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The findings of Dude Dudu #88
Posted by Etienne on 07/13/2014 at 22:00 (5 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Little by little we're reaching the end of our findings and today, here's a small pile of renders. With profile views of our heroes while teleported, a large shot of William's head, an Aelita dressed in her episode 26 clothes but in her seasons 2-4 character design, and finally 3 large, very very high quality renders that, as you can see, haven't been made transparent yet as the images are massive. But that hasn't stopped us from making these images available until some charitable person comes along and takes care of giving the images transparent backgrounds.


Have a nice day on

IFSCL 2.6.0 - List of additions and screenshots
Posted by Immu on 07/13/2014 at 01:16 (6 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Hello everyone,

The IFSCL is making progress, and this can be felt in the rhythm of news updates!
On today's menu, the new logo, visible above, screenshots and the list of updates that have been made.



You may notice a global overlay of horizontal lines (like on an old TV set).
Hard to integrate due to performance reasons, it's now completely available in the new version, especially thanks to the enormous advance explained in the previous news entry.

For the same reason also, in the cosmetic details, the Xana logo on the title screen, in the background, spins, like in the series.

Also, as stated in the previous list of updates, unique portraits of the Lyoko Warriors in their seasons 3, 4 and Teleported forms are randomly generated; that's a lot of portraits!

And here's another in-game screenshot.
Two new windows are hidden in this screenshot, can you find them?


LISTS OF UPDATES already completed:

-Switch to Unity Engine – Flash emulation through tessellation of vectors using 3D polygons (the game will continue to be made as a Flash application)
- Pro: The game doesn't eat up as much resources (even if it does at least require a good configuration at minimum)
- Pro: Optimisation for display on resolutions less than 1650x1080 (the IFSCL's native size)
- Pro: Overlay effect of horizontal lines on the screen, like on an old TV
- Pro: Quicker compilation time for developing the IFSCL
- Pro: Windows Installer format with a real uninstaller, no more need for Adobe Air
- Con: Takes longer to run the application (between 5 and 10 seconds)
- Con: Larger application (around 150MB total)
- Con: No continuing support for iOS (you need to use Wine or Bootcamp, etc...) (the plugin to fix this is too expensive)
- Con: No auto-connection to inform you of a new version release (may return)

- Improvement: Better organisation of all the code and classes in the game
- Improvement: Menu appearance, logo and turning circles, more reactive hitbox, animations
- Improvement: Launcher appearance  > complete screen title
- Improvement: Animation of the cover of Franz Hopper's journal
- Improvement: Name of Sectors added directly beneath the window name (removal of the mini window with the Sector's name, too different to in the cartoon)
- Improvement: Audio card renamed as "com"
- Improvement: Backup system for recoding preferences, managed by Unity
- Improvement: CryptoSmasher – 3D rotation animation
- Improvement: Move XML translations to AS for easier reading
- Improvement: Redesign of how attack names are shown during combat (closer than the old versions)
- Improvement: In combat, the chance of vehicles being hit rises with each level of tower and will no longer be directly destroyed
- Addition: Smart Sector: Carthage recognises the Lyoko Warriors' objectives and changes the Arena door, layout of the Labyrinth and traps (causing damage) accordingly
- Addition: Carthage (Skid Hangar and Core Chamber not functional) tower, Arena, tunnel, Labyrinth, interface
- Addition: Frontier system reprogrammed, support for more people in the frontier at the same time
- Addition: System for falling into the Digital Sea for overvehicle combat in the Celestial Dome
- Addition: Greyed-out cards for lost Lyoko Warriors (lost in the frontier, fallen into the Digital Sea)
- Addition: Bugged overvehicle window – auto-management of the use of vehicles in Carthage
- Addition: Connection to Carthage window with the code Scipio: carthage(start)
- Addition: Transporter window: carthage(transp) (calls the Transporter)
- Addition: Carthage window for Multiple Controls:
    Zoom tunnel → new commands: carthage(tunnel) tunnel(sectorname), tunnel(execution)
    Key system → 3 choices of direction + animation and countdown
- Addition: Creepers, Mantas and Scyphozoa
- Addition: Window for memory stealing/Xanafication of Lyoko Warriors by the Scyphozoa/Scyphozoa AI
- Addition: Variation in Lyoko Warrior on the mission menu (random). Unique images (12, not counting William, who isn't available) of the 4 Lyoko Warriors, seasons 1, 3 and Teleported for the mission menu
- Correction: Focus on the back button on the main menu
- Correction: Frontier timer freezing when paused
- Correction: Various bugs in the combat system
- Optimisation: Support for text in all animations

If you have any questions about OTHER eventual updates, please consult the FAQ first of all. But also don't forget that other things will be added in time (not just missions).

Finally, you can note that the bottom-left menu on the official site was simplified to make it quicker, the page for the next version and version archive have been merged with the download page.
The "next version" and "archive" categories will therefore be removed soon.

This list will grow, of course. Don't hesitate to look at the download page cited here from time to time.

Don't forget that you're always welcome to give feedback on the Facebook page, and follow the game and review it on its IndieDB page.

Before announcing the registration period for beta testers (while may eventually be towards the end of July), I just need to fix a number of AI faults for the Carthage monsters. Plus there are missions to code, which isn't a huge part of the fun.
So this will be the topic of the next news post, on an undecided date.

See you soon!

News validée par Shaka le 13/07/2014 à 02:00

The findings of Dude Dudu #87
Posted by Etienne on 07/08/2014 at 12:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

It's true that this news is a little late, but this is the first time, so it's excusable. This week, we're looking at the Code Lyoko Social Game and adding 4 background images of Lyoko Sectors.


And a small anecdote, because even though Sector 5 never went live (and will certainly never be put online seeing the disastrous fate Moonscoop met), it has almost always been possible to see a glimpse of what this Sector would have been like. The proof? You just have to look at the official site for the game, and what do you find if you search well enough?

Have a nice day on

IFSCL - Boost
Posted by Immu on 07/07/2014 at 21:08 (12 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Next version news are coming, and they are huge !

Here it is, the news of news, where the next version of the IFSCL will take a huge step forward.

Tonight, Immu speaks to you, again...

Sure, I haven't worked on the IFSCL all the time since the last version, however, there's something out of the ordinary in the next version, and it's not Carthage!

In fact:

-the IFSCL will look a lot more professional
-I will definitely be able to implement the Marabounta
-it will bring more...fairness among users
-it cost me 295 dollars, by Zeus! (plugins...)

So the super news is that:

The IFSCL can now run much faster than all its previous versions!

- you'll still need a non-weakling computer to start with, but it's still an ENORMOUS difference in terms of the number of animations, graphics and windows that can be run at the same time in the game, running in a FLUID manner -

Technical stuff:

The IFSCL has moved to and been optimised for a new engine, UNITY.
The IFSCL will keep its current name (the F standing for 'FLASH'), the game never having used Flash Player but Adobe AIR, the F means that it's Flash technology being used, which isn't the case anymore,

90% of the game development is still done with Adobe Flash Pro

Also, though I haven't been able to recode the safeguard system, which doesn't work anymore, the welcome message concerning the possibility of a new version will not be available in this version.
There are also a few downsides: Mac OS is no longer supported (well unless you use Bootcamp) and the game installer is 60MB in size. But well, it's not as if most people don't download several GB of various things every day...

Other notes:

Unlike what was said in the last news post, the PNG sequences that I wanted to replace with videos will remain PNGs (due to the reasons above).

Also, the window showing a fall into the Digital Sea has disappeared, replaced with a direct display on the virtual card of the concerned character: it takes up less space, it's simpler to rad and it's logically placed underneath the control box of the character (as they're falling...):

aelita falling screen

The next news will be about the list of everything that's been done up until now, some screenshots, and maybe information on a more precise release date, seeing as this version is clearly set for summer 2014.

Ah, and the version number for the next installment of the IFSCL will be 2.6.0

News validée par Shaka le 01/01/1970 à 01:00

Chronicle of a translation #39
Posted by Queen on 07/07/2014 at 14:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

We've now given you books 1, 2 and 3 of the Chronicles in English, and we continue our weekly schedule! The heroes' epic adventure now continues on through the Code Lyoko Chronicles' fourth book: "The Army of Nothing". 

Our translators, backed by the rest of the "Chronicle of a translation" team, push on. This week, discover chapter 7 of book 4: "X.A.N.A.'s Decision".

[The Army of Nothing]
[Last version: Prologue & 7 chapters]
Translated by Kelsey & A_QueenOfFairys

X.A.N.A. wasn't even a person in a strict sense. He was a digital entity that was currently divided in two. The first half, the one in Lyoko, possessed almost unlimited power and the cold clear-sightedness of a computer, while the other, the weaker half, was still prisoner in the Mirror, and had begun to develop something new: emotions.
But now, he had to make a decision. Should he help Mago and become the most powerful digital creature in Earth’s history? Or should he help the children by giving in to this strange human component that he still didn't completely understand?

As you will have noticed from our first three books, the following steps have been taken to make sure that our final product looks as much like the real thing as possible:

- A layout that's almost identical to that in the original novels.
- Use of fonts in the original novels.
- The presence of (when the time comes) coloured illustrations in high quality that have been adapted into English.
- The presence of icons at the start of every chapter, scanned from the Italian versions and retouched for an optimal rendering.

Finally, we remind you of the section of the site that's completely dedicated to the Chronicles. You can notably find there a gallery containing images from all four books and which has been updated with illustrations translated into English.

To conclude, for those who haven't already hopped on the bandwagon:

[Book 1] - The Underground Castle
[Book 2] - The Nameless City
[Book 3] - The Return of the Phoenix

Chapter 8 will be titled: "Escape into the Mirror"

Until next Monday on!

Chronicle of a translation #38
Posted by Queen on 06/30/2014 at 14:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

We've now given you books 1, 2 and 3 of the Chronicles in English, and we continue our weekly schedule! The heroes' epic adventure now continues on through the Code Lyoko Chronicles' fourth book: "The Army of Nothing". 

Our translators, backed by the rest of the "Chronicle of a translation" team, push on. This week, discover chapter 6 of book 4: "Venture into the Hermitage".

[The Army of Nothing]
[Last version: Prologue & 6 chapters]
Translated by Kelsey & A_QueenOfFairys

Odd was stunned by the deep silence down below. The rebreather made practically no noise, and the boy could only hear the inhaling and exhaling of his own breath. Richard and Yumi’s fins undulated in front of his face as soft shadows.
They had crossed a labyrinth that seemed so strange and new to Odd, much different than the path that he had taken by foot millions of times before.

As you will have noticed from our first two books, the following steps have been taken to make sure that our final product looks as much like the real thing as possible:

- A layout that's almost identical to that in the original novels.
- Use of fonts in the original novels.
- The presence of (when the time comes) coloured illustrations in high quality that have been adapted into English.
- The presence of icons at the start of every chapter, scanned from the Italian versions and retouched for an optimal rendering.

Finally, we remind you of the section of the site that's completely dedicated to the Chronicles. You can notably find there a gallery containing images from all four books and which has been updated with illustrations translated into English.

To conclude, for those who haven't already hopped on the bandwagon:

[Book 1] - The Underground Castle
[Book 2] - The Nameless City
[Book 3] - The Return of the Phoenix

Chapter 7 will be titled: "X.A.N.A.'s Decision"

Until next Monday on!

The findings of Dude Dudu #86
Posted by Etienne on 06/29/2014 at 16:29 (2 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Today's finding concerns Code Lyoko and Code Lyoko Evolution backgrounds, the type of backgrounds that appear on promotional products for the series, for example. And so, here's a compilation of some such backgrounds.


Have a nice week on

Chronicle of a translation #37
Posted by Queen on 06/23/2014 at 14:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

We've now given you books 1, 2 and 3 of the Chronicles in English, and we continue our weekly schedule! The heroes' epic adventure now continues on through the Code Lyoko Chronicles' fourth book: "The Army of Nothing". 

Our translators, backed by the rest of the "Chronicle of a translation" team, push on. This week, discover chapter 5 of book 4: "Computer Virus".

[The Army of Nothing]
[Last version: Prologue & 5 chapters]
Translated by Kelsey & A_QueenOfFairys

“They thought of everything, but they didn’t know how many people would go on the mission with them,” Yumi reflected. “I mean, they probably brought spare equipment. We could steal it from them and then follow them through the sewers and get to the Hermitage ourselves.”

As you will have noticed from our first two books, the following steps have been taken to make sure that our final product looks as much like the real thing as possible:

- A layout that's almost identical to that in the original novels.
- Use of fonts in the original novels.
- The presence of (when the time comes) coloured illustrations in high quality that have been adapted into English.
- The presence of icons at the start of every chapter, scanned from the Italian versions and retouched for an optimal rendering.

Finally, we remind you of the section of the site that's completely dedicated to the Chronicles. You can notably find there a gallery containing images from all four books and which has been updated with illustrations translated into English.

To conclude, for those who haven't already hopped on the bandwagon:

[Book 1] - The Underground Castle
[Book 2] - The Nameless City
[Book 3] - The Return of the Phoenix

Chapter 6 will be titled: "Venture into the Hermitage"

Until next Monday on!

The findings of Dude Dudu #85
Posted by Etienne on 06/22/2014 at 23:20 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Today we have some images that will be added to a few sections. Such as artworks showing a character design "test" for a character that never appeared in the series. Plus, two background sketches, without colour, one representing a road and the other, the Kadic pool.


The Graphic Bible is now available as a PDF, thanks to Thran.
Have a nice week on

Chronicle of a translation #36
Posted by Queen on 06/16/2014 at 14:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

We've now given you books 1, 2 and 3 of the Chronicles in English, and we continue our weekly schedule! The heroes' epic adventure now continues on through the Code Lyoko Chronicles' fourth book: "The Army of Nothing". 

Our translators, backed by the rest of the "Chronicle of a translation" team, push on. This week, discover chapter 4 of book 4: "Parachutists Rain on Kadic".

[The Army of Nothing]
[Last version: Prologue & 4 chapters]
Translated by Kelsey & A_QueenOfFairys

He wondered if it belonged to the terrorists from Green Phoenix, who weren't happy about the school being closed off and were planning to attack it from the air.
The boy’s suspicions were confirmed only a few seconds later. The plane turned widely in the sky, then opened its enormous, metal stomach from which something began to exit… Small, black dots falling at high speed… Parachutists!

As you will have noticed from our first two books, the following steps have been taken to make sure that our final product looks as much like the real thing as possible:

- A layout that's almost identical to that in the original novels.
- Use of fonts in the original novels.
- The presence of (when the time comes) coloured illustrations in high quality that have been adapted into English.
- The presence of icons at the start of every chapter, scanned from the Italian versions and retouched for an optimal rendering.

Finally, we remind you of the section of the site that's completely dedicated to the Chronicles. You can notably find there a gallery containing images from all four books and which has been updated with illustrations translated into English.

To conclude, for those who haven't already hopped on the bandwagon:

[Book 1] - The Underground Castle
[Book 2] - The Nameless City
[Book 3] - The Return of the Phoenix

Chapter 5 will be titled: "Computer Virus"

Until next Monday on!

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