IFSCL news

  On this page, you will find the latest news on the IFSCL.
For more information, go to the project page!

5th Birthday! Special Future Video
Posted by Immu on 04/13/2015 at 15:46 (3 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Today, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the most well known simulation of the code lyoko supercomputer interface : the IFSCL!
In the last news, you've been informed that some things were still to be validated before giving you this news, and now, here we are, all of the things I wanted to be sure about are okay, so I can give you that video, made with love, for you:

After watching this video, here's a small recap :

As you might have understood, the IFSCL is currently being entirely remade, directly under the Unity3D engine.
If the version 2.6.2 was already a huge gap in terms of technology (it was an emulation of the flash game under the unity engine, kinda like nintendo 64 emulation on pc if you like), but this time, everything is re-coded. Lots of animations & graphism have also been remade and updated to fit in with the new engine.

Obviously, changing so many things can't be without consequences, one weak point, IFSCL missions (campaign mode) won't come back before a while, because they're slowing down IFSCL development too much. (It's like redoing tutorials again and again, not productive at all, and I'm not talking about the translations & the debugging...)

Big features review :

  • Better overall quality - obviously, with a new shiny engine comes new possibilities, in terms of FX, cameras and more...
  • Better performances for average hardware - Of course you still need a good computer and a good graphic card, (the game only grows up in content, hey!) but the use of this hardware by the game is more efficient than ever
  • 3D Tactical Map! Never been closer than before from the show!
  • 3D Lyokowarriors transfer process! Same as above, if some of the original models are ripped from the original WII game, they've been updated alot to fit in with the new engine, while the older costumes will also need to be completely modelized.
  • 3D LyokoMap! - already visible as a false 3D in the IFSCL menu, this time, it will be real 3D!
  • A new Xana AI, battle and traveling system updated, due to the new 3d tactical map, things will be greatly upgraded!
  • Better resize system also. The interface will fit better to different screens ratios.
  • 32/64 bits versions, 64 bits users will benefit from the full use of their processor!
  • Progressive translations : with the pause of the campaign mode and the new system, new (while incomplete) translations of the game will be easier to add. Whathever is the langage.
  • Windows & MacOS Compatibility (maybe linux..), anyway, macOS returns! But still, the performances won't certainly be as good as a windows.
That's all for now, thanks for watching and reading, and please react on the forum, the facebook page and so on to show your support, thanks :)

As a bonus : the long awaited Immu's room's code for 2.6.2 (now pretty much unrepresentative of the future of the game, but anyway...) : amigoodman

Back on track!
Posted by Immu on 02/13/2015 at 19:18 (6 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
ifscl news banner

A small news on the most popular game of Lyokofans, the IFSCL.

It's been awhile since the release of the last version, and not a lot of news have been published about this code lyoko game since.
The reason behind it was that I was mostly focusing on the project, what was possible, and what wasn't.
IFSCL future wasn't really bright, many development problems and issues were hard to overcome, but I've decided to try something, something that was really risky but which worked! And you won't have details right now about it, theere is still some things to overcome.
Anyway, it's a brand new shiny future that is now open for the IFSCL, the shiniest in the project's history!

IFSCL dev is back on track, slowly, but surely.
The content of the next version can't be unveiled right now, neither a release date, but it will take months (2015 is, at least, a certitude).
The birthday date isn't particularely targeted as a release date (13 of april), but you will, at least for this date, (or before), get your hands on a video, unveiling IFSCL plans from 2015 to 2016, to know exactly what's going on.

By the way, here's the render of the translated lyoko warriors I had done for the last version :

lyokowarriors translated drawn by immu

In the meantime, completely linked to lyoko, not exactly to the IFSCL, you will soon discover something brand new, and believe me, you will love it!
A trailer will soon be posted about this mysterious project !

See you next time!

React on : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ifscl-Interface-Flash-du-Supercalculateur-de-Code-Lyoko/

Learn more about the IFSCL :  http://en.codelyoko.fr/newsifscl.cl

2.6.2 - Release!
Posted by Etienne on 08/08/2014 at 00:55 (17 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

The IFSCL 2.6.2 is now available for download : http://en.codelyoko.fr/ifscl/download.cl

(please be patient, the servers may be overloaded the day of the release)

Thanks to the help of MTDirector, the IFSCL will also compatible for Windows Vista and 7 Home Premium. like any other windows version.
However, if there's still problems, please wait for Immu who might ask a few questions to the users who have problems on the ifscl network

You can debate over the facebook pagemake a review on IndieDB, or send a testimony for codelyoko.fr

Right here, the changelog of 2.6.2 :

ifscl 262 changelog

Enjoy !

News validée par Etienne le 08/08/2014 à 00:56

2.6.2 - Second trailer!
Posted by Immu on 08/03/2014 at 15:40 (12 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
This one you weren't expecting!
Here's a video of the long-awaited IFSCL 2.6.2, demonstrating the speed of this version compared to its predecessors...

(thanks to Thankus for the idea of such a video!)

Also, some info on some of the numerous new additions to the list of updates:

Improvement: In most error messages, the name of the procedure you need to activate is now specified.
Improvement: scann(stop) forbidden in case of devirt procedure + devirt(stop) added
Improvement: Elevator procedure
Addition: Polymorphic noises + correction in appearance change
Addition: The overvehicle close button launches the dematerialisation of the vehicle + sounds + cut sound if minimised
Addition: Hit escape for auto menu + noises
Improvement: rebalancing of appearances of tarantulas and megatanks not overly present
Improvement: rebalancing of costs of Lyoko Warriors' powers in combat
Corrected the text that disappears when you select an option in the Sandbox menu
Improvement: Complete reanimation of the DNA management file
Temporary deactivation of the reboot: unavailable for this version

There you have it, thank you for your attention.
For more details, take a look at the previous news post.

News validée par Shaka le 01/01/1970 à 01:00

2.6.2 - Trailer Available!
Posted by Immu on 07/30/2014 at 19:38 (6 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
One year and almost two months, that's the time that you needed to wait before seeing a new video of the IFSCL, and here it is! Version 2.6.2 is on its way and has a release date!

News validée par Shaka le 30/07/2014 à 01:00

2.6.0 - Screenshots, Additions, Beta!
Posted by Overlord Immu on 07/22/2014 at 19:40 (13 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
/!\ Edit /!\

Due to the large numbers of quality applications received, the registration period for the BETA of IFSCL 2.6.0 has been shortened. Registration will be closed this Wednesday evening, July 23rd.

Hello everyone,


IFSCL 2.6.0 is now confirmed for release sometime during August 2014. To all of our very patient fans, who have been waiting for over a year now, this is a very anticipated release, and you will all be properly rewarded.

Let's go over a summary of the big updates in this version:

Tons of details all around have been improved:
From the drag & drop on the tactical map, to a global overhaul of the game's entirety, and even to the new ability to use the up & down keys to recall previously entered commands.

Improved performance:

With the new combination using the Unity engine. More details can be found in the previous news. This combination needs to be tested during the beta to be sure everything functions properly. For the moment, some computers seem to have some compatibility problems that will take some time to fix.

The long-awaited Carthage:
Not in its entirety, and not with complete Skid functionality, but there's already a rather large list of additions. Carthage is a sector that functions differently than the others having the arena, the maze, the interface, the tunnel, the celestial dome, even its own special monsters... Everything has its own dedicated window, including the transporter, which will finally be present!

In order not to interfere with the release time of this new version, the addition of delayed virtualization will definitely be moved to the version after 2.6.0 (the next version should include a part of the the following notable additions: delayed virtualization, the Marabounta, Kiwodd, DNA swapping, destruction of sectors, destruction of Carthage, black/white William, the reconstruction of Lyoko, etc.)


While the update list may already be quite long, it's only going to get even longer upon welcoming the following changes:
(the complete list is viewable on the download page)

- Addition: command to close the tactical map: case carte(stop) / map(stop)
- Addition: Appearance card: Xanafied Lyoko Warriors (for each costume)
- Addition: State "waiting for vital signs" for a Xanafied Lyoko Warrior whose DNA memory was stolen + countdown on map
- Improvement: appearance of modifiers of map + name of the modifier on top of the map
- Addition: Original appearance for the "Xanafication" result of the memory window
- Addition: Management of the unconscious characters, ability for the Guardian and Scyphozoa to catch them, but not the monsters
- Addition: Combat can be finished mid-action (future ability to devirtualize in mid-combat and devirtualize despite the RTTP, currently used for the devirtualization of the traps on Carthage)
- Addition: Dimished chances of the revirtualization of a monster (Guardian/Scyphozoa/Future Blocks, Future Dark William, Future Colossus...) if it had already been destroyed once before in the timeline
- Addition: The RTTP returns the ability to reboot, but also increases the chances that XANA will reuse monsters
- Addition: Save the preferences of the last language used
- Addition: Carthage interface - Command Aelita 'connection/interrupt'(to take back the stolen DNA of a Lyoko Warrior) + corresponding 'Carthage connection' window
- Addition: The up and down keys recall previously entered commands
- Improvement: There can be multiple error/anomaly windows + in various sizes + in colors closer to those used in season 4
- Improvement: Limited to a single reboot per timeline
- Improvement: Drag & drop on the tactical map made more natural


Registration for the version 2.6.0 beta is now open!

Be careful, the conditions have changed, so reread all the information thoroughly!
Registration is open this Wednesday, July 23rd until night for the beta version which will debut on the 26th during the day/evening and should last two to three days.
If you offer, thanks for keeping an eye on your inbox, even if you are busy with the beta, you will need to reconfirm your availability now before the debut even for the beta.
Confirmation to know if your registration has been accepted will be sent out July 25th at the end of the afternoon.

To read the rules and register yourself, go here

Thanks for reading this news!


News validée par Shaka le 01/01/1970 à 01:00

IFSCL 2.6.0 - List of additions and screenshots
Posted by Immu on 07/13/2014 at 01:16 (6 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Hello everyone,

The IFSCL is making progress, and this can be felt in the rhythm of news updates!
On today's menu, the new logo, visible above, screenshots and the list of updates that have been made.



You may notice a global overlay of horizontal lines (like on an old TV set).
Hard to integrate due to performance reasons, it's now completely available in the new version, especially thanks to the enormous advance explained in the previous news entry.

For the same reason also, in the cosmetic details, the Xana logo on the title screen, in the background, spins, like in the series.

Also, as stated in the previous list of updates, unique portraits of the Lyoko Warriors in their seasons 3, 4 and Teleported forms are randomly generated; that's a lot of portraits!

And here's another in-game screenshot.
Two new windows are hidden in this screenshot, can you find them?


LISTS OF UPDATES already completed:

-Switch to Unity Engine – Flash emulation through tessellation of vectors using 3D polygons (the game will continue to be made as a Flash application)
- Pro: The game doesn't eat up as much resources (even if it does at least require a good configuration at minimum)
- Pro: Optimisation for display on resolutions less than 1650x1080 (the IFSCL's native size)
- Pro: Overlay effect of horizontal lines on the screen, like on an old TV
- Pro: Quicker compilation time for developing the IFSCL
- Pro: Windows Installer format with a real uninstaller, no more need for Adobe Air
- Con: Takes longer to run the application (between 5 and 10 seconds)
- Con: Larger application (around 150MB total)
- Con: No continuing support for iOS (you need to use Wine or Bootcamp, etc...) (the plugin to fix this is too expensive)
- Con: No auto-connection to inform you of a new version release (may return)

- Improvement: Better organisation of all the code and classes in the game
- Improvement: Menu appearance, logo and turning circles, more reactive hitbox, animations
- Improvement: Launcher appearance  > complete screen title
- Improvement: Animation of the cover of Franz Hopper's journal
- Improvement: Name of Sectors added directly beneath the window name (removal of the mini window with the Sector's name, too different to in the cartoon)
- Improvement: Audio card renamed as "com"
- Improvement: Backup system for recoding preferences, managed by Unity
- Improvement: CryptoSmasher – 3D rotation animation
- Improvement: Move XML translations to AS for easier reading
- Improvement: Redesign of how attack names are shown during combat (closer than the old versions)
- Improvement: In combat, the chance of vehicles being hit rises with each level of tower and will no longer be directly destroyed
- Addition: Smart Sector: Carthage recognises the Lyoko Warriors' objectives and changes the Arena door, layout of the Labyrinth and traps (causing damage) accordingly
- Addition: Carthage (Skid Hangar and Core Chamber not functional) tower, Arena, tunnel, Labyrinth, interface
- Addition: Frontier system reprogrammed, support for more people in the frontier at the same time
- Addition: System for falling into the Digital Sea for overvehicle combat in the Celestial Dome
- Addition: Greyed-out cards for lost Lyoko Warriors (lost in the frontier, fallen into the Digital Sea)
- Addition: Bugged overvehicle window – auto-management of the use of vehicles in Carthage
- Addition: Connection to Carthage window with the code Scipio: carthage(start)
- Addition: Transporter window: carthage(transp) (calls the Transporter)
- Addition: Carthage window for Multiple Controls:
    Zoom tunnel → new commands: carthage(tunnel) tunnel(sectorname), tunnel(execution)
    Key system → 3 choices of direction + animation and countdown
- Addition: Creepers, Mantas and Scyphozoa
- Addition: Window for memory stealing/Xanafication of Lyoko Warriors by the Scyphozoa/Scyphozoa AI
- Addition: Variation in Lyoko Warrior on the mission menu (random). Unique images (12, not counting William, who isn't available) of the 4 Lyoko Warriors, seasons 1, 3 and Teleported for the mission menu
- Correction: Focus on the back button on the main menu
- Correction: Frontier timer freezing when paused
- Correction: Various bugs in the combat system
- Optimisation: Support for text in all animations

If you have any questions about OTHER eventual updates, please consult the FAQ first of all. But also don't forget that other things will be added in time (not just missions).

Finally, you can note that the bottom-left menu on the official site was simplified to make it quicker, the page for the next version and version archive have been merged with the download page.
The "next version" and "archive" categories will therefore be removed soon.

This list will grow, of course. Don't hesitate to look at the download page cited here from time to time.

Don't forget that you're always welcome to give feedback on the Facebook page, and follow the game and review it on its IndieDB page.

Before announcing the registration period for beta testers (while may eventually be towards the end of July), I just need to fix a number of AI faults for the Carthage monsters. Plus there are missions to code, which isn't a huge part of the fun.
So this will be the topic of the next news post, on an undecided date.

See you soon!

News validée par Shaka le 13/07/2014 à 02:00

IFSCL - Boost
Posted by Immu on 07/07/2014 at 21:08 (12 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Next version news are coming, and they are huge !

Here it is, the news of news, where the next version of the IFSCL will take a huge step forward.

Tonight, Immu speaks to you, again...

Sure, I haven't worked on the IFSCL all the time since the last version, however, there's something out of the ordinary in the next version, and it's not Carthage!

In fact:

-the IFSCL will look a lot more professional
-I will definitely be able to implement the Marabounta
-it will bring more...fairness among users
-it cost me 295 dollars, by Zeus! (plugins...)

So the super news is that:

The IFSCL can now run much faster than all its previous versions!

- you'll still need a non-weakling computer to start with, but it's still an ENORMOUS difference in terms of the number of animations, graphics and windows that can be run at the same time in the game, running in a FLUID manner -

Technical stuff:

The IFSCL has moved to and been optimised for a new engine, UNITY.
The IFSCL will keep its current name (the F standing for 'FLASH'), the game never having used Flash Player but Adobe AIR, the F means that it's Flash technology being used, which isn't the case anymore,

90% of the game development is still done with Adobe Flash Pro

Also, though I haven't been able to recode the safeguard system, which doesn't work anymore, the welcome message concerning the possibility of a new version will not be available in this version.
There are also a few downsides: Mac OS is no longer supported (well unless you use Bootcamp) and the game installer is 60MB in size. But well, it's not as if most people don't download several GB of various things every day...

Other notes:

Unlike what was said in the last news post, the PNG sequences that I wanted to replace with videos will remain PNGs (due to the reasons above).

Also, the window showing a fall into the Digital Sea has disappeared, replaced with a direct display on the virtual card of the concerned character: it takes up less space, it's simpler to rad and it's logically placed underneath the control box of the character (as they're falling...):

aelita falling screen

The next news will be about the list of everything that's been done up until now, some screenshots, and maybe information on a more precise release date, seeing as this version is clearly set for summer 2014.

Ah, and the version number for the next installment of the IFSCL will be 2.6.0

News validée par Shaka le 01/01/1970 à 01:00

IFSCL - A news to be patient...
Posted by Shaka on 05/12/2014 at 06:56 (11 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Dear IFSCL users, here is some news about the things to come in the next version, that you wait so much time for..

As always, no release date planned, but be sure that if there must be a version released in 2014, if I can't, I will consider the project as finished/opensourced because It won't make sense to try again and again to find time for it.

What is planned for that version is still the same, some bits of Carthage (without the heart or the garage skid, but with the tower, arena and celestial dome and traps), the scyphozoa as well! (that's exclusive by the way) and as much optimizations as possible.

Optimizations & Carthage:

I try now to use video files rather than png sequences for some animations that aren't interactive, they tends to run faster. But still, we will never get huge performances without supercomputers (the irony!). Nevertheless, they look better and way less heavy than previously

Carthage includes many animations, most of them are really hard to figure out on there utility, like this one, which finally won't be in the final version:

On the other side, there are some others that works, I made them in 3D with 3ds Max or Maya, and then compose them under After Effects:

By the way, the cryptosmasher, at last has his 3D (well video) animation! At last.
Some others that needs a huge work:

First step is done but...

(only talking about the big background thing, all the other stuff are piece of cake)
Hard to figure out how to do the lights and color, the 3d model it's okay but.... I've tried but I never get what I wanted.

Seriously, if someone finds how to get such a result (who can show his own process, trough 3d or after effects), please pm me (ifscl[AT]codelyoko.fr or trought the codelyoko.fr forums it's better)

But Also...

There's also new pictures for each mission page in the main menu. They've been made by hand, the 4 lyokowarriors, drawn as season 1,3 and translated. These picture will be chosen at random at the start of the game.

In the small stuff, the name of the sector is directly written as the name of the window, rather than tactical map, I deleted the mini window with the name of the sector which looked ankward. The audio card, which never featured audio samples are now named as ".com"

By the way, a reminder because many people seems to forget it, but I had implemented a feature to collapse the cards together (so they tend to be less memory consuming). Just click on of the button above the window.

There are many many bugs (particulary about the movement system for the tactical map, on Carthage, it's hell..) and I'm not close to finish, I find only one week to work on the IFSCL since September 2013! (and a few others before) So yes, long time. I do my best. Thanks for your patience (well, for the most nervous of you, don't forget I'm the most nervous & frustrated of all).

Immu, busy IFSCL creator.

News validée par Shaka le 01/01/1970 à 01:00

The IFSCL's 4th birthday
Posted by Immu on 04/13/2014 at 17:10 (4 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
...And still no new version on the horizon for the celebrated emulator of Jeremy's Supercomputer, but rest assured, Immu thinks about it every day. And at the moment when he can finally put his major project back into production, you can be even more pleased!

ifscl 4th birthday
"IFSCL: 4th birthday!
(And yet more waiting for a version with Carthage or William...)
But it will arrive someday. Yes, someday..."

No time to work on the IFSCL for several months, as the IFSCL demands heavy time investment (it's not possible to work on it in spurts). But don't worry, one day, it will return, slowly but surely...

If you want to know more about the IFSCL, head for its section (PC game: IFSCL) at the bottom of the menu on the left.

  • IFSCL patchwork:

patchwork ifscl

Still a work in progress, it requires you to send one or more photos of your computer with the IFSCL working on screen (with, for example, the program you prefer as the focus of the photo, and preferably with a little contextual stuff around the screen, like a little of the state of your PHYSICAL workspace (i.e. not virtual), keyboard, mouse...well, your Jeremy's workstation, essentially ^^). Send it to ifscl[at]codelyoko.fr (replace the [at] with @) (preferably in good quality, whatever size you'd like, and we can make a montage of all the photos if there are enough)!

Have a great night on CodeLyoko.fr!

News validée par Shaka le 13/04/2014 à 01:00

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