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The findings of Dude Dudu #53
Posted by Etienne on 11/10/2013 at 00:05 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello all! 

Today is a special day! Why? Because it's the 53rd finding! Therefore, that means the findings of Dude Dudu have existed for 53 weeks! In other words, this news section has existed for a whole year! 1 year of videos, music and images that have allowed all lovers of Code Lyoko to be able to continue to explore in its 6-year-old universe after the end of the animated series with never-before-seen documents, allowing for the discovery of scenes and how the series was made, or even documents that were never released to the public!

And its to celebrate this that the logo has received a little upgrade (infinite thanks to Lénaelle for this logo!). And because a birthday is something to celebrate, this party will host 10 behind-the-scenes images of Code Lyoko, each one more interesting than the last! From the conception of 3D models, to sketches of monsters from the Digital Sea, 2D character designs and storyboards! A feast for the eyes!


Have a nice day on

The findings of Dude Dudu #52
Posted by Etienne on 11/03/2013 at 00:00 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello all! 

Enjoy this logo! Clin d'oeil

Today's finding concerns the original series, the opening to be precise. You remember the season 4 opening without credits? If not, here's something to refresh your memory. To continue along the same lines, today, here's a new opening, season 2's without credits. Enjoy!

Have a nice day on

Day of the Dead and a file!
Posted by Shaka on 11/01/2013 at 03:42 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello all!

After having Nelbsia's Halloween banner banner up yesterday, today we unveil one for Day of the Dead done by Lénaelle. You'll note, if you look closely, that she pays hommage to all the things that disappear in Evolution, which includes concrete things like the Ice and Forest Sectors or even more abstract elements...

Also note that this isn't supposed to be strongly for or against Evolution on the site's part. ;p
We try to satisfy all the fans, those who like CLE as well as others!

Besides the fact that this banner perfectly illustrates the 1st of November (in some parts of the world), it's above all a request to be a welcome page for a file. Do you remember the file "The transition from Code Lyoko to Code Lyoko Evolution: Adaptations, successes, inconsistencies and sacrifices"? It's a file we made around the start of Code Lyoko Evolution,round about when episode 7 aired. It discusses the hits and misses of the adaptation of Code Lyoko into live action, while trying to give explanations for the different changes.

We thought to update this file. However, it seemed interesting to us to keep it as "historical evidence". The feelings of fans at the time, before knowing the ending. Rather than modifying the already existing page, we've therefore completed a second page that lists all the differences between Code Lyoko and CL Evolution. A list established with the help of the members of our forum. Also, Lénaelle's banner decorates this file ad vitam aeternam.

"Happy" Toussaint on!

Code Lyoko: The Missing Pieces
Posted by Shaka on 10/30/2013 at 07:00 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

A small bit of news, in the middle of the week, for a new piece of the site! Because there's always something to say about Code Lyoko! ;)
Dudu and myself have created a new file. We called it "Code Lyoko: The Missing Pieces". Under this seemingly grand name lies a very simple file. We've identified all the projects and drafts presented in the conceptual documents of the series but were never seen in the cartoon.

Basically, all that the creators have thought about putting in the series...but was removed in the end... In brief, a whole bunch of things that were forecast...but that we never saw.
A very easy file and nicely illustrated. To read when you have some time to kill!

I'll take the opportunity to slip in a little word: we've done a little improving to the history section, which flared up a little during the site's birthday. It now has a welcome page, a quick access and a link to pages created since then such as the Dude Dudu page.

Have a nice week on

Chronicle of a translation #3
Posted by Shaka & Queen on 10/28/2013 at 14:00 (2 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

After we officially kicked off the Chronicles translation project in English with book 1, in modestly excellent quality, the project now moves into a weekly release schedule! The heroes' epic adventure now continues on through the Code Lyoko Chronicles' second book: "The Nameless City".

Still working with Rhys Davies' translations, converted into PDF format and finished off by the "Chronicle of a translation" team, we continue on. This week, discover chapter 2 of book II: "Waldo Schaeffer's Dossier".

[The Nameless City]
[Last version: Introduction, Prologue & 2 chapters]
Translated by Rhys Davies

For those who've never held one of the Chronicles in their hands, we can assure you that the following steps have been taken to make sure that our final product looks as much like the real thing as possible:

- A layout that's almost identical to that in the original novels.
- Use of fonts in the original novels.
- The presence of (when the time comes) coloured illustrations in high quality that have been adapted into English.
- The presence of icons at the start of every chapter, scanned from the Italian versions and retouched for an optimal rendering.

Finally, we remind you of the section of the site that's completely dedicated to the Chronicles. You can notably find there a gallery containing images from the first three books and which will be updated later on with illustrations translated into English as we get to them, as well as images from book 4 while the French get their weekly updates on their side of the site.
Speaking of, our French colleagues are of course working on translating book 4 at the same time, available on the French version of this news post. Follow Jim!

To conclude, for those who haven't already hopped on the bandwagon:

[Book 1] - The Underground Castle

Have a nice read...
Until next Monday on!

The findings of Dude Dudu #51
Posted by Etienne on 10/27/2013 at 00:00 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone! 

Will there be more of the beautiful images from last week? Had to celebrate the 50th image with a bang! Today, on the other hand, for the 51st finding, it's a lot more "soft" with more of the concept art from the game "Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity" and today, there are three images showing the progressive conception of the Desert Sector and Sector 5. We've added official images of the Sectors from the cartoon for comparison to their Wii game counterparts:


Have a nice afternoon on!

The findings of Dude Dudu #50 !
Posted by Etienne on 10/19/2013 at 21:08 (5 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Good evening everybody!!!

50th edition!!!! 50 already! So, what's up for this 50th findings of the week? Great stuff? Those who were waiting for a party would be disappointed, others will be happy! 'cause yes! Even after nearly a year, Dude Dudu is still hiding some heavy stuff in his strongbox, locked and protected by two rottweilers, moving in armored car, itself with two snipers keeping an eye on it! (Am I overdoing it?)

And today, Dude Dudu is gonna give you a fine and flashy finding. They are actually the first drafts of Lyoko's Sectors and of the Digital Sea. These drafts enable the visualization and conceptualization of some places such as the intricate Sector 5 or the universe of the Network. A real treat for our eyes!
They are also on the "Conceptuals" page, which is fuller than ever !

(Am I sadistic to have kept these treasures for almost a year?........Noooooooo, never! =D)

On top of that, in order to mark the occasion, here is a page that lists the 50 first findings. It makes the way to them easier to find, so you can get a specific finding or contemplate the whole of them. Follow this link to access the page (available in English)!

Thanks to Kel for having translated the page!
See you!

The findings of Dude Dudu #49
Posted by Etienne on 10/13/2013 at 09:14 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Good day everyone!

Today we are going to talk about an alternate version. Do you remember the presentation videos of the available heroes' vehicles at the time of season 2 on Well, there is actually an alternate version of these videos. The difference? These videos were released later than the first ones. Therefore, they contain more episode clips with our heroes in action on their vehicles than the first ones. Here are the alternate versions of the vehicle descriptions of the original versions below.

Original versions - Alternate versions



Have a good day everyone on

The findings of Dude Dudu #48
Posted by titi060 on 10/05/2013 at 17:47 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hey everyone!

After all the work last week, today we will start off with something simpler. And seeing how we like the Wii game, might as well not go without it. So for today, here are several images showing the modelling of the Mountain sector in the game "Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity".


Have a good evening on!

The findings of Dude Dudu #47
Posted by Etienne on 09/28/2013 at 14:57 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hellow everyone!

Today, we have a beautiful, big finding that fans of the original series will love! Here are beautiful conceptuals showing the other side of the backdrops and the creation of the special effects on the 2D part of the series. That's to say, how changes are integrated into the backdrops of a cartoon. You've surely already noticed that, during your childhood, in several cartoons: a different colored rock from the others in the background often by chance ends up being destroyed or being moved in that scene! Well, here are how these special effects are integrated into the series.



Have a good day on

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