! Also, as a community fansite officially recognized by Moonscoop, we need to make the most of our exclusives for foreigners as much as for the French. So, let's make the point of this news in two stages.

Relationship with the American and international fandoms!

First of all, we are proud to announce to you all that, even if we make it discrete, is in connection with the international communities. We have connections with American graphic designers on Deviant-art and tumblr who have accepted to work with us to decorate the site. We also have contact with eminent American fans with whom we share all our information, which they relay to the foreigners!

In fact, you should know that even if is essentially in French, even foreigners use our site to keep informed of news on Code Lyoko Evolution using Google Translate! For example, you all recall without a doubt the photo of Gulliver Bevernaege, the actor who plays Odd, whom we asked to wish a happy new year to all the Lyokofans?  This photo was relayed abroad by us! The Twitcams made by Quentin Merabet were also headed to foreign fans.

But most importantly, we wish to reinforce the connections between the French and foreign communities. It is why we announce to you all this evening the existence of a partnership between CodeLyoko.Fr and the great American forum CodeLyoko-Evolved! This partnership is not the result of a rushed work or a sudden impulse. We have been effectively in connection with CL-Evolved for several weeks, when the arrival of Code Lyoko Evolution was made imminent! We maintain strong ties with its Webmaster Xiao and certain members of the forum (Kel, Tbcr...).

For several weeks now, we have proceeded to exchange information and services with each other. But in the future, we really hope to be able to organize events between our two respective forums to further the competition and interaction between our two communities. This aspect is new to CodeLyoko.Fr.

In fact, the site, even if it has always had contact with the Americans (at one time, Warton Chan), was still essentially French.  So, it is a new perspective that we wish to explore with our American and English-speaking friends more widely to reach the whole community. It is a major project... which will be necessary for a major site (A)! But hey, you know us. When we start something, we don't stop at a half smiley!!!

The language barrier remains!
After much trial and error, has decided to take a new direction.

Following a conversation with Julien and a consultation with a part of the team... After years where the question remained outstanding, we are proud to announce to you all that CodeLyoko.Fr will have, in the near future, an English version!

In fact, even if it is not a full translation, we have come up with the concept of a system behind the scenes which will allow us to offer an English version of the home page, the news, and the majority of the key sections! So, CodeLyoko.Fr will be able to really be the fansite of the entire community. Of course, we can count on the support of Moonscoop, of all our partners on this adventure, and also, we hope, of you!

Last point. This project is, of course, major and will be gradual. The English part will certainly open its doors in a month and will cover only part of the site... But we will have all the time necessary to develop it!

Under the partnership, as soon as this will see the light of day, we will probably redirect the non-French-speaking fans to the CL-evolved forum in order to increase its activity and to be a major hub for international fans! We plan neither to open an English section on our forum (that will divide everyone and that's never good) nor to have a fusion between both forums. Each community has its own space and each forum has its own history, as the idea of a fusion would indeed be the most profound debility.

So, we are going to bet on the interaction between our two forums and communities! The American fans will be welcomed if they want to participate on our forum, of course!

Well, it was more an announcement than anything else...
But the partnership with the Americans deserved to be mentioned. is illustrated in a number of domains (content, creativity, etc...) and the international cooperation is really something that we wish to put all our efforts into in 2013!

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