  Here you will find the latest news about CodeLyoko.Fr.
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The Findings of Dude Dudu #40
Posted by Etienne on 08/11/2013 at 16:20 (6 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello to all! 

After the 360° models of monsters, Aelita and Yumi in season 1 costume, Odd and Ulrich season 1 and Aelita and Yumi season 4, here are the three final 360° models: Odd, Ulrich and finally DarkWilliam in season 4 costume.

As you can see, in William's model, he has his season 3 sword, but why? The response is simple. Contrary to the other costumes that were created for season 4, Dark William's was created to appear in the final episode of season 3, during his brief appearance after the destruction of Lyoko. He didn't need his "Darksword," which is why this 360° model of William (for his minor appearance in episode 65) shows Dark William with the real William's sword.


And finally, to top it all off, 9 new background arts from season 4 of Code Lyoko!

Have a nice afternoon on

New CL music
Posted by Shaka on 08/05/2013 at 23:12 (20 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hey everybody.

A very short new tonight.
First, we are going to update the all Code Lyoko Evolution section of the website, thanks to all the informations in the Hungarian episodes. If you don't want to read spoilers, you shall avoid this part of the website for a while.

Secondly, a fan, named MidoChou, offers us a new music from Code Lyoko. It has been made from extract of the episodes. We named it "Trivial danger" and you can download or listen to it by clicking on the following link !

Good night !

The Findings of Dude Dudu #39
Posted by Etienne on 07/30/2013 at 14:20 (21 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hey !

As you may see, this week the topic appears earlier so you don't have to wait too much to see the video of this weekend, if you did not find any codes. (Of course, there won't be any finding this Sunday). Besides, the flash of this weekend, concocted by Immu, is now in the attic section of the site.
Here is the famous censored scene that shows Yumi being pierced by the sword of William in episode 65. The scene was cut because too violent (Hm.. ..). This exctract has been set in the context of the episode! Appreciate this scene!

But that's not all! Because this video was from the findings of last Sunday! So what's up for today? Today it's spoiler time! The finding of the week conserne above two plans of this video which are HUGE SPOILS on the last episode of season 1 of Code Lyoko Evolution. If you watch this video, you will be asked not to reveal the spoils in the comments. And now, the show!

Have fun on ;)

[9th candle] Happy birthday!!
Posted by Shaka on 07/28/2013 at 19:00 (31 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
News in advance !
Well, it's the end, the last candle ! An the banner changes !

A purple tower? Err, it seems that we drank too much champagne... 
Now we have to conclude this weekend of festivities. We really want to say "Thank you". Thank you for following us, thank you for staying with us for the weeks to come. At last, he is a small [Spoiler] file which contains all the spoilers that we ever know about the 7 last episodes of CLE.

We have taken care to update two "Actors" pages with the videos and images of the Japan Expo. So, don't forget to visit again Quentin and Mélanie's pages.

Well, it's the end of the party... But the website doens't stop here! Coming soon:
-Tomorrow, a new chapter of Code Lyoko Chronicles ! Yes, it will already be Monday, day of the new weekly sequence "Chronicles of a Translation", by Mara.

- On Tueday, on of our weekly rubric will air sooner than usual.

- On Wednesday, we will announce the results of the LyokoContest and his quiz.

-Finally, at this time, all our eyes are looking to Hungary, who's beginning to get the last episodes. Yes, it's not very legitimate to speak about it, but we all know that subtitled episodes will come on the net. The problem is mostly linked to the quality of them. In fact, translating Hungarian is not really easy. We could be afraid that subtitles of poor quality would come on the net. So, be careful but also respectful about the people who don't want to be spoiled.

Concerning the policy of the site. Don't forget this: Code-Raclette! Yes, Code-Raclette. During these moments of terrible waiting, the best is a good raclette, in order to bear the burden of time. Yes, this sentence is weird, incomprehensible... But, while we are going on Dailymotion and MEGA, in order to find subtitled episodes, do not forget this slogan: Code Raclette.

That's all what we wanted to tell you ! Good Luck.
To conclude this week-end with fun and images, we are offering to you a picture unpublished of the equip, shameful !


Special thanks
(since we hadn't time to do this before -_-)

All the website staff, who worked al ot as usual.
Nelbsia for the Towers pictures !
Poppy for the banner
Kelsey, A Queen of Fairys & Xiao (EN) and also Leslie & Oddye (FR) for the english translation
DlynK for the MMORPG's banner
Immu for the flash files related to the codes game

Did you enjoy the week-end with us ? =D

[7th candle] The Finds of Dude Dudu
Posted by titi060 & Kelsey on 07/28/2013 at 10:07 (3 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Good afternoon everyone!

On this special day, there is good reason to spoil all of you, and we have something for everyone! First off, like you know, a new video is hidden as a reward for the site's challenge, good luck searching!
On top of that, like you have seen with the previous news, 2 new files have made their appearance. Here is the "Renders and HD Images" section completed with the Reloaded characters!


And finally, after having spoiled the CL fans, here is the time to spoil those of CLE with a new video of Melanie Tran rehearsing a scene (which is still unaired ;) ) during the shooting, under the advice of Luccio di Rosa. The video is in French, not English.

With that, blow out the seventh candle...
...and wait for the final news of the day!
[1st candle] Search & Destroy (Saturday - Midnight)
[2nd candle] Third edition (Saturday - 8am)
[3rd candle] MLXXX (Saturday - 12pm)
[4th candle] Once upon a time (Saturday - 2pm)
[5th candle] NCADT (Saturday - 4:30pm)
[6th candle] "Code Lyoko Evolution" - 1 (Saturday - 7pm)
[7th candle] Loyal and true (Sunday - 10am)
[8th candle] Rebirth of a project (Sunday - 2pm) Only in French, sorry :/
[9th candle] Happy birthday =D (Sunday - 8pm)

[6th candle] MMORPG & CL Reloaded
Posted by Shaka on 07/24/2013 at 23:46 (5 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
This time, let's begin with the candle!

Yes, CLE is here!

Well, the news will be more consistent. Our website is really developed. We have many elements and a lot of information!
At a editorial level, we have complete and reliable sections, but also, we have a lot of files.
There are several kinds of files:
-Ones which talk about events and the LyokoSphere;
-Other files about the community, with the fans and debates;
-There are also files about the series, for analysis, or for the content.
-Finally, our pride: our files on Code Lyoko's sources of inspiration.

There is also a final category with less content. It's about the background of the series. What's happening behind the scenes. So it's more complicated. But today, we can say with joy that we have two more files. We are really satisfied to show them to you: they are original, and totally unpublished in the Community.

These files talk about the Big Break between 2007 and 2012.

The first will tell you all sorts of things about Code Lyoko Reloaded. What is Code Lyoko Reloaded? You don't know it? Thanks to the file, you will learn that it was the original name of Code Lyoko Evolution. More generally, this name referred to everything that was destined for giving a continuation to Code Lyoko between 2007 and 2012. And contrary to people's thoughts, there were a lot of projects.

For example, if I told you that in Evolution, William would look like to Justin Bieber, would you believe me?

Ah, you want to read the file, don't you?
A full, unknown page on the history of Code Lyoko is here for you!

The second file is linked to the first. Did you know that between 2007 and 2012 a project about a Code Lyoko MMORPG had almost been created?
If I offered to show you it, would you be interested? If so, then let's go!

There! You have something to read tonight!
The continuation of the birthday is tomorrow!

[1st candle] Search & Destroy (Saturday - Midnight)
[2nd candle] Third edition (Saturday - 8am)
[3rd candle] MLXXX (Saturday - 12pm)
[4th candle] Once upon a time (Saturday - 2pm)
[5th candle] NCADT (Saturday - 4:30pm)
[6th candle] "Code Lyoko Evolution" - 1 (Saturday - 7pm)

[7th candle] Loyal and true (Sunday - 10am)
[8th candle] Rebirth of a project (Sunday - 2pm)
[9th candle] Happy birthday =D (Sunday - 8pm)

[4th candle] Once upon a time...
Posted by Shaka & Kelsey on 07/27/2013 at 14:00 (5 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Come on, we're still continuing...
It's nostalgia time. I'm not talented enough in terms of writing to put down everything I would like to express in this news post... since I would like to use this piece of news to talk about the history of the site and everything that includes. This site is now 9 years old. That's 9 years old to follow the series, of course... But especially 9 years to live as a community. The teams have succeeded each other like the seasons of Code Lyoko. The news has led one to the next like the generations of members...

Nevertheless, what must be noted, it's that this site has beared an enormous amount of people. For all the information, obviously. But also for the people. For the friendships, love stories, and excitement. For the bits of our childhood. In times of adolescence... and even for certain old fans, "adultescence" =P

For some of us, that seems like a long way off. For others, they are already there. The bottom line is that the great pride of this site's team resides not only in our content, but also overwhelmingly in the person to person adventure that we have given many people to experience.

So, I'm taking advantage of this occasion to give you some news on your old "Core Team." I'm speaking of the 4 people without whom wouldn't be what it is today... and would certainly be a lot more limited!

The creator of the site, Julien, aka CyberJujuM has been hard at work. He studied computer science at the INRA. He passed his bac +5 in a small amount of time. He has also travelled a lot as part of his studies and he is going to be employed with Google afterwards, with which he has completed several weeks of training... Our Julien's quite the boss, yeah? 8)
Today, he continues to follow the adventure from afar and occassionally devotes a little bit of his time to you when big updates are to be made, the English version being the most recent example!

The web provider of the site and second "technical" webmaster is Johann. Johann without whom the majority of things would not be possible. Johann who hosts the entirety of the site on his own servers and thanks to whom you receive a quality site, without ads and with an extremely honorable technical performance! For there are the galleries that generate thousands of images per day, and the "Media" section to name but a few... The servers are necessary to operate all of that.
Johann also continues to follow the adventure from afar. Even if he no longer has the time to stop in and say hello, don't forget that it is thanks to him that the site functions and can continue to function today.

Arnold, our computer graphics artist, to whom you may credit the wonderful design of the site... is unfortunately still missing. Even Anthea Schaeffer was found beforehand, we hope to get some word from him sometime. We'll take advantage of this moment to send him a warm "hello!" Thanks for everything that you have done for us! (And now us English-speakers can take our turn to say thanks as well! Merci beaucoup !)

And finally, there's the veteran behind the writing-side, Shaka. But he is still around! And seeing that he is the one who wrote this news, he is going to have the modesty not to talk about himself! But since he isn't the one writing the English side of the site, I've conducted a brief interview. Shaka's favorite color is blue, because of the variety of wonderful blue hues. He thinks his favorite animal is probably a cat. And his favorite food is raclette, which is a type of cheese. The more you know!

Now onward to the content of this news. Since we're feeling nostalgic, we've updated the large files on the history of
This file was written in 2007 by CyberJujuM for the 3rd birhtday of the site. However due to The Great Code Lyoko Depression of 2007 - 2012, it has been left untouched since. Now, it is complete. We wrote a rather modest history for the period of 2007 - 2013.

[Access the file]

Now, blow out the pretty green candle!
Don't forget the rest of the festivities:
[1st candle] Search & Destroy (Saturday - Midnight)
[2nd candle] Third edition (Saturday - 8am)
[3rd candle] MLXXX (Saturday - 12pm)
[4th candle] Once upon a time (Saturday - 2pm)

[5th candle] NCADT (Saturday - 4:30pm)
[6th candle] "Code Lyoko Evolution" - 1 (Saturday - 7pm)
[7th candle] Loyal and true (Sunday - 10am)
[8th candle] Rebirth of a project (Sunday - 2pm)
[9th candle] Happy birthday =D (Sunday - 8pm)

[3rd candle] MLXXX
Posted by Shaka & Kelsey on 07/27/2013 at 12:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Good things always come in threes!

Here is the day's third piece of news! This will be Wilson's little present for you!
You remember the way in which the episodes were aired? First on France 4 in 720p with the logo! Then on iTunes in 720p without the logo.... and finally again on iTunes in 1080p without the logo... And as it would be really crazy to remake the episode gallery three times, we had lagged behing getting everything up to date...

But what's done is done: From now on, the entirety of the Episode guide galleries for Code Lyoko Evolution is available in 1080p without the logo.

Next, we have updated a veryyyyy old section! It is the Goodies section. In the past, it was a site category (with its own drop-down menu.) It was later reduced to a section (a simple index) and was recently made unavailable while being remade. Its name is misleading anyway seeing that it only regrouped computer-related items together (avatars, skins, etc... etc...) So, it didn't really have goodies.

What's more, at the time, it presented some official elements (the very old Code Lyoko Theme Pack) and fan creations... In short, an old bric-a-brac section full of dust... Without a doubt one of the final sections left untouched by Shaka.

He and Etienne have totally rebuilt the section:
-Removal of the fan creations that weren't official. A reference towards the Fanarts for everyone searching for the avatars, banners, and other things has been made.
-Drastic reduction of the number of pages. A regrouping of very old elements. We left them available as archives, but the majority is obsolete as it was made for Windows XP (Boot screen, Logon screen, etc....)
-We have, on the other hand, created a "Wallpapers" page which regroups all the official images of CLE in HD released by the official Facebook page of Code Lyoko.
-Renaming of the section that is now called "Personalization" and that responds to the alias customization/.

Enjoy! And let's blow out the third candle:
What's to come:
[1st candle] Search & Destroy (Saturday - Midnight)
[2nd candle] Third edition (Saturday - 8am)
[3rd candle] MLXXX (Saturday - 12pm)

[4th candle] Once upon a time (Saturday - 2pm)
[5th candle] NCADT (Saturday - 4:30pm)
[6th candle] "Code Lyoko Evolution" - 1 (Saturday - 7pm)
[7th candle] Loyal and true (Sunday - 10am)
[8th candle] Rebirth of a project (Sunday - 2pm)
[9th candle] Happy birthday =D (Sunday - 8pm)

[1st Candle] Search & Destroy
Posted by Shaka & Kelsey on 07/27/2013 at 00:00 (33 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!!!
While the first new episode of Code Lyoko Evolution in Hungary will air very soon, the team behind intends to have some fun waiting for the possible and probable Good Samaritans who will spread accessible versions of these episodes on the net. This will surely come to be, so wait and see ;) !

But that won't take us away from a major and important event: Today is the site's birthday, celebrating 9 years! And yes! It has been 9 long years since a young Toulousian named Julien created a fansite albeit lacking class, scale, design, and content on a little corner of the net... Suffice to say that much has been accomplished since!

So, let's get started! In the same manner that we celebrated our grand celebration for 5 million visitors, we are going to spoil you all weekend long. Since the site is 9 years old... well, we're going to offer you 9 news posts. And this is the first.

With this news, it's not really a gift that we are giving you! It's more of a challenge. The objective is to obtain 14 codes. Once you have them all, these codes will allow you to unlock a secret area of! And in this secret area, you will discover a video. Below are the details:

ATTENTION: It's a little important how you enter the codes on the images... ALL the codes must be entered in lower-case and without accents

What purpose do the codes serve?

The codes will be to enter in this flash file:

Thanks to Immu for creating it! Once you've found the 14 codes, you will enter each of them into the corresponding field. Once that's done, a video will stream automatically: This will be your reward.

What is the reward?

It is a video presenting a scene that was cut from Code Lyoko (the cartoon!) And yes, there are scenes that were cut from Code Lyoko! Following a very long amount of research by Dude Dudu, he has managed to find one. It only lasts for a few seconds... but it has been cut due to having "too much violence"... Even if it isn't very violent, but yeah...

Where are the codes?

The codes are written on some images.
There is one code for each member of the team: Shaka, Kerian, Etienne, Wilson, Dauphy, Icer, Pikamaniaque, Julrose, Bastien, Café Noir, Kelsey, A Queen of Fairys, Kasux, and Poppy. You have a glimpse of each of our images in the flash file. Each time that you find one of the images, note the code and put it to the site until you have all 14.

Where are the images found containing the codes?

All over the site!
They can appear randomly on a page, in a gallery, inside an already existing image... indeed even on one of our platforms (Twitter or Facebook.) They can also be hidden behind a clickable link. No codes on the board/forum ! But you'll see, we weren't as tough as usual.

In order to direct you, in the news, we will give you clues to find each image. Think Blue's Clues, but less blue!
And here is the first: Each image is hidden in a spot of the site connected to the function and activies of the team members to which they belong. For examle, the code-image of a media referent has no chance of being hidden in the middle of a textual section. Make sense? ;)

First hints:
Shaka is a great kid
Kerian built his network
Etienne handle medias stuff (video, pictures, musics)
Wilson manage his own rubric
Dauphy has several cameras
Icer love a character more than the others
Pikamaniaque enjoy excellence
Poppy made the website last banner
Kasux is a graphic artist
Café Noir is lunatic
Apolyon loves an administrator a lot !
Julrose likes Hello Kitty
Kelsey works mostly on the english part of the website
Alexis is able to be invisible

So there we have it! We know this exercise is horrible but what can be done... One must suffer a little in life!
For all those who won't be around this weekend or who can't find the images, no need for panic: We'll release the scene the next week to everyone :)

We'll leave you to your game, but before that: Let's blow out the first of our birthday candles, shall we? Join us!

Gosh ! XANA's already blown out the halo...

By the way, here is a little of the festivities to come =D !

[1st candle] Search & Destroy (Saturday - Midnight)
[2nd candle] Third edition (Saturday - 8am)
[3rd candle] MLXXX (Saturday - 12pm)
[4th candle] Once upon a time (Saturday - 2pm)
[5th candle] NCADT (Saturday - 4:30pm)
[6th candle] "Code Lyoko Evolution" - 1 (Saturday - 7pm)
[7th candle] Loyal and true (Sunday - 10am)
[8th candle] Rebirth of a project (Sunday - 2pm)
[9th candle] Happy birthday =D (Sunday - 8pm)

Tommorow, the new épisodes will be distributed in Hungary. In conclusion, the end of the season one of Code Lyoko Evolution is coming quickly. We are so inspired by that, so we have decided to establish a new banner. No panic: it's not a spoil. The two images are montages, made by our extremely talented Immu and Poppy. You recognize our image 404 of the laboratory which is collpasing, symbol of defeat of the heroes. The other image is another montage of the Cortex which is breaking up, which symbolizes Tyron's defeat.

[Japan Expo] Oh, By the way !
Posted by Shaka on 07/22/2013 at 23:00 (18 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hie everybody ! By the way, I fogot to news this :

Dauphy has just finished the video about the Japan Expo's fan-event. You can see on the video the cosplays, Quentin and Mélanie... and some people from's staff ! Enjoy !

PS : Remember ! There will be lot's of news this week-end, cause of the website's birthday ! Stay with us !

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