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The Fandom Strategy Playable (0.1.0)
Posted by Immu on 11/26/2014 at 17:27 (2 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Not long after its first announcement, the first prototype of the Fandom Strategy is now available!

The game contains Original & Lyoko Fandoms, and all local features, with 2 players, up to 8 players. Reverse Screen Mode and so on.

It works on windows and mac users, while android version might come a bit later. The android version (.apk file) will be slower as being a prototype. And it's mainly aimed at tablets rather than phones (screens would be too small).

You can also check the other compositions of the music artist for the game, Kfe.

>>Download the prototype here<< 

The Fandom Strategy - 0.1.0 Creatures

The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.1.0

The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.1.0


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The findings of Dude Dudu #99
Posted by Etienne on 11/23/2014 at 22:25 (2 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Today is the 99th and penultimate finding of Dude Dudu: savour it! And today, here's the first lot of the Code Lyoko posters that were published in different magazines. The rest of the posters will come next week with plenty of other stuff, don't miss it!


As you can see, some of these posters have a white line through the middle, as it's impossible to recover the centre of these posters, unfortunately.

Also note that the last findings (90 and above) have been organised on different pages of the site. The "Related products" section can now be considered fully complete, like many other sections before it! (Aside from translation, of course, but we're almost there Sourire)

Until next week for the final finding!

The findings of Dude Dudu #98
Posted by Etienne on 11/16/2014 at 21:50 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Today, we have a new Spanish book, which also came out during the time the series was a huge success in the country. In this book, you'll find (in Spanish, obviously) information on the main and secondary characters, important locations on Earth and Lyoko, as well as XANA's monsters. Games and anecdotes are also spread throughout.

[VideoGame] The Fandom Strategy
Posted by Immu on 11/14/2014 at 23:25 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello and thanks for reading this news, let me introduce to you my new game!


The Fandom Strategy is a Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy Game. Its design is meant to be changed according to several licences from animated or live actions series to videogames (Doctor Who, Stargate, Mario, Ben 10, Code Lyoko and so on), so that multiple players with different tastes can play the same game online, having a different character designs based on what they prefer, and can battle for their preferred fandom design, which gives points to that same fandom.

Right now, it’s the of Code Lyoko community that is chosen and which will be the main base of development, since my last game has a great Code Lyoko community I can count on.


The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9

So this game is meant to be multiplayer only. An attempt that I had already tried with one of my cancelled projects, Simple Space Battles.
But like any project you cancel, there's always something you've learned in between, for me, it was the understanding and the application of the most important network principles in video games. So I do have the baggage for this game this time!

Platforms & numbers of players

Nevertheless, the first part of the development is focused on a non-online version, playable in LOCAL, on a same PC or a same MAC (2 to 8 players), or, important point, on a same ANDROID TABLET (2 to 4 players). The future online version is meant to be able to accept 2 to 8 players. (up to 12 players has been considered, but since it’s a turn-based game, and that every units takes place on the screen, it doesn’t seem like a great idea).

The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9 The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9

For game balance reasons, a game with 8 players will certainly be only available with TEAM modes (4vs4), so that players won’t die too quickly. (others ideas are studied, like reducing the number of available actions in a turn depending on total player number).

Turn Gameplay

Each turn, we get the choice between materializing a creature (in case of the Code Lyoko design, a XANA monster), move one, make one attack, or use its special power. Every player has a limited number of creatures that they can materialize, and a limited number they can materialize at the same time.
Victory conditions are the elimination of all enemy creatures (and the loss of all their materialization points).

The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9 The Fandom Strategy (Prototype) 0.0.9

Plans & further goals

After a few prototype versions released and tested, the game will be completely recoded and remade under the unity engine (which would give no more lag + online mode). Actual alpha versions are made under flash technology for faster iterations and modifications.

Some other features are studied, a grid pattern movement only, a ‘commander’ you have to defend, in order to give a focused interest for the players, a power up system to give more diversity and randomness in the battles (like SuperSmashBros types of powerUps) (or giving negative feedback loops, like Mario Kart powerups) and so on.


If you've got more questions, don't hesitate to follow this page, use the FAQ on indieDB (very important), and use the comments and the ones from the different social links below:






The findings of Dude Dudu #97
Posted by Etienne on 11/09/2014 at 19:23 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Today, a COMPLETE scan of the Panini Code Lyoko sticker album that came out in 2005, with images from the first two seasons of the series!

A new Code Lyoko video game!
Posted by Immu on 11/08/2014 at 12:27 (1 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami

Hi, It's Immu! The next version of the IFSCL will still need time before showing up again, certainly months, for technical reasons (mostly about external plugin that needs to be updated by an external company).

Nevertheless, here and now, theres’s a whole new game that I tease you about today
, very different from the IFSCL, but with one common factor: Code Lyoko! A game that I've been wishing to do for a long time.

The first prototypes are functional and the game will be a multiplayer game, made for the Code Lyoko community…and even more.
A release of an early playable version might be available in the upcoming months, not online, only local, which might also help pass the time in the wait for the next version of the IFSCL.

So here’s a few teaser pictures:
new game code lyokonew game code lyokonew game code lyoko
new game code lyokonew game code lyokonew game code lyoko

A bigger news will come, as well as a complete set of galleries, social network pages and so on. In the meantime, you can still grab the last news on IFSCL facebook page.

News validée par Immu le 08/11/2014 à 01:00

The findings of Dude Dudu #96
Posted by Etienne on 10/19/2014 at 18:01 (3 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Here we go again with the some last few findings! The end is very near! But before that, here's an old advertisement for Code Lyoko dating back to season 2 that was shown on the French channel Toowam.

Have a nice evening everyone on

The end...of the Chronicle of a Translation! (#50)
Posted by Queen on 09/29/2014 at 14:00 (0 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
The ending approaches...
...? Who will prevail?

"X.A.N.A. awaited his destiny without moving.
He suddenly raised his head and Jeremy saw shiny drops bead in the corners of his eyes.
Tears. X.A.N.A. cried."

Lire la suite...

The findings of Dude Dudu #95
Posted by Etienne on 09/28/2014 at 19:51 (5 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Let's continue our series of book scans with a new Spanish book. This book, somewhat like the Albin Michel books, was a mix of information on the series and more or less fun games. Plus, this book stands out from others in that it had temporary tattoos included: around 20 mini-tattoos in our heroes' and XANA's monsters' colours.

End of the licence purchase...and recommencement of the C...
Posted by Shaka on 09/23/2014 at 16:10 (2 commentaires)  Ecrire un commentaire sur cet article  Imprimer cet article  Envoyer cette article à un ami
Hello everyone!

Two news items today.
The first is something that's not very fresh concerning the Code Lyoko licence. As you all know, a while ago, Moonscoop was abolished and its series catalogue was purchased by Dargaud at the start of the year (see older news posts). Beneath this simple appearance, the reality of the catalogue purchase was in fact much more complex, and we've warned that it would take several months for the Code Lyoko licence and others among Moonscoop's babies would finish going through judiciary transactions.

This happened a while back. We haven't made any news about it because, indeed, there hasn't been any news. France Télévision and Canal J, coproducers of the series, who would have rights to the licence, haven't made a move. And in the end, the Code Lyoko licence is now in the hands of Mediatoon, an affiliate of the Media-Participation group...which Dargaud is also an affiliate of.

For more documents and information, here's a French news post by our cousins that has already presented the situation and found several elements on these commerical transactions.

This news post doesn't really deliver anything new as we've had this information for around 10 months...and before a project concerning our licence is started, we'll certainly need to wait a while...if it happens at all.

For the second part of our news, a great surprise newly announced for the players of the CLSG (Code Lyoko Social Game).
3DDuo has just announced on its Facebook page that the game will pick up development again. They're even proposing for players to choose what their new additions will be using a poll.

[Here is the post in question]

More information will come once we've contacted our contacts at 3DDuo. However, the most probable scenario is that the company that developed the social game (and who doesn't want to continue development on the game without certainty that doing so will pay off) has managed to convince Mediatoon that the social game is a great asset, much loved by players.

So, 3DDuo's investment in taking the game up again, financed by Mediatoon, will be overtaken by the gains the game will continue to generate.

And so we can congratulate 3DDuo on the speed with which they were able to relaunch the project coming out of this long stretch of desert. Let's continue to be enthusiastic yet prudent, this doesn't mean a complete reexploitation of the licence. Relaunching the CLSG consists of restarting an already-working machine. Beginning a whole new project with the licence, that's a whole other story.

Thanks to Vivi, who very quickly gave me the news.

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