After several months, and with numerous rumors from other sites circling around, Code Lyoko Evolution will soon be returning on the small screen in September on France 4.
Don't forget to take this information with a grain of salt, TV schedule sites are far from being infallible.
We will keep you up to date with any possible new info.
Remember that the only place for reliable info is on, elsewhere there is only supposition.
Breathe, eat, live Code Lyoko... DRINK Code Lyoko
Posted by Etienne & Kelsey on 09/04/2013 at 23:05
(13 commentaires)
Good evening again!
And yes, some days, the number of news posted reaches new heights! And this is the case today with another little newsflash! We are going to speak of a related product interesting enough for those who can appreciate it. The Code Lyoko glasses/mugs (6 glasses + 1 pitcher to be exact): where are these from? From the mass production of related products made by the Spanish during the years 2010/2011, the time when the series was a huge success over there. These glasses are coming to France for a VERY limited time. They are for sale in "Babou" stores throughout France. If you are interested, hurry up, because they could disappear very quick after their circulation.
Here is a little picture to illustrate:
(Thanks to Aquatikelfik for the photo and the info)
Good evening on
Trailer for CLE's arrival in Belgium on OufTivi
Posted by Etienne on 09/04/2013 at 12:06
(2 commentaires)
Hello all!
The first news of this new decade of Code Lyoko is already here! And it is about the Belgian airing of Code Lyoko Evolution with a trailer from the channel announcing the airing of one episode each Sunday.
Today, we're celebrating the ten year anniversary of Code Lyoko, so Dude Dudu has released from his safe some pretty good stuff. But Dude Dudu says no finds next Sunday, of course.
Here we have some great "character designs" from season 2:
Mister Puck The wolves from season 2
But also some stuff from season 4 like:
Sophie, the Subdigitals accountant Simon, the Subdigitals sound engineer
Bringa, Sissi's Icelandic friend in her day clothes and swimsuit
Patrick, Jeremy's cousin Kelly, Odd's one day girlfriend
The Xanafied boar from episode 74 Marguerite, Odd's mom
But also different tests of "character designs" for Mrs. Dunbar, William's mom
Different positions of Ulrich practising Pencak-Silat
And finally, various designs from season 4 with some that were reused later, like Yumi for Code Lyoko Reloaded
There is reason to spoil you! =p But that's not all! If we're gonna do this big, we're gonna do this very big! On this train of thought, we have a gift for you today, a very big gift! A gift that you can cherish such as a bible! Which is an excellent transition for the matter, because the gift in question: simply put, it's the bible of Code Lyoko! More precisely: the graphic and literary bible of the first season of Code Lyoko. But what exactly is this artifact of which I speak to you? It's the base of the base of the series, the most important document of a series. A product which isn't of course available to the public or for sale and which serves as a point of reference to each scriptwriter. Inside, all the important information is explained, all the big questions! The behavior of the characters, their virtual characteristics and those of the first season monsters and also the confirmation of several grand hypotheses, to sum it all up: a little Grail!
The above links to a page that is available in English. PS: Yes, for the moment, these are only HD photos and not scans, basically because the bible is really a very big size, but don't stress, the scans will be coming soon anyhow!
09/01 Evolution!
Posted by Shaka & Kelsey on 09/01/2013 at 20:26
(11 commentaires)
Hello everyone!
We've slaved away very hard the whole month of August for this, but we made it... At the same time as Code Lyoko's 10 year anniversary. At this very symbolic date and with heartache, we can announce to you the following...
But don't panic. That doesn't mean that we're closing the site or that there will no longer be anything new here. Let us explain. For the first time ever in history, is over. By that, we mean that the "basic site" content is complete! What does that mean?
In our eyes, the basic content of the site contains: - All the content tied to the series of Code Lyoko and Code Lyoko Evolution [Story, characters, episode guide, media, etc...] - All the content of the series' universe [The comics, the novels, the conceptuals, the files, the sources of inspiration, the creators, etc...] - The content tied to the related products of the series [Games, the social game, video games, and so forth...] - The content of the presentation of the site [The team, partnerships, etc...] - All the functionalities of the site that allow it to run [The news system, reception and promotion of fanart and fanfictions, the member space, etc...]
All that is over for the first time in the site's history. Indeed, since its birth in 2004, the site was in perpetual development. The written content (Characters, Places, etc...), very long to write, has never been totally finished before. Even during the Great Hiatus (2008-2011), the season 4 updates weren't all worked on.
Today, these are all complete: All that we listed above have been well and truly finished. No more 404s. No more "Coming Soon". No more "In construction". Though, we didn't list all of the site's content today, that would be too long. And the time for that will be a bit later. We simply are going to list the entirety of the pages that were in construction that were completed during the month of August... And so, here is a summary of everything that we hadn't made a news post about in the last month.
The website section: Completely finished in the month of July. Code Lyoko section: Completely finished in the month of July as well. Code Lyoko Evolution section...
This only takes up a few lines in this news article, but behind the scenes, it took up much more as well as hundreds of hours of work. To give you a rough idea, the writing of a "Characters" page takes, on average, 3 hours. Add a half-hour to that for the quotes. 10 minutes for the illustrations... and that's not counting the time that it took for the artist to create them. Multiply that by the number of pages to create, and that should give you the idea!
Lyoko universe section: Amidst all the buzz with the French translation of the novels, but complete all the same.
Following the reorganization and reduction of the Files section, three new sections make their appearance here with their personalized home for better navigation. These are the Interviews, Lyoko-Events and Sources of inspiration sections.
Media section: Up to date and the most complete on the net! Creators section: Complete Image gallery section: Complete in optimal quality... in wait for the final episodes of Evolution! Your creations section: Functional Related products section: Complete
Creation of the whole file for the last game "DS: Fall of X.A.N.A.". It was the last update needed for this section. We took advantage of it to update the other video game files.
We also totally remade and reorganized the old Goodies section, which was completely archaic. It is called the Customization page from now on.
Social game section: Complete! Flash games section: Complete! IFSCL section: Complete!
And the cherry on top: The best of
A Code Lyoko fansite better decorated than any other. Thanks again to all our artists... Without you, the site wouldn't be what it is today.
An original quote system that lets you relive a piece of the series throughout the pages on the site.
An interlinking system between the pages that allows you to easily navigate between sections, so that you won't miss any of our vast content. Follow the Scyphozoa!
And finally, in order to unite Code Lyoko and Code Lyoko Evolution, we added an icon system on certain pages to switch between the two series!
Of course, that doesn't mean our work is done!
...Nor even that there's no more novelties for the site! Quite the opposite.
1) Some sections require constant updates. This is the case with the "Your Creations" section. Which will continue to grow alongside the new Gems online section, who knows? The Social game section will also require some important updates... when we will have found a little team of volunteers to take care of that... Dude Dudu, as for him, will continue to dress up his Media section.
And especially, 2) Of course, the "basic" content is complete and over with! And the good news is that this will give us the time and energy to innovate! The creation of new files, animations on the site, etc... Believe me, the ideas aren't lacking. We've still got some ideas in store for you to keep in touch with the series.
A small word about the English version of the site. It is obviously less complete at the moment than the French side, but the translation is moving at an impressive pace. The pages are being translated to English, one after the other. Thanks to all the contributors! If you also want to help, check out the section on the forum!
Finally, the conclusion of this post. The more observent of you will have noticed that there's a section that hasn't been updated since the site's rebirth at the end of 2011. This is the "Guided Tour" section... And this is normal considering that we need to have the site be in its final version and organization before doing so. We will get to it soon and redo it so that it is more current, but also more efficient than ever before!
That's all... Of course, the news on our "written content" is always less sensational than the rest. But we really wanted to be able to say for the 10 year anniversary of Code Lyoko (and also before the school year starts... ESPECIALLY before then): "We did it. is finished."
You've been following us for several months, even several years. Now that we reached the completion of the site, we can finally ask you the question: What do you think? =D
The 10 years of Code Lyoko...
Posted by Shaka & Kelsey on 09/01/2013 at 23:58
(14 commentaires)
Hello everyone!
10 years...
Code Lyoko is 10 years old... September 3rd, 2003, episode 01 "TeddyGozilla" was aired on France 3. And we were all 10 years younger... Where were you then? How old were you then? What part of your childhood did this cartoon occupy? Who have you met? What has changed in your life? For the oldest of us, surely a lot of things! So, let's hope that this will continue with the youngest of us for a long time to come. I'll without a doubt give a very long speech, but I imagine that it's to each to find within himself, and all that, yadayada...
In short, we've all been very moved by Code Lyoko. To celebrate the event, we have scheduled several small things (Well, you know us, hah =P)
From your point of view, this will be a little less "big" than for the 5 million visitors celebration in January or the birthday of the site in July. But believe me, in terms of the number of hours of work, this wasn't little for us. You will enjoy 3 big news posts today of which this is one! And that makes 4 if we count the exceptional release of the chapters yesterday.
To start, naturally, we'll reveal to you a section that has been entirely remade. It was a simple site page before... and of a rather mediocre quality considering that we never were really busy with it. It has now become a robust section of our site: It is the "Story of Code Lyoko".
But it's not the story of the cartoon, of XANA and all that! Nope! It's the story of the Code Lyoko franchise... The history if you prefer. Do you want to feel nostalgic? Do you want to revisit all the various grand stages of the construction of the Code Lyoko empire? This file is made for you. It currently regroups old pages already existing on the site (Like Garage Kids or the Reloaded file) and new ones created for the occasion. Follow the guide:
Just like last week, the find of the day is also based on the game Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity. While searching in the ROM of the Wii game, we can find some interesting things, like this video. Indeed, before contacting the voice actors of Code Lyoko so that they can add their voices to the video tracks, there first have to be some tests. And here is one of the test videos. As you can see, at the time, this video was still a WIP: the 3D plans weren't set in stone, the 2D was still only a test, and so forth. But of course, the most intriguing point is the "test" voice placed on the video while waiting for the dubbing. Enough chitchat! Here's the video.
Have a good day on
CLE will be coming to our Belgian friends every Sunday!
Posted by titi060 on 08/26/2013 at 12:30
(10 commentaires)
Code Lyoko Evolution continues its global expansion! After France, Hungary, and Romania, CLE is heading to Belgium starting September 1st, 2013 at 5:55pm on "la trois" channel of the group RTBF.
To promote the series, the website of the children's block of channel "OUFtivi" has dedicated a page to Code Lyoko Evolution. There we have noticed that CLE will be aired every Sunday, and we also found there an already well-known video - the original French trailer to Code Lyoko Evolution, but for the first time is in high definition unlike the one from France 4 and the English trailer's video was slightly different than the French one:
And lastly, here are some new, official wallpapers to check out on the site:
(With all the updates to the site, this news passed by right under our noses at first, oops)
News validée par l'équipe de le 27/08/2013 à 01:00
The findinds of Dude Dudu #42
Posted by Etienne on 08/25/2013 at 18:35
(0 commentaires)
Hello all!
Today, the findings are focues on the game Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity. With a "making of" side, first, a video (in low quality without sound) on the animations of the Ice Replika boss, 3D characters (Yumi here), the different movements available in the game (walk, run, dodge, climb, wait, etc...) as well as a passage showing the conception of the cinematic during the appearance of the Volcano Replika boss.
And following that, still in the same genre, screenshots of the first prototype of the game and its conception, rather different to the final version for some things like the conception of the holomap (the "menu" where you choose your destination) which originally, seen below, was shaped like the eye of XANA.
Have a good afternoon on CodeLyoko.Fr
The findings of Dude Dudu #41
Posted by Etienne on 08/18/2013 at 21:57
(2 commentaires)
Hello everyone!
Well, today, there's no preview or music for the finding. And yep! But in its place, a short news for the descriptions of the 4 Lyoko Warriors from season 1 ripped from the American DVDs of the series.